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Does any obitsu skin colour fits ddh white skin ?

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Hi , i'm thinking of getting a ddh 6 white skin custom head but would like to have an obitsu body for her as I adore the magnetic feet and joints movement


but may I know if there's a skin tone in obitsu that fits the ddh white skin ? I'm looking at dds or normal dd height which is ard 55cm to 60cm


THanks in advance

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obitsu and parabox bodies do not match volks normal or white skin.


I own volks white skin, Volks normal skin and an obitsu 50 whitey body and the obitsu is a shade in-between both volks colours.




The hand in the middle is an obitsu 50 hand in whitey sin tone. I know some artists on yahoo Japan put custom white skin mini dollfie dream heads on parabox 40 bodies and what they do is use blushing on the head to minimise the difference in skin tone. In my opinion it works well and the difference is hard to notice with skilful blushing.


I do not have any semi white skin volks dolls yet, so I can't comment on how well that matches up with obitsu/parabox.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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I disagree with the above post and l'v heard of people putting a DD head (normal skin) on a obitsu 50cm body and they liked it. Mind you the obitsu color dose not match the DD white skin color. I plan on putting a #6 normal skin head on a obitsu 50cm body.

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I disagree with the above post and l'v heard of people putting a DD head (normal skin) on a obitsu 50cm body and they liked it. Mind you the obitsu color dose not match the DD white skin color. I plan on putting a #6 normal skin head on a obitsu 50cm body.


You are of course entitled to your own opinions, but I wonder, what exactly do you disagree with?


If it's regarding the fact that I didn't discuss the matching properties of volks normal skin matching the obitsu body, which you have commented on, that is because the poster was asking about a white skin match not normal skin. The information and images I have provided are correct and when you consider that even the big name Japanese face up artists who can sell their work for over 50kyen a head use the parabox/obitsu bodies to go with white skin heads in their display images, it's safe to say you can't go too far wrong.


Too further illustrate that a whiteskin dd head will work on an obitsu body, I direct you towards the adorable Xera, one of my favourite MDD girls ever, modded and owned by a friend, Haku: "Nightgown Xera ネグリジェ幼女"


Look at his pictures of Xera and honestly unless you are looking very closely, you hardly notice the difference. When she's in longer sleeved clothes, you don't even notice at all.


I'm not posting this to be deliberately argumentative, I just want the original poster to get the correct information to allow them to progress with their project fully informed.


For the record, I do have a Volks normal skin dd01 head on my obitsu 50 body and before that I had a normal skin dd Yui head on the body. Although it isn't a match for volks normal skin either, it is close enough to get away with and in most photo's you won't even notice, I can only see the difference noticeably in person.


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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Just adding my opinion,


normal Volks and white Obitsu make a pretty good match.

But Vinyl batches can always differ in color and not all releases are going to be the same.

Some may be more toward the Volks white side and some may be more toward the Volks normal side.

It's always going to be a shade in the middle though.


However, I honestly don't think it's too noticeable, but I think with a white skin head on a white obitsu it might be a little bit more noticeable. ^_^

But honestly it's whatever you like. It's your doll~

Dollfie Dream: Rei (DDdy, HDD04), Mikila (DDII, HDD04), Haruka (Ob50, DDS Millhiore), Shimamura Uzuki

Pure Neemo: Sayuri, Ayu, Alice

Resin: Terra, Koharu, Aki

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THanks guys for the input !


I do own a parabox 40 with a normal skin head and I would say its goes pretty well. From the colour of the hand however, I do see that the difference of obitsu and white skin is considerably more obvious then with normal skin but the pic on xera makes me think otherwise.


Do you guys have more pictures of a ddh white skin on a para body ?? I tried looking all over the net but no meaningful results so far

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Thanks !! Would you say that the difference between skin tone is obvious without the blush ?

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I find in some lights it's a pretty decent match, and in others the difference is more apparent.



I believe Remina's pretty girl here is the same kind of hybrid:

Alisa : Would you like some?

[Reviver Alice]

アリサ in 和風カフェ

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Do you guys have more pictures of a ddh white skin on a para body ?? I tried looking all over the net but no meaningful results so far


Here are more pictures of Xera for reference:


"Xera’s Day Off セラの休日"

Maid Xera - "Doll Show 35 有料卓"

"Bikini Xera"

"Monochrome (Alluring) Xera and Volks Photobooth" - nude doll - this one NSFW

"Belated Encounter"

"Lolified Xera and Dollpa Goodies"


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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Thanks ! I cant see the nude because I don't have an account haha. But from the rest it seems like a lot depends on the lighting ? For some pictures the difference cannot be seen but for some the contrast is quite obvious


Btw xera is really beautiful !

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