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An Unexpected New Daughter!

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It's exam week at my school and I was just sitting at my desk doing nothing (I have no classes to teach during exam week) other than browsing my fave sites. All of a sudden, I happen upon chun's blog (she's on my list of places I visit) as I was doing my usual rounds in the morning. And, what did I see? Only this: http://puppy52dolls.com/sewing/mini-doll-meet-bluestarbaby-and-navci


Well, there I was falling in love yet again! Neris, whom I really didn't like much till now, and I think a lot of people felt that way because of her default eyes, looked wonderful with her new look. This was the first new look for her that actually made her look great, just like most of the other girls. My memory, being what it is, recalled seeing an auction on YJA for a brand new Neris head. That did it! A quick email to Goody-Japan and a few minutes later, I won her! The auction was for a buy it now bid. That was it.


Now the wait begins yet again. And, I need a DDII body and new blue animetic eyes from Volks Korea (only about an hour away from me) this weekend now.


For those who might remember Yoko from this earlier post: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=695&start=20#p10516 She is on her way. She's arrived at Goody-Japan and is being shipped to me today. With some luck, she should be here before the weekend, hopefully.

Edited by Guest

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Congratulations! I am loving all the photos of Neris with alternative eyes. Her expression is so sweet! I hope Yoko gets there quickly.

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As You can see in our other thread - viewtopic.php?f=8&t=207&start=190

- both Neris and Airy can look totally different than their default look, and imho often much better with different eyes and wigs.

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Congrats on the new girl. I look forward to seeing what look you give her.

Check out my new DollFun website.  Share your own doll photos with free image hosting.

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Congratulations! Your family is getting bigger and bigger. I'm excited what your Neris will look like.

home  Victoria Beatrice {DD Beatrice}  DD 2B  DDB 9S  Lavi {TinyFox Murphy}  Mocha {TinyFox Fluffy}  TinyFox Ashley

waiting for  DDS Alisaie  DDSB Alphinaud  TinyFox Piercy

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Congrats on another girl! Seems like your family is growing really quick now. I'm really looking forward to seeing what new looks you give Yoko and Neris. Seeing that Neris in Chun's blog alomost makes me want her as well. The Shining Heart DD girls have lots of potentional to be really stunning with the right new look.

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Thank you everyone for all your congrats. Much appreciated.


Congratulations! I am loving all the photos of Neris with alternative eyes. Her expression is so sweet! I hope Yoko gets there quickly.


Yeah, she does look so much better with different eyes. Wow!


Congrats on another girl! Seems like your family is growing really quick now. I'm really looking forward to seeing what new looks you give Yoko and Neris. Seeing that Neris in Chun's blog alomost makes me want her as well. The Shining Heart DD girls have lots of potentional to be really stunning with the right new look.


You're so right about that "potential" when it comes to her looks. One look and I was sold! Yeah, my family is growing quicker than I anticipated. Neris was totally "unplanned"!!!

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Hooray! Neris GET!


Congrats on getting her, she's a cutie for sure and I know she'll fit in with your family really well.


Like someone else said, your family is getting big fast! You better watch out or they will take over your house!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Congrats on another girl! Seems like your family is growing really quick now. I'm really looking forward to seeing what new looks you give Yoko and Neris. Seeing that Neris in Chun's blog alomost makes me want her as well. The Shining Heart DD girls have lots of potentional to be really stunning with the right new look.


You're so right about that "potential" when it comes to her looks. One look and I was sold! Yeah, my family is growing quicker than I anticipated. Neris was totally "unplanned"!!!



Hahahaha how embarrassing after reading your reply made me realize I spelled 'potential' wrong. I don't know what in the world I was trying to spell, but I'm glad you figured it out...lol. But it is really amazing how on some DD's the default look just doesn't do them justice. But with a simple wig and eye change you can turn her into the most beautiful DD ever.


I know how you feel about getting girls that are totally unplanned. If I would have followed my plans I would only have just one DD instead of four. I just love how some things just seem to work out.

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I know how you feel about getting girls that are totally unplanned. If I would have followed my plans I would only have just one DD instead of four. I just love how some things just seem to work out.





I totally know what you mean!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Yeah, well. My original plan was only for the one.

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