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Latte's sweet Treat

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Just got a prop from Jamie's BJD Prop Shop (via Ebay) I wasn't sure it would be the right size so I only got one. It was perfect and Latte took a real liking to is, and claimed it in the name of her home planet. She looked so cute with it that I had to take a picture or two XD








and so I now will be getting the other flavors, including the green one O.o

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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So cute! I will have to go looking for one for my own

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The seller is like, in Oregon so I got it in like 2 days XD

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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That prop is adorable and looks delicious. Latte is a smart girl claiming it as her own. =3 Plus Latte is such a cute girl!! I don't blame you one bit for getting a few quick pics of her.


I will have to check out that shop and get a few myself. Thanks for sharing your great find. ^_^

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That prop is adorable and looks delicious. Latte is a smart girl claiming it as her own. =3 Plus Latte is such a cute girl!! I don't blame you one bit for getting a few quick pics of her.


I will have to check out that shop and get a few myself. Thanks for sharing your great find. ^_^


No problem! I usually like to share what I find since I myself love finding these things

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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The proportion looks spot on!

I adore dolls with the tan skin and white hair combos! x3

Thanks for sharing!

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The proportion looks spot on!

I adore dolls with the tan skin and white hair combos! x3

Thanks for sharing!

Ah ha! someone else likes that combo! I actually have two, got to get some pics of them together!

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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Oh how I love dark skinned girls with light hair! x3 But only in anime and games, somehow I don't like them in real life xD'

May I ask if you tanned your girl yourself or bought her like this? =3


And Latte's drink looks so delicious, now I'd like to drink one myself xD

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Very cute! I love the contrast of the warm tan with the light colored hair!


She looks as sweet as her treat!

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Sekitan no Hashira

As others have said, I also love the contrast between her skin and her hair. I usually think it looks unnatural and weird, in both anime and real life, but there are always a few exceptions, and Latte is one of them. Speaking of which, I also like her name, it suits her nicely.

Specializing in the art of being different, which is a polite way of saying "weird."

I do think I'm too young for this hobby…

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Your girl is so pretty. I really love the color combination between her skin color with eyes and her dress.

And the prop looks so real. I really love your photos. so cute!

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