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Dollfie Dream III base body

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Dolpa Kobe (July 31) release of the next Touhou Dollfie Dream Izayoi Sakuya and the Akihabara Event (August 13-14) second release of Akihabara Afterschool Girl Moe will both have a new version of the Dollfie Dream base body.




What do you think of the new DDIII base body?

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I'd love to get one. I'm one of those people who prefer moveability in their dolls and sometimes I feel restricted with the DDII, so I hope a DDIII could give me more freedom in posing.


I just wonder if the regular bust pieces also fit on the DDIII. If not it's currently no use to me because I want to keep Victoria's shapely bust.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TF Murphy}  Mocha {TF Fluffy}  Anastasia {TF Ashley}  TakoTako {TF Piercy}

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Poison

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I totally agree. I wonder if the new Shapely L-bust can be switched into the DDIII body. I am hoping the DDS body is smaller in general. Baldylox tried switching in an L-bust on his DDS girl, Mamimi, and it was kind of big on her. There was a gap where the arm meets the bust part. That could be due to the shape of the shoulder/arm and be a problem for the DDIII body too. I really hope Volks made the DDIII body such that the DDII optional busts are compatible.




Well, I had no clue about this so I decided to undertake a test. And what do you know... the regular L-bust DOES fit the DDS!




Here she is sitting up with it.




Now this does have some issues. The L-bust is a little loose on the frame since there is no back plate for support. This leaves gaps in the arm holes:




That side wasnt so bad but this side is:




It's not bad if you have on clothing tho. But these issues are due to the inner structures of the DDS and the DDII being so different. Here is a pic of the two torsos side by side:




As you can see, the DDII has a large cover plate over the skeleton where the DDS does not. Also, the DDS "wings" where the arms go in are movable! They can flex forward or backwards. I did not know this!


But the DDS arms are way slimmer than the DDII ones. And the pegs to connect to the body are also different:




The DDS arm is on top, DDII on bottom.


I hope this helps out for people wondering about differences and bust swaps.




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I think I'd like to get one for Molly. Especially if the DD III body has more posability .

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I hope so too Mitsuki... maybe part of it is due to the slimness of the DDS arms in general. Fingers crossed!

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Yea!!! I can't wait to start getting some more info and images about it. I have a feeling my bank account will be in pain for a while. I'm not sure I'll be able to resist upgrading my girls if I end up really liking it.


Thanks for the info Mitsuki!



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Why does it keep saying DDS? Is DDS the same as DD III? I'm guessing not.


I'm kinda glad that DDS isn't standard because it's smaller.


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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I like the idea of a more posable DD body but I sure hope they beefed up the DD3 frame. The DDS frame is especially brittle and easily broken around where the arms go into the torso. Those small tubes already crack and split on Mamimi. At least they are selling replacement parts for that now.



I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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This is very exciting news!!!! 0_0


How long until it ends up for sale on Volks USA though? Usually it's about a year after it is showcased on new DDs isn't it?


Please visit my YouTube channel for helpful DD tips, tutorials, and reviews!

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This is definitely a must get for Yumiko-hime. Chad or one of his friends tried to seal Yumiko's body, but stopped very soon after starting when they saw how absolutely fugly the results were. There are shiny spots on Yumiko's body and upper arms that cannot be removed. I love the elbow joint. The "extra joint" in DD2 is just not very attractive when deployed.

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I'd love to get one. I'm one of those people who prefer moveability in their dolls and sometimes I feel restricted with the DDII, so I hope a DDIII could give me more freedom in posing.


I just wonder if the regular bust pieces also fit on the DDIII. If not it's currently no use to me because I want to keep Victoria's shapely bust.


I think the regular bust pieces can be exchanged onto the DDIII. However, the opening on the DDIII bust where the arm inserts (on the right) is smaller than the opening on the DDII bust (on the left).



Red circles indicate the size of the opening in the soft vinyl bust.


I think the smaller opening helps secure the bust so it doesn't move around. You might lose some strength in posing if you switch busts.

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DDIII has more strength in the arms right? Current Sabers can't hold their sword properly, so I'm hoping the new ones can!


Dolls: Saber, Saber Alter, Saber Lily, Saber Extra, Saber Alter 2nd,

Aozaki Aoko, Alice Kuonji, Haruhi Suzumiya, Yuki Nagato

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Would you mind attaching an arm so we can see if t here's still that gap like there was with DDS, Mitsuki?

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I was hoping to find a solid answer about DDII busts fitting DDIII bodies. More specifically, I was wondering how Peach Pai fits on DDIII bodies (I want both, but I want the DDIII body more) D: Does anyone have a Peach Pai and DDIII body?

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Suzuna, I will take photos with the arms in.



Here is a not too helpful photo with the arm in. I think the bigger gap seen in the DDS is because the chest is a different size. The only difference in the DDII and DDIII busts is the opening in the arm hole part.


yeahplayer, I don't have a Peach Pai but you can buy me one. I am kidding. I am sure someday, someone will have this combination.

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Oh good, the arm looks fine. Now I won't have to buy another L-bust if I ever upgrade! Thanks, Mitsuki.

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yeahplayer, I don't have a Peach Pai but you can buy me one. I am kidding. I am sure someday, someone will have this combination.


Are they really 400.00?!?!!? Sorry this is going close to OT but DANG. I was seriously going to go buy you one but those boobs = half a Saber! And it's used?







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yeahplayer, I don't have a Peach Pai but you can buy me one. I am kidding. I am sure someday, someone will have this combination.


Are they really 400.00?!?!!? Sorry this is going close to OT but DANG. I was seriously going to go buy you one but those boobs = half a Saber! And it's used?







I read that they only cost around $200 on the official website.

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yeahplayer, I don't have a Peach Pai but you can buy me one. I am kidding. I am sure someday, someone will have this combination.


Are they really 400.00?!?!!? Sorry this is going close to OT but DANG. I was seriously going to go buy you one but those boobs = half a Saber! And it's used?







I read that they only cost around $200 on the official website.


On the official web site it costs 13,000 JPY. So that's about 170 USD right now. However since the maker Japan and the maker don't ship internationally, you will have to end up using some kind of purchasing service to buy it for you. So factor in shipping inside Japan, the fee for the purchasing service and shipping to your destination, will come out probably a little over $200 USD. So yes $400 USD is over priced for something you can still order today at a much lower price.

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I think you cannot have DD3 with Peach Pai bust. I have Peach Pai bust on Lilia and one of my girls is DDS. The Peach Pai requires that upper torso tube to hold it in shape. The silicon is quite sticky and has no firmness in it. And Peach Pai isn't one piece. It has the outer skin and blob to put inside bust to give substance to breasts. The blobs are extremely sticky and with Lilia the blobs have glued themselves into her skeleton's tube part ^^;

Below picture is taken from this topic and it shows the difference of DD2 and DDS upper frame.



My blog Pihlajakoto

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I think you cannot have DD3 with Peach Pai bust. I have Peach Pai bust on Lilia and one of my girls is DDS. The Peach Pai requires that upper torso tube to hold it in shape. The silicon is quite sticky and has no firmness in it. And Peach Pai isn't one piece. It has the outer skin and blob to put inside bust to give substance to breasts. The blobs are extremely sticky and with Lilia the blobs have glued themselves into her skeleton's tube part ^^;

That sounds very strange, Maarit. Can you still remove the bust from you doll?

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That sounds very strange, Maarit. Can you still remove the bust from you doll?

I guess I could get it of if I were carefull and used lots of talbleep powder (which I have to use on the bust every now and then to stop the surface from going sticky). But I won't even try because I do not believe in my ability to remove the bust without making damage.

My blog Pihlajakoto

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With my experience with my silicon busts, they are sticky but they don't damage all that easily when being removed. All I have to do is remove arms and head, just pull on the bust a a few areas to release them from the inner shell. Then it's easily pulled off from the top. As for talbleep powder, well it only works for a short while. I had one silicon bust staying on for over a month and it ended up just as sticky. I use talbleep powder only so that when I put the bust on, it will slide down smoothly. Silicon busts seems to be more prone to damage when you have sharp things. So trim your nail and only ever use your finger tips to hold on it, and make sure they don't hit anything sharp. Otherwise I found them to be pretty durable.

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