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Millhiore's trying out her new Akira's outfit! 

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Hi! ^^ It has been a long time since I uploaded a photoshoot in this forum, so I thought it's high time to participate a little bit more and share some pictures of my girl Millhiore, who recently got the Akira's default outfit (I feel infinite love for that outfit). Hope you like them! :3




New outfit! por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr



Akira's outfit! <3 por _OrchidCat, en Flickr


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Oh my, I really love your Biscotti! I love her eyes, they're really pretty, and the clothes look really cute on her *A*


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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Ah, this cutie pie, she's giving me diabetes!


Millihiore looks fantastic in Akira's outfit, way too cute.

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She is TOO CUTE in that outfit! I love that second photo of her, that angle makes her even more adorable!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Those are gorgeous blue eyes! Would you mind telling me where you got them?

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Thank you so much Aile, Minuette, Baldylox and Bouncing_Tigger for your comments!^^ now she's very happy to read that she's cute in Akira's outfit


@Bouncing_Tigger: if you are interested in them, i purchased 3 pairs of eyes from a YJA seller called silver8eight, I don't know if he or she is still selling them, but this are the eyes I'm talking about:



Eye test por _OrchidCat, en Flickr


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Wow!!! I love her so much! She looks really great. I love the eyes and the wig. What brand wig is that? I really like the cut of it and I'd probably be interested in getting one if they have blonde. It kind of reminds me of a Leeke wig I've seen, but if you know what brand/style it is I'd love to know.


It's crazy how different she looks from other Millhiore's I've seen... It always amazes me how a simple eye change, and a wig change, can make a doll look so different. I really love how you styled her though, she is sooo cute! You also did really cute poses too.

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Thank you so much Arienette!!! ^_^ I think it's a Leeke wig, not sure about the style because I bought it in a Manga convention in Barcelona, I tried it on Millhiore and I liked it. I'm not sure, but I would say this is the wig: http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Product/p_view.asp?it_code=3973&B_catalog_num=21

It's very curious the way a wig can look so different in the promotional pics and then in your own dollfie


Thanks for your kind comments too, Pico8059 and Yukamina!! ^_^


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Thank you so much Arienette!!! ^_^ I think it's a Leeke wig, not sure about the style because I bought it in a Manga convention in Barcelona, I tried it on Millhiore and I liked it. I'm not sure, but I would say this is the wig: http://www.leekeworld.com/En/Product/p_view.asp?it_code=3973&B_catalog_num=21

It's very curious the way a wig can look so different in the promotional pics and then in your own dollfie


Thanks for your kind comments too, Pico8059 and Yukamina!! ^_^


Thanks for replying! And I have seen that wig on Leeke site but never clicked it cuz of their thumbnail photo... Their pictures don't seem to do it justice. xD I really appreciate you linking me!

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I really love her in that outfit. It fits her nicely I look her innocent look

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