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Introduction time

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Tentatively dipping my toes into the DD waters, even though I've had my one DD for a while (the resins in my house are much more demanding than her). However, with the upcoming DD Miku, I think I'm ready to expand my vinyls and discover a few new ones.


This tends to be my name with anything doll-related, and I'm fairly simple: old enough to drink, drive, vote, and run for President in the US. Married, employed, and a firm believer in retail therapy. I share my home with a spouse, three felines, one DD Mari Illustrious Makinami and about 50 resins. (Poor Mari is outnumbered, so I'm finally coming to the right place to get her some friends and cohorts!)


Looking forward to a lot of fun and to oohing and aahing over everyone's girls.

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Welcome and you are sure to find lots to ooh and aah about in the forum threads! Glad to hear that you could run for President...maybe you should consider it for the next elections! It sounds like you already have a pretty "full house," but one caution...DD's tend to multiply when you are not looking so beware! They might eventually outnumber your other dolls!

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I have seen you on DoA and talked a bit to you. I can't wait to see your DD (and hopefully growing family). You have great taste, I am sure your girls will turn just beautiful. I am so excited for Miku, too. I am hoping for other Vocaloids as well~

Home filled with princesses~! ♡ ♡

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Welcome and you are sure to find lots to ooh and aah about in the forum threads! Glad to hear that you could run for President...maybe you should consider it for the next elections! It sounds like you already have a pretty "full house," but one caution...DD's tend to multiply when you are not looking so beware! They might eventually outnumber your other dolls!


Many thanks! Though, I don't think I'd want to be President about now, would you?


I'm both excited for and dreading the DDs that will surely join my household. I don't think there's much danger they will outnumber the resins, that's where my true passion is, but I'd love to have a fun little group of them. The semiwhite skin is so pretty, I can't wait to see it in person.

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I have seen you on DoA and talked a bit to you. I can't wait to see your DD (and hopefully growing family). You have great taste, I am sure your girls will turn just beautiful. I am so excited for Miku, too. I am hoping for other Vocaloids as well~


Thank you so much! Yes, I'm familiar with you from DoA. Looks like when I get travel out of the way it's time to dress my Mari up in something new and take some pictures. Miku is just darling, I love her wig so much and I think she will be terribly cute as a DD. My 'wish' right now is a Mariko, I think I'm drawn to the M girls.


Thanks again!

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