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So after nearly two years of being introduced to DD's and wanting one of my own, I finally bit the bullet and purchased a DD Rise from someone on layaway (but then suddenly by a twist of fate I ended up with a second girl who's currently at home with me now)


So hi! I'm a fairly new DD owner who has finally gotten into the hobby!

please teach me the ways of the DD hobby, senpais |・ω・`)


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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Welcome! Be prepared to be driven nuts, though! As a newbie myself, I can't believe how one new little girl in the family can run you ragged! Congrats on getting Rise! She is soooo cute!!

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Thank you! I really can't wait to get rise! I'm a P4 fan so getting here feels so...surreal.


Meanwhile, my saber alter (the second girl who came home faster than rise :x ) will probably drive me nuts with her demands before Rise even comes home


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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Hey you~! ♥

Welcome to the DD forums. ^^ I can't wait to see more pictures of your new DDs here and on twitter.

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Hello and welcome to the forums. For most of us, wanting one turns into getting more and more. Then there are ones like me that get out of control!

At Home: Nanoha, Ilya, Sasara, Rin Tohsaka, Sakura Matou, Saber Lily, Saber Alter ver. 2, Kud, Yuki Morikawa, Yumi(DDH-06 limited), Sakuno, Mayu, Yukino, Sakuya Maxima, Neris, Candy ,Marisa, Melty, Nanami, Sakuya Izayoi, Erica, Miku, Rin Shibuya

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Welcome welcome!! :3 Awww congrats on your two girls!! Soooo lucky to have a Saber Alter, yes you are!! I so want one of her since she's one of my grail dolls!! *le~sighs* Anyways, welcome once again!!

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Hey you~! ♥

Welcome to the DD forums. ^^ I can't wait to see more pictures of your new DDs here and on twitter.


ahhh hi raptors >q


Hello and welcome to the forums. For most of us, wanting one turns into getting more and more. Then there are ones like me that get out of control!


Thank you! I hope that isn't the case with me I don't have the space to hold so many girls



Welcome welcome!! :3 Awww congrats on your two girls!! Soooo lucky to have a Saber Alter, yes you are!! I so want one of her since she's one of my grail dolls!! *le~sighs* Anyways, welcome once again!!


Thank you!! you'll be able to own an alter soon ;v;! I actually planned on getting Nero first before alter but... stuff happened so I ended up adopting an alter (its all cool tho haha)


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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yay..welcome aile..congrats on Rise..i've actually wanted to see a Rise in person..she's kinda unique compare to other DDs i've seen, maybe because of her eyes..

congrats on your 2 Girls..I've also just acquired my 2nd Girl, Yuzu (dds akira)

at Home:

*Nia (DD Nia Teppelin) *Yuzu (DD Akira) *Kotori Minami (DDH-04) *Yuki Emilia Cross (DDH-09) *Lyrica Brissmark (MDD Rena)

Plans: none as of this glorious moment :p

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Welcome! I'm a newbie myself. Congrats on your two excellent dolls

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yay..welcome aile..congrats on Rise..i've actually wanted to see a Rise in person..she's kinda unique compare to other DDs i've seen, maybe because of her eyes..

congrats on your 2 Girls..I've also just acquired my 2nd Girl, Yuzu (dds akira)


Hopefully she'll come in by the end of the year, and it can't come any faster hahaha xD I've always admired soejima's art style (and I love persona ) so the moment I saw Rise I know I just have to have her~ Also i really think its her nose and lips that set her apart, really xD


And I saw, congrats on your new girl!


Welcome! I'm a newbie myself. Congrats on your two excellent dolls


Thank you! I honestly can't wait for rise to come home to me really ;v;


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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