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Attaching Eyelashes??

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I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask about this or not but I've tried "searching" the forum and can't seem to find anything so...


Could someone please tell me what they use to attach eyelashes to a girl? I have the most beautiful head with eyelashes already attached but I'm worried about what to do if they happen to come loose...which someone mentioned they might due to pressure from wigs, carting her all over the place with me, or whatever.


Having no idea of how they were attached in the first place, I haven't got a clue for what to do if they ever come loose!


Thanks for any information you can offer!

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I haven't used eyelashes myself, but I have bookmarked this tutorial in case I want to xD

I couldn't find more information what kind of glue was used, I guess other users can tell you more about that.


Thanks...but I think this just scared me to death!! Lighter fluid and white glue!!??!! I'm now thinking I better be very, very careful with her so that her eyelashes never have to be fixed!!

I'm hoping someone here has a better?...safer?...easier? way. I also wonder about how thick white glue is for something like this and how it dries? (I'm thinking it would be much too thick to do a very good job and would be visible when dry?) I was originally thinking I could just use "people" eyelash glue but was worried that might affect the vinyl?

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Nope, white glue is correct. Either Elmer's or Aileen's work fine. I've never attached eyelashes to my DDs but I do have a resin that wears them. I put the glue on the edge of her eyewell with a toothpick, then picked up the eyelashes with tweezers and positioned them into the glue. Then after a bit of drying I put a second coat of glue at the base of the lashese, really squishing it in, so that it would hold. I can tug lightly on them and they don't come off. The glue isn't visible when dry as long as you don't glob it on. Remember, eyelashes are light, so they'll stick to a thin base coat. Also, keep the glue on the bases of the eyelashes. If it gets out into the lash part you'll see white clumps. But don't panic. Just wait til both coats are completely dry, and then try gently pulling the clumps off.


To remove them (I didn't read the other post so I don't know why they had to use lighter fluid) you just wet a Q-tip and rub it over the glue until it softens. That's the reason you have to use water soluble white glue.


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Nope, white glue is correct. Either Elmer's or Aileen's work fine. I've never attached eyelashes to my DDs but I do have a resin that wears them. I put the glue on the edge of her eyewell with a toothpick, then picked up the eyelashes with tweezers and positioned them into the glue. Then after a bit of drying I put a second coat of glue at the base of the lashese, really squishing it in, so that it would hold. I can tug lightly on them and they don't come off. The glue isn't visible when dry as long as you don't glob it on. Remember, eyelashes are light, so they'll stick to a thin base coat. Also, keep the glue on the bases of the eyelashes. If it gets out into the lash part you'll see white clumps. But don't panic. Just wait til both coats are completely dry, and then try gently pulling the clumps off.


To remove them (I didn't read the other post so I don't know why they had to use lighter fluid) you just wet a Q-tip and rub it over the glue until it softens. That's the reason you have to use water soluble white glue.


Wow! Thanks so much, Jezrah! You have made me feel a lot better about the possibility of having to fix them if they ever have a problem. A toothpick is something I never thought of but it makes perfect sense and would be way easier than what I was thinking ('How on earth am I going to be able to control the amount of white glue!?!' ) I won't have to worry about seeing the glue either! Also very relieved that I can use water instead of lighter fluid!! A much more friendly thing from my point of view! I'm still going to keep my fingers crossed that I never have a problem but at least now if I do, I won't be terrified to try and fix it!

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You're welcome. I'd be afraid to use lighter fluid near the faceup, too. I learned about eyelashes on DoA.


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