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Obitsu soft body vs balljoint body pros and cons?

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Hey everyone.


I'm interested in getting an Obitsu body for a floating resin bjd head I have as since playing with a DD body at a meet I love the posing of vinyl bodies so much more. I'm going to choose Obitsu as it'll be a lot easier to get hold of one from the UK brand new. (Plus I've seen a tutorial for putting resin head on Obitsu).


However I've seen there's another soft body as well as the one with the balljoints (which was the one I had in mind). Is it just down to different aesthetics or are there major differences in posing ability/replacement parts/parts going faulty etc

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All of the bigger obitsu are soft. There is the 40cm to 65cm. I have had the 40cm,45cm,48cm and the 60cm and to me the vinly is soft. The 60cm/65cm has the round ball for joints in there arms/legs.

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:) All of the bigger obitsu are soft. There is the 40cm to 65cm. I have had the 40cm,45cm,48cm and the 60cm and to me the vinly is soft. The 60cm/65cm has the round ball for joints in there arms/legs.


Nope, not true!

There are 3 variants at the 60cm size: Normal, Soft Body A, and Ball-Joint Model.

You can learn all about them on Parabox: http://parabox.jp/eng_new/o_body_60.html


The 3-part Normal is 100% hard plastic: "All skin is a hard vinyl."

And joints are different between the Normal (which has hinge joints like in the 27cm Obitsus) and the Ball-Joint Model (which aren't really ball joints, but hinge joints made to look like ball joints for aesthetic reasons).

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Cauldroness yeah forgot about that lol.

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