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I just want everyone to know up front that my being here is all my daughter’s fault! Up until about a year ago, I had never even heard the word “Dollfie.” Then my daughter ‘adopted’ Yoko and brought her home to show me. Those eyes!! In fact, that entire face!! Who could resist that?!?

Being a ‘Barbie’ lover many years passed, I was amazed by the size and flexibility of Yoko! I am a hobby sewer but making tiny clothes is a very fussy process and my hands are not what they used to be so I had to give it up. I really miss being able to relax by designing and sewing little clothes. My children are grown and living on their own now, so I can’t even sew for them anymore! Outfits for Yoko, though, are so much fun to create and she looks so cute wearing them! But there is a problem…my daughter will never leave her with me long enough for me to make all the cute outfits and accessories I am imagining!

In order to make clothes for my ‘granddaughter’ Yoko I obviously needed a doll of my own so I had a model to work with! So my girl is on the way and should be here in a few weeks! (…that’s my excuse for adopting a girl of my own and I’m sticking to it…LOL) I’m excited about finally having my own girl and I hope I picked a good head, eyes, and hair because I chose to create my own. I’m a bit worried about having to do the face but my daughter tells me that I’ll be able to get lots of help and tips from everyone here about that. Hopefully once she is done, when I look into her face she will tell me what her name is because I hate calling her the ‘girl’ or ‘she/her’!

In preparation for her arrival, I’ve started to make a few things. So far, knowing that when she arrives she will be tired from her long journey, I’ve made her a sleeping bag that opens out into a comforter (for when I convince my husband to make her an actual bed) and two pillows (so she can be comfy while she rests up from her travels). Also, knowing she comes … ummm… unadorned (?) I’ve made her a skirt and I am working at a kind of babydoll-style nighty! I would like to make her a shirt but I really need to have her here in order to make sure that it fits properly. Maybe my daughter will bring Yoko home for a visit in order to act as a model but if not, I can make her shirt while she sleeps off her travel fatigue.

Please be patient with me while I figure out how to talk to all of you here. I may screw things up or take a while to sort out how all of this works but I will get it right eventually! I can’t wait to see what everyone is doing with their girls and to share my girl. I wish she would hurry up and get here!!

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Hello and welcome! ^-^ Wow, wish MY mom would get in the hobby! Haha! Well, she doesn't even know about it yet, but I'm sure she won't like it much when I tell her... (especially the cost...;;;; )

I'm really curious as to which head you bought ^-^ If you need any help with the face-up, you only need to hit the "Painting and customization" thread, everyone here is really friendly and helpful! ^0^ Can't wait to see your girl around and what you make for her~ >w<

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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Hello and welcome! ^-^ Wow, wish MY mom would get in the hobby! Haha! Well, she doesn't even know about it yet, but I'm sure she won't like it much when I tell her... (especially the cost...;;;; )

I'm really curious as to which head you bought ^-^ If you need any help with the face-up, you only need to hit the "Painting and customization" thread, everyone here is really friendly and helpful! ^0^ Can't wait to see your girl around and what you make for her~ >w<

Hi Shailara! I can honestly say that I had no intentions of getting into this when my daughter first started talking about this 'doll' thing she had ordered and then told me the price! All I could think was "no doll could possibly be worth that!!!" Then she brought Yoko home to show me! The size and the face! OMGoodness! And then the clothes and things!! I resisted for as long as I could, but what can I say! I finally admitted that I just had to have one of my own!! Maybe your mom will feel the same way once you get a girl! Now let's see if I can get this right...My head is HDD-04 (Eyeholes Opened, Soft Head Cap)...Does that sound right? And then I got HG green glass eyes for her! Now I'll just have to check out all the stuff on how to create her face. Thanks for the tip about the "Painting and customization" thread. I'll have to check it out...maybe today, even! I am just having trouble waiting for her to get here!! It's hard to leave the house because I don't want to miss her delivery. LOL

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Welcome to the forums! It's always nice to be able to blame your kids for getting into something!

Just in case you haven't checked yet, here's a link for the DDH-04 heads:




By the way, look around to see if other DD owners are in your area, there's plenty of helpful folks out here to further help your new addiction!

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Welcome to the forums! It's always nice to be able to blame your kids for getting into something!

Just in case you haven't checked yet, here's a link for the DDH-04 heads:




By the way, look around to see if other DD owners are in your area, there's plenty of helpful folks out here to further help your new addiction!


OH WOW!!! Now I really, really can't wait until my girl gets here! Those heads are incredible! I only hope I can make mine look as cute as those ones! OOOOOooooo! Hurry up you nasty, evil shipping company...I'm dying here!!!! *keeps telling myself patience is a virtue...patience is a virtue...* Because I'm a bit...ummm...older (?) I think I might feel rather silly going to any gathering but my daughter (who lives only about 30 minutes from here) maintains that she will drag me kicking and screaming if necessary so that I can see that I won't feel out of place at all...and I'm sure she will! I find this forum much easier because nobody can see my gray hair so unless I tell, others might think that I'm young! (Does young at heart count?) LOL

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I wouldn't worry about age at all. I think DDs, like BJDs, seem to attract all ages. Good to see I'm not the only Canadian newbie on the boards. What province are you in? If you're in Ontario, I know Toroto has a pretty sizeable and friendly DD group.

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I find this forum much easier because nobody can see my gray hair so unless I tell, others might think that I'm young! (Does young at heart count?) LOL


I wouldn't worry too much, I'll hit 52 in less than two weeks myself!

I've had an awesome time visiting with the local DD group, and none of them seem to think much about my age.


I say go for it!!

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Ohhh~! 04! *v* I plan on getting one someday too~ It's ADORABLE! >w< And underrated imo UAU But oh well~

I already have a bunch of dolls (BJDs) and two DD heads but I can't find the courage to tell her ^ ^;;; I mean, she wasn't very fond of me trying to get into Fine Arts or drawing in general...I guess, she's just worried cause she wanted me to have a "safe and easy" job (like being a middle school teacher or something) and art is the exact opposite XD; So yea, someday I'll tell her, but I don't expect much XD


And I don't think you'll feel out of place .u. I know for sure a lot of the people into BJDs are older of age, with kids and grandchilren. I can't say I've noticed the ages here much, but it's a kind of hobby that kind be enjoyed by any age, so I'm sure you'll be fine! ^-^)b

( ' .' ) 
( uu)

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I wouldn't worry about age at all. I think DDs, like BJDs, seem to attract all ages. Good to see I'm not the only Canadian newbie on the boards. What province are you in? If you're in Ontario, I know Toroto has a pretty sizeable and friendly DD group.


I'm about 2 hours from Toronto and kind of in the boon docks but also much too terrified of the traffic to be willing to hop on the 401 and go! Apparently there are some 'parents' in London, though, and that's only slightly under an hour from me so who knows? Once my girl gets here and gets settled, I just might give it a go!

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Hi there! Nice to meet you. I'm in pretty much the same boat you are - having to build my girl from scratch! I really wanted to get a dollfie just to make cute adorable outfits for her as well. I have acbleepulated a TON of fabric from back in the days when I used to cosplay. But then I discovered MMORPGs, a husband, and having children so plans for future cosplays turned into boxes and boxes of fabric. Now that kids are a little older and I don't have much time for games, I still needed a creative outlet - and I think Dollfies will fit that role quite nicely. I'm still debating on whether to spend the money to get the materials to do my own face up or just to buy one already made up from the marketplace.


Anywho - welcome to the forums and I can't wait to see the clothes that you make, not to mention all the little extras!

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Hi there! Nice to meet you. I'm in pretty much the same boat you are - having to build my girl from scratch! I really wanted to get a dollfie just to make cute adorable outfits for her as well. I have acbleepulated a TON of fabric from back in the days when I used to cosplay. But then I discovered MMORPGs, a husband, and having children so plans for future cosplays turned into boxes and boxes of fabric. Now that kids are a little older and I don't have much time for games, I still needed a creative outlet - and I think Dollfies will fit that role quite nicely. I'm still debating on whether to spend the money to get the materials to do my own face up or just to buy one already made up from the marketplace.


Anywho - welcome to the forums and I can't wait to see the clothes that you make, not to mention all the little extras!



I can totally relate to the 'creative outlet' thing! Being close to retirement, I just want to be able to have a hobby that I love and that keeps my brain...what little brain I have left...challenged and active and I think this is certainly going to do it. We really are in the same boat because I also have tons and tons of fabric from previous sewing projects and I figure there is enough to keep me going for years! I'm heading out (all puns intended) this afternoon to check out the craft/art shops to maybe buy the stuff to do my girl's face (IF SHE WOULD EVER GET HERE!!!!!!!!!) so I'll let you know what the costs look like once I get back! I just planned to drop into the forum for a second because I'm supposed to be working right now, so I better get back to it...ttyl

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I just got back and it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it might be. Cost for my paint and brushes was about $30.00 at Michael's. They didn't have any Mr. Super Clear, though, and apparently don't stock it so I'll have to find it somewhere else. Apparently AMAZON does have it so I've still got to check that out. Now if my girl ever arrives (sigh) I will be ready to give this a go!

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Hello and welcome! Its nice to see another Canadian getting into the hobby. I think its awesome that your daughter was the one that got you in it. There's nothing better than a family sharing love for a hobby. Its easier on everyone I hope your girl gets home soon so we can see all those awesome new outfits you'll make for her and your 'granddaughter'.



We have our own BLOG. Please visit us at the House of Nyan by clicking this link or our sig above. See you there. Or, come see what Nyanko-sensei is up to at the Katnaper's Den

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I wouldn't worry about age at all. I think DDs, like BJDs, seem to attract all ages. Good to see I'm not the only Canadian newbie on the boards. What province are you in? If you're in Ontario, I know Toroto has a pretty sizeable and friendly DD group.


I'm about 2 hours from Toronto and kind of in the boon docks but also much too terrified of the traffic to be willing to hop on the 401 and go! Apparently there are some 'parents' in London, though, and that's only slightly under an hour from me so who knows? Once my girl gets here and gets settled, I just might give it a go!


I'm in London! Maybe we can meet up some day. I have quite a few DDs (okay, a lot, I have 20). I'm trying to get into sewing for them, but I'm a bit of a newbie, so it would be fun to discuss that sort of thing. And stop at Len's Mills for fabrics!

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I just got back and it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it might be. Cost for my paint and brushes was about $30.00 at Michael's. They didn't have any Mr. Super Clear, though, and apparently don't stock it so I'll have to find it somewhere else. Apparently AMAZON does have it so I've still got to check that out. Now if my girl ever arrives (sigh) I will be ready to give this a go!



Well dang, $30 isn't so bad....maybe I should've just waited! Last night I got the "bug" to do my girl's face up however, since I don't get paid again until next Friday, I said to heck with it - I'd rather have a DDH-06 anyway (I currently have a DDH-01) and just started painting with low grade acrylics (I'm talking those Apple Barrel Acrylics that I've had for over 10 years now) She came out alright. I think I want to try using different eyes on her to see if it gives a better look to her.


But now that her face is "made up" I can focus my efforts on her outfits!

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I wouldn't worry about age at all. I think DDs, like BJDs, seem to attract all ages. Good to see I'm not the only Canadian newbie on the boards. What province are you in? If you're in Ontario, I know Toroto has a pretty sizeable and friendly DD group.


I'm about 2 hours from Toronto and kind of in the boon docks but also much too terrified of the traffic to be willing to hop on the 401 and go! Apparently there are some 'parents' in London, though, and that's only slightly under an hour from me so who knows? Once my girl gets here and gets settled, I just might give it a go!


I'm in London! Maybe we can meet up some day. I have quite a few DDs (okay, a lot, I have 20). I'm trying to get into sewing for them, but I'm a bit of a newbie, so it would be fun to discuss that sort of thing. And stop at Len's Mills for fabrics!


Oooooo! Yeah!! Len's Mill Store!! One of my huge favs!! (*can see non-Canadians going "what? Len's what?) For those not in-the-know Len's Mill Stores are huge, barn-like places stuffed with everything imaginable, but mostly with fabrics -- any and all kinds of fabrics -- and at really good prices! It would be great to talk about sewing and patterns and stuff! My daughter is in London, too, so maybe we could do a meet-up with all three of us! That would be so awesome because there really aren't any meetings of groups of people around here anywhere! We should plan a summer picnic or something and then we could take pictures and post them for all the other sad Canadians who can't attend anything! There must be some public place where we could hold our 'party' without having to preplan very much. We'll have to put on our thinking caps!

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I just got back and it wasn't quite as bad as I thought it might be. Cost for my paint and brushes was about $30.00 at Michael's. They didn't have any Mr. Super Clear, though, and apparently don't stock it so I'll have to find it somewhere else. Apparently AMAZON does have it so I've still got to check that out. Now if my girl ever arrives (sigh) I will be ready to give this a go!



Well dang, $30 isn't so bad....maybe I should've just waited! Last night I got the "bug" to do my girl's face up however, since I don't get paid again until next Friday, I said to heck with it - I'd rather have a DDH-06 anyway (I currently have a DDH-01) and just started painting with low grade acrylics (I'm talking those Apple Barrel Acrylics that I've had for over 10 years now) She came out alright. I think I want to try using different eyes on her to see if it gives a better look to her.


But now that her face is "made up" I can focus my efforts on her outfits!


Are you going to post some pictures of your head...that sounds kinda weird (ROFL)...let's try this again....It would be great to see some pictures of your face up. I'd really like to see how it came out. I bet it's cute! Did you use the Mr. Super Clear or something else...or nothing?

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She's here! My girl is here! SHE'S HERE!!!! She got here on Monday but things have been so crazy at work that I haven't had a chance to do anything this entire week! Now that the worst of the nuttiness is over, though, I'm going to start working on my 'photo story' this weekend...like TODAY!!!!...well...today as soon and I finish the last of my reports that need to be done by Monday...*sigh* Why does it always seem that work interfers with life? LOL Stay tuned for the introduction of my girl...(who hasn't told me her name yet, but I hope soon will!)

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Ohh it's so exciting that she's arrived! I tried painting my first face up in May and I really enjoyed doing it. I will definitely be practicing more and more. Make sure to take pics as soon as you can when she's all painted up.

*Yuzu* DDS Yaya

*Yuuko* DDIII Aozaki Aoko

*Sakura* DDII Uryuu Sakuno

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Hi and welcome!


Yes, there are a few DD owners in London, and all over southern Ontario really.


The Toronto-area group is probably the biggest though and we try to arrange monthly meetups to get together and take pics of our Dollfie Dreams. If you're ever around, or feel like coming into the city you're more than welcome to join us!


Archangeli.net | Twitter: @MsArchangeli | YouTube: Archangeli

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