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wisdom tooth extraction woes

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I had my wisdom teeth extracted last month. They had to pull out all 4 of them (and i got to keep them in a baggy ^-^ til they started to smell that is..)


They knocked me out for the procedure. I was absolutely freaked out and didnt want to go under. Then they slipped the needle into my arm and told me i was gonna start to feel sleepy. I dont remember feeling sleepy though, I remember started to breathe really heavy and shedding tears because i was so scared. Next thing I know i am just sitting and crying and my dad is in the room saying, relax its all over. My brain was still living in the moment of being put under it was so crazy. I was in a completely different room and they told me I walked there by myself, I have no memory of this at all.


To be honest it gave me a new outlook on drugs in general. Like those ones that completely mess up your memory. Its so scary!

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To be honest it gave me a new outlook on drugs in general. Like those ones that completely mess up your memory. Its so scary!


its not that its messing with your memory directly, its just the stuff thats supposed to make you go to sleep only worked ...well.. on half of you


So I guess its episodes like yours (adverse effects?) is why so many offices prefer their patients take anti-anxiety meds an hour or two before coming in!

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DivinitaAria, I really hope I have a similar experience to yours when I inevitably get mine out. ;A; I guess I don't mind being conscious, but I'd rather see and feel absolutely nothing.


I think the best thing to do is imagine how relieved you'll feel when a few days passes and you feel as good as new


I was given vicodin to take after the surgery and only took it on a few occasions. I was expecting it to make me feel super loopy and weird, but it just took the pain in my mouth away and made me feel emotionally stable when I was upset with other things. Pretty neat, actually, since I've never had any sort of prescribed medication.

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cool so l am not the only one that had all 4 wisdom teeth pulled out. Mine was also done in the hospital.

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I got all 4 of mine removed several years ago. I was in a hurry to get back to what I was doing and didn't keep my face iced and everything, so I looked like I had been in a fight for several days. XD

They put me under so deeply I had to have help walking when they were done. I just had it done in a dentist's office.

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Guest Aurea

Had 2 of mine pulled several years back with the cheap method of awake numb pulling. I then had to go to work the next day because one of the workers I was managing didn't show up. It was a long day that day and made me realize most younger workers don't take good jobs seriously I recently had the last 2 removed last year same method. Both times I never felt a thing and my face never puffed out, I guess I lucked out.

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