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Hisae's new breast / Peach Pai

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I presented Hisae here.

Now let me show some photo of her with her new Peach Pai breast.


First with the Sugar White Lolita Dress set:








Now with a night dress:








Bonus - pictures of the Peach Pai breast:



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Oh, wow. not only is she absolutley gorgeous, but that pai..... Lovely girl! Peach pai FTW!


Excuse me, I need to visit the hospital now. blood transfusion time.

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Yay! More Peach Pai!


I don't think I've ever seen a Yoko with PP before and I must say she looks wonderful with them! The outfits you chose to show them off are also great choices, especially the Sugar White Lolita. That helps support them and give them an even fuller look.


And I love the nightgown! That's so pretty! Where did you get that from?


Congrats on upgrading Hisae, she looks gorgeous!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Yay! More Peach Pai!

And I love the nightgown! That's so pretty! Where did you get that from?

Congrats on upgrading Hisae, she looks gorgeous!

Thank's for her.

The nightgown is from this vendor on Yahoo Auctions japan

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She looks amazing with the first outfit , really sexy

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The Peach Pai fits well with her slightly mischievous expression. Now she REALLY looks like a trouble maker. Both outfits seem to work quite well at showing off just enough to be playful without going overboard. She looks fantastic.

Daddy of: Yuriko, Sohi, Miku and SK's many kids


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Hisae looks excellent with her new Peach Pai and I agree with Billy about the outfits being just perfect. Brings out all the right curves~ I still really want a Peach Pai for my Momoko

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I still really want a Peach Pai for my Momoko



GAH! If you do that you best beef up your home security system because I *WILL* find a way to kidnap her.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Peach pai! It really suits her! If I didn't already have trouble finding clothes for my DDdy girl I'd get her a peach pai bust.

The dollies have my wallet!

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i yet to get some for some of my girls xD

Gotta love them paiz

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Hisae looks very lovely!


I still really want a Peach Pai for my Momoko



GAH! If you do that you best beef up your home security system because I *WILL* find a way to kidnap her.





I knew it! you really aren't done collecting girls are you Billy? You complain SO much now just to throw us off later...


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I knew it! you really aren't done collecting girls are you Billy? You complain SO much now just to throw us off later...


Hey, I changed my signature line a WHILE ago so it's your own fault you didn't notice. And how else can I keep tabs on things if I have no control over what arrives here at home? You should know by now that I'm all about diversions and trickery! Plus I make plans MONTHS in advance to keep things rolling! Hahahahaha!


Plus, Momoko is my favorite 06 girl hands down. She's pretty much perfect as she is now, adding Peach Pai to her is just adding more icing to the delicious cake that is Momoko.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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GAH! If you do that you best beef up your home security system because I *WILL* find a way to kidnap her.



Oh no!!! This could be a problem since this is my home security system:


Home Security System! by sakura_chan15, on Flickr


Watch out bababaloo! Billy will try to kidnap Hisae before Momoko since she already has Peach Pai! And Sister Kyoya is right, we know how you operate trying to throw us off the trail And awww it makes me so happy that Momoko is your favorite 06 girl! I bet if she saw that in writing from you with her new outfit she would really really love it

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I bet if she saw that in writing from you with her new outfit she would really really love it



First off, your bunny security guard is NOT going to slow me down too much. Better upgrade that....


Secondly, I can take a hint. Momoko will get a nice note from me and hopefully it will make her happy.


Third, I'm sorry we derailed this thread so badly Hisae! See what kind of power Peach Pai have? LOL





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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GAH! If you do that you best beef up your home security system because I *WILL* find a way to kidnap her.



Oh no!!! This could be a problem since this is my home security system:


Home Security System! by sakura_chan15, on Flickr


I LOVE your current home security system!! All soft and fuzzy and cuddly!! On the other hand, all I can think of when you say this is your security is the "killer bunnies" from Monty Python!!! Now they would be a formidable security system!

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Ahhhh! Bunny photo! Watch out, Billy. I know bunnies, and they can be good security systems. Unless you have a treat . . .

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