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Ryomou's Two year anniversary!

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Yesterday marked the two year anniversary of my first Unicorn coming home to me so I'd like to do a retrospective for her and also retell the tale of how she came to me.


Ryomou is hands down my favorite anime girl character EVER. She's just so awesome and hot. I love her blue hair, her eyepatch, her maid uniform and her kickass style. I used to collect figures and statues of her and I still have a good collection of those here. But once I got into DD's and found out they made one of her, I just HAD to get one! But soon after I found out about her DD version, I found out how hard she was to find and also how expensive she could be.


I told a few friends about my desire for her and we all tried to find one for me. And while I did find auctions for her on occasion, in true Unicorn style, she kept eluding me at every turn. An auction would pop up when I didn't have any money, one would show up and go way over my limit, one would show up that wasn't complete... it went on like this for over 6 months and it was wearing me out.


Mitsuki was also trying to find a Ryomou for me and she had no luck at all either. I had kind of given up on the idea of ever owning one so I dropped my search for a bit. I told Mitsuki to do the same and let me regroup for a while.


A month or so went by and all of a sudden I get a delivery notice for something from Mitsuki. Normally when she send me things I don't have to sign for them but this time I did. So the next day I went to the PO and picked up a DD sized box. I had no idea what to think because we hadn't spoken in a few days so I wasn't expecting anything from her.


I get home, open up the box and basically go into hysterics..... had I had a camera rolling, it would have been quite funny to watch my eyes grow into saucers and then see me fall back into a chair in my kitchen as I stared at the contents of the box.


It was Ryomou.


Somehow, Mitsuki had found one for sale for LESS than I had been bidding on ones off YJA. She bought her and shipped her to me without a word because she knows how I hate waiting on stuff. I totally freaked out and sent her many emails and PM's asking WTF was going on here. She really had done the impossible and found my Unicorn for me.


After I regained my composure, I took her out and set her up for her first photo:



DSC09282 by balldylox, on Flickr


I was in awe of her. I still kind of am sometimes.


After Mitsuki got back to me, she shared some photos of Ryomou visiting her home and having her health checked by Sakurako, the resident DD doctor at Mitsuki's place:



Ryomou2 by balldylox, on Flickr


Needless to say, she got a clean bill of health!


Of course, before Mou-chan showed up, Manami was my Ryomou clone. She loved dressing up as Mou-chan so when she found out I had adopted the real thing, she got super upset and thought I was replacing her. But that didn't last long and Rei and Ryomou calmed her down. After that, they became good friends:



DSC09375 by balldylox, on Flickr


Later that year I went to a large anime con called Animazement and brought some DD's along. Ryomou was the main one I wanted to have there so she got to go out and about quite a bit. Here she is at the light wall:



DSC09790 by balldylox, on Flickr


And inside the con, I found the one thing I always wanted to see.... a Ryomou cosplayer! I was such a little fanboy the entire time we were taking pics with her!



DSC09673 by balldylox, on Flickr


Just like my other girls, Mou-chan likes flowers:



DSC09825 by balldylox, on Flickr


I didn't want to have her default wig on all the time because it's a known stainer so I opted for a Leeke World blonde ponytail wig that covered up her closed eye so she wouldn't have to wear her eyepatch all the time. Here she is wearing that and her new kimono:



DSC00062 by balldylox, on Flickr


Looking sexy as hell in her white lingerie:



DSC_1061 by balldylox, on Flickr


And in her school uniform. I love her in this set!



DSC_1660 by balldylox, on Flickr


Sadly, she didn't come with her default eye but I did her one better. I had a custom eye made by Ersa Flora that is metallic and a perfect copy of her anime eye. I took a pic of a closeup of her eye directly from the anime and sent that to EF and they made me her eye that she uses now.



DSC_2747 by balldylox, on Flickr


The way it shines and glows in certain types of light is just awesome.



DSC_2748 by balldylox, on Flickr


I never thought she was much of a girly girl but it seems I was wrong. Once I let her dress up a bit, she really showed off!



DSC_4983 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_4975 by balldylox, on Flickr


But she still enjoys wearing lingerie too.



DSC_6375 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_6385 by balldylox, on Flickr


Here she is dressed up for Halloween last year, my sexy demon girl!



DSC_8313 by balldylox, on Flickr


Heh, at the bikini bike wash, she tried to seduce Yoko but I don't think it worked... but it made for a cute photo.



DSC_6193 by balldylox, on Flickr


Before I got her new anime eye, I tried some others. This green one wasn't too bad.



DSC_2368 by balldylox, on Flickr


She also went thru her Idol phase where she wanted to be a fashion Idol. I think she could have if she wanted to.



DSC_2764 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_2781 by balldylox, on Flickr


But she's also down to earth and practical when she wants to be. I thought this outfit made her look like some kind of mob hit-woman. She said it was practical so I left it at that.



DSC_2179 by balldylox, on Flickr


It's hard work climbing trees.



DSC_2190 by balldylox, on Flickr


And it's not easy being a bodyguard for the very popular Saber Lily either.



DSC_2195 by balldylox, on Flickr


Gotta fight off those damned paparazzi!



DSC_1997 by balldylox, on Flickr


But that's my little Mou-chan.... sexy, silly, perky, serious and protective.



DSC_0935 by balldylox, on Flickr



DSC_0937 by balldylox, on Flickr


I love her to bits and there's nothing I wouldn't do for her.


Thank you for looking!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Hahaha, nice. I'm sure Ryomou has been just as happy to have been with you all this time as well! She sure has been reconfigured a lot, but I'm sure we've all done that for our girls over the years.


So here's to you and Ryomou, a happy 2nd anniversary to you both! :3

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U take the best pics!! Your girls are always so put together!! Love her, and I know that story. For me it was my Luts Vampire Lishe head. My search took five years!!!! It's the best when you finally find that one you can't live without

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  Mahoro said:
Hahaha, nice. I'm sure Ryomou has been just as happy to have been with you all this time as well! She sure has been reconfigured a lot, but I'm sure we've all done that for our girls over the years. So here's to you and Ryomou, a happy 2nd anniversary to you both! :3



Thank you very much! She has gone thru a few different looks but I'll always love her default anime look best. She stays in her blonde ponytail wig most of the time tho.... Most of her changes were done to get the right eye choice once I learned her blue eye wasn't the default one. But with her new custom one, she's finished swapping eyes.



  gothikgrrl said:
U take the best pics!! Your girls are always so put together!! Love her, and I know that story. For me it was my Luts Vampire Lishe head. My search took five years!!!! It's the best when you finally find that one you can't live without



Thanks so much for the praise! I'm glad you like my photos. Five years? That's crazy! And here I thought my Kanu search of about a year and a half was bad....





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Reading this was like going through a scrapbook, it's so nice ^^~

And what a surprise she showed up without warning, I can imagine the excitement and shock >u<

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  hihihellokitty said:
Reading this was like going through a scrapbook, it's so nice ^^~

And what a surprise she showed up without warning, I can imagine the excitement and shock >u<



Thank you very much! I like how you said the post is like a scrapbook, that's what I see these photo retrospectives as. And yes, I was so not expecting her! I was in total shock when I saw her in the box. I think I even broke out in a cold sweat...




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Sweet :3 she is one of my faves of your girls . I think after mitsuki and mai she comes next :3

At home: Too many....

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I love the pictures through the years! It's really cute! there is nothing better than getting something you've been searching for especially as a suprise!!

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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  EblKtty said:
Sweet :3 she is one of my faves of your girls . I think after mitsuki and mai she comes next :3



Thank you! I'm glad you like her so much out of all my girls. One question tho..... who's Mitsuki? I don't own a girl with that name. Maybe you mean Miyuki? Or Manami? I *do* have a lot of girls with names starting with "M".




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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  Amara77 said:
I love the pictures through the years! It's really cute! there is nothing better than getting something you've been searching for especially as a suprise!!



Thank you very much! I agree, looking thru older pics of my girls makes me smile. It's cool to see how they used to look or act after you get used to how they are now. And yes, getting something you've been after for a long time certainly is cool.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Congrats on 2 years with Ryomou! It's cool to see all the different looks she's had over the years. She goes from sweet to sexy and back again in 60 seconds. I love it!

At Home: Kiyo, Hikaru , Nikko, Komaki, Miho, Kana-chan, Tamakits, Illya, Misa, Deku, Nao, Zana, Ciri, Aki, Alisa, Kana, Yuka, Kiki, Komaki (Oni Mode), Ai, Chili, NagisaDDh03Erica, Miyabi, Jun,  Haruka, Sasha, and Laila

Saving for: Accessories! Clothes! Shoes! The Works!

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  keijogirl said:
Congrats on 2 years with Ryomou! It's cool to see all the different looks she's had over the years. She goes from sweet to sexy and back again in 60 seconds. I love it!


Thank you! I like how she can change looks around but I think she's at a good place as she is now. That is until she needs to hit default for some ass whuppin'.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I love reading retrospectives like this. Mou-chan is so gorgeous! I swear every time I hear the story of how she came to you I get a heart murmur. Mitsuki is so awesome! I really think the Ersa flora eye you put in her makes her stand out even more that the few other Ryomou's I've seen.

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  Silverwing said:
I love reading retrospectives like this. Mou-chan is so gorgeous! I swear every time I hear the story of how she came to you I get a heart murmur. Mitsuki is so awesome! I really think the Ersa flora eye you put in her makes her stand out even more that the few other Ryomou's I've seen.



I'm happy to hear you enjoy retrospectives! I'd seen them done on FFM and decided to try some myself once Manami hit one year with me. And I've been doing them ever since. Thanks so much for the kind words, Ryomou really is my favorite anime girl ever, even moreso than Kanu. And yes, Mitsuki rules! It also make me happy to hear you think mine stands out from other Mou-chans due to her custom eye. I really, REALLY wanted her default eye but finding those is just insanely difficult so I decided this was the best course of action. Ever since I put it in her I've been happy with it so it's great to hear that others think it's a good fit for her.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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