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Hi, I'm elsii from Brisbane, Australia.


I've been collecting BJDs since 2010 and I've decided that I've been a bit silly for not getting into the DD side of the hobby. I am here to fix that. After all, it was a Dollfie Dream that I first saw those 3 years ago that sent me down the dolly path.

I am currently in that dream phase of "arrrrgh gotta sell all my BJDs to get DDs!! MUST HAVE THEM ALL" lol but I know that won't happen any time soon.


Right now, the thing that has tipped me over to the DDark side is the re-release of Mariko. She's been my favourite since her first release and now that I might possibly have a chance to have one I'm all in for that!


Nice to meet you!

Edited by Guest

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Nice to meet you too, Elsii! Welcome to the forum~!

I know the feeling; It's easy to get completely overwhelmed by all of the amazing DDs! As you can see from my signature I got preeetty carried away because I couldn't pick just one to create, L-LOL;;


Haha, "DDark side" The whole forum seems to be going crazy over Mariko right now!


Best of luck in delving into this addictive world! When you finally get your first DD it will be SO worth it!!!

The sculpts in my family:

Beatrice, Rise, Komaki, Lucy, Etheldreda, Konomi, Maria, Nia, Erica, Melty, Rin T., Millhiore, Sheryl, Yoko, DDH-01, DDH-04, DDH-05, DDH-10

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Hello ^_^ I'm new here too. I originally started collecting smaller dolls and am now lookingfor my first DD as well.

Mariko is a beautiful sculpt. I hope you get the chance to get her.

*Yuzu* DDS Yaya

*Yuuko* DDIII Aozaki Aoko

*Sakura* DDII Uryuu Sakuno

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I'm so in love with the new Student Ver. Mariko~ It was a Mariko that convinced me I needed a Dollfie Dream! I hope we can both get her! >w<

Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

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Whoops, am slow to reply! ^^;


Thanks for the welcome, dear lovelies I'm really looking forward to hanging out over this side of things!


Vanillalilly - are you entering for her too? Oh I hope we'll both win! *contemplates entering USA and Int. lotteries*

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I'm new here too.

and i think i'm that dream phase you were talking about as well! hahah

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