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resizing 18 inch doll patterns for MDD?

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So the fabric store i shop to, had a tent sale, and i found 18 inch doll patterns for american girl dolls, but they are far to big for my MDD. Anone know how i chould go about resizing them for MDD proportions??

Learning that its safe outside my shell too

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Personally I had some success by downsizing a 1:1 girls jacket pattern set by photographing it with a digital camera, and downsizing it in photoshop with a reference measurement all around.


Measured the lenght of the sleeve I wanted, downsized the sleeve pattern to the correct size in photoshop, and applied the resulted size % ammount to the rest of the pattern pieces, and printing them ready for cutting.


If there isnt too much of a body style difference Id imagine the resize technique should also work the other way around.

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Hmmm i could try it, i was think to just measure my girls and cut down the pattern to those measurements, but i feel like i will do something wrong especially since these pieces are numerous. I will try this method that way i may not have to cut them and wont move the instruction lines on them thanks

Learning that its safe outside my shell too

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Scan in the pattern and resize to 75%/make a copy at 75%. Make a muslin first because after that, you will need to lengthen sleeves, pants, and skirts.

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Having both an MDD, American Girls, AG clothes, and many 18" doll patterns, AG clothes are just too big to fit well on MDD. Baseline they will all need to be altered since the MDD is the same height as AG, but half the width. I often refer to normal size patterns and 18" patterns to get an idea of how a pattern piece generally looks if I want to try something in a doll size that I don't already have. Doing it this way causes a fair amount of trial and error, but it is possible.


There is also a bunch of comparison pics I did in the American Girl & MDDs? thread. Rainie is in an MDD body and wearing an 18" doll sized dress (discontinued Simplicity pattern) and My AG Autumn is wearing another dress from the same pattern. They were both made the same, although the trim on the bottom of the pink one is longer. (I made it because Naiomi kept taking Autumn's white pajamas, now my AG Samantha is wearing the pink dress. ) Even just the white part around the neck is wider than the MDD shoulders. Honestly the 18" patterns would better fit DD and DDdy if the length was altered, rather than trying to have them fit an MDD.


~Sister Kyoya


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Indeed, I often use 18" doll clothes for my DDDy completely unaltered, or on my DDs with some taking in. Leggings become knit shorts, but it still works. You just have to learn which things will look ok. Hint: things with distinctive collars like polo shirts will look silly.


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