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If there were male DDs, what would YOU create?

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I already did a post on what would Volks would do with guys, so I would like to know what would you guys wanna do!


OK, so I will start with mine. I wanna create Shun Kazami from Towa no Quon since he is my most favorite anime guy of all times, plus he will be the love for Hizuru.


Others I am thinking of are Yue from Cardcaptor Sakura and Quon from Towa no Quon.


Whats would be in your mind if it came to reality?

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oohhh goodness. this is actually a hard one.... i suppose i would have a list of a few i would like to see, but if it was up to "me"...



first off i would have to have len kagamine and ALL his possbile outfits... beacuse reasons... dont judge me.


next off tuxedo mask from sailor moon, to add some old school class to this party.

and to top it off Kenshin from ruroni kenshin, those eyes.....


but yea, that makes up what i would do. and i regret nothing.

there is no such thing as perfection. and i can only hope, with all my might that no such thing ever does exsist. kind of implies a limit to how amazing a person can be or something like that.....

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i would make terra, xemnas and possibly xemnas from kingdom hearts

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I'm not really a fan of male dolls, mainly because no anime styled ones exist that are up to par with what I'd want in one.




If it could be done and it turned out looking like the anime version, there's only ONE male that could survive in my DD family. And that one character is.....


Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha.


That guy is a complete badass and would easily be able to stand his ground with my girls. That and his default outfit and swords would TOTALLY ROCK to own!


So yeah, he's the only male that would ever be allowed to join my family.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I want a DD of the boy from this vocaloid video (Life Prolonging Treatment) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HiSiWFeGO3U

I've actually been entertaining ideas of making a custom one, but things haven't come together properly yet.


I can't think of any other specific characters I'd want, though, 'cause character dolls aren't much my thing (I enjoy them from afar).

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If I had to create my own male DD, I'd probably just kind of make him an original character... Rather than using a character that already exists. He'd probably be inspired by a lot of different anime male characters though, but I'd mesh them all together and make up my own. xD

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I'm not really a fan of male dolls, mainly because no anime styled ones exist that are up to par with what I'd want in one.




If it could be done and it turned out looking like the anime version, there's only ONE male that could survive in my DD family. And that one character is.....


Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha.




lets face facts billy.... i doubt any boy aside from you could survive in that tornado for a week


it would probably take a tag team effort from several able bodied Anime heros to even get through that house alive and with their clothes intact...

there is no such thing as perfection. and i can only hope, with all my might that no such thing ever does exsist. kind of implies a limit to how amazing a person can be or something like that.....

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If i could custom my own male DD, i would like to custom Sengoku Basara's Date Masamune or One Piece's Zoro xD


I think you can roughly tell I'm a Nakai Kazuya fan xD

my darlings: Neru (Neris), Airy

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I'm not really a fan of male dolls, mainly because no anime styled ones exist that are up to par with what I'd want in one.




If it could be done and it turned out looking like the anime version, there's only ONE male that could survive in my DD family. And that one character is.....


Sesshoumaru from Inuyasha.




lets face facts billy.... i doubt any boy aside from you could survive in that tornado for a week


it would probably take a tag team effort from several able bodied Anime heros to even get through that house alive and with their clothes intact...


Unless maybe said boy was in touch with both his feminine *and* his perverted side (so bi-, metro-, and/or omni-sexual I guess), and could gush about shoes with Sprout just as much as go boob-honking and Tank-torturing with Manami. He'd have to give as well as he got. . . so I guess that means the only guy who could survive would be Jack Harkness from Torchwood/Doctor Who.


. . . great, now I'm tempted to add Jack to my customs list just so I could see him freak Agatha out. XD


I did mention some male dolls I'd like to have that I doubt Volks would ever license (being non-Japanese properties), though which one(s) would end up happening I think depends on what kind of male DD bodies/heads Volks would release first.


If it was a shorter, early teens boy (Like DDS height ish) then I'd totally do Hiccup from How To Train Your Dragon. Granted, as of now I could use the Obi 55 boy body, but it looks like I'd have to 3D print or sculpt his head at this point to get even remotely close to him. A relatively oval DD boy head could change that, since I'm not adverse to putting him in a different style (like I did Agatha), just so long as some of the spirit is there.


A guy taller than DDIII could end up as Vocaloid Kaito, but if it was thin enough might end up 10th Doctor bait. He very well could be a hybrid though, since I have found a resin head that works pretty nicely as a stylized David Tennant. It's just the Obi 65cm boy is relatively short for a 65cm doll, and David Tennant/the Tenth Doctor is tall and built like a humanoid noodle, so that doesn't quite work. Another vinyl body option would make so ridiculously happy.


If the boy turned out taller and a bit more on the buff side, I might start considering doing a Gilgamesh Wulfenbach, though I might be looking at the 3D printed head issue again for him. (He's even harder to nail than Hiccup. I've found tons of potential resin Tarvek Sturmvoraus heads, but I refuse to do him because he'd insist on being a complete clothes horse. XD Not a single thing I've looked at has that right mix of strong and adorkable to be Gil though.)

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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If i was creating a male BJD there's only one man...alien...whatever who would do for me:



For the uninitiated this is Leader Dessler, the lead bad guy from the anime series Space Battleship Yamato [otherwise known as leader Desslock in the US adaptation Starblazers].

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This is such a horrible question to ask me... who has 2 DD hybrid boys finished, 3 more in the works, and an embarrassingly long list of other DD type boys I'd LOVE to do. For quite some time I've wondered if I might eventually have more DD (or hybrid) boys than DD girls. So, here's some of the ones I have been pondering for quite some time and have made it onto my infamous DD wish list (in no real order):


Kenji (Katawa Shoujo)

Hideaki (Katawa Shoujo)

Toru Kouno (Princess Princess)

Yuujirou Shihoudani (Princess Princess)

Mikoto Yutaka (Princess Princess)

Koryu (Demon boy from Wish)

Saber Extra as a blond boy

Aoko sculpt as a boy

Mari sculpt as a boy

Gakupo Kamui (Vocaloid)

Len Kagamine (Vocaloid)

KAITO (Vocaloid)

Gourry Gabriev (Slayers)

Zelgadis Greywords (Slayers)

Xelloss (Slayers- For Ravendruid)

Ken (because I'm going to eventually make a DDdy version of my favorite Barbie from the 80s)

Vash the Stampede (Trigun)

Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)

Kenji Harima (School Rumble)

Johnny Smith (Uni version) (Sims 2)

Jr. (Xenosaga anime)

Crona (Soul Eater) (he might open a can of worms because there is a lot of great guys in there, like Prof. Stein!)

Adrian Gecko (Yugioh GX)

Chazz Princeton (Yugioh GX)

Tiger & Bunny

All the boys from FREE, but Rei would be first

The guys from Fruits Basket would be so very, very tempting...


And then there are the ones that I'm going to HAVE to make someday because I already had plans to do the main guys as BJD resins, but if I can make them right as DD boys I'd totally love it because they would be more anime and less realistic.


Ouran High School Host Club:







Maybe even Ronka, Nekozawa and Kasanoda


Don't blame me, you asked... and I'm sure I'm forgetting a few.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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So, here's some of the ones I have been pondering for quite some time and have made it onto my infamous DD wish list (in no real order):


Kenji (Katawa Shoujo)

Hideaki (Katawa Shoujo)


~Sister Kyoya


dear goodness! wouldnt have pegged anybody else round these parts as knowing about katawa Shoujo. not to seem obtuse, but i wouldnt have figured you a fan of that Sister Kyoya. i have never gotten to play it myself yet, but im a huge fan of all the art work!!


all that aside, i think we know if Volks "ever" opens a department for produceing male DD models, who should try and get a postion... i have the feeling you would be running that show in no time.

there is no such thing as perfection. and i can only hope, with all my might that no such thing ever does exsist. kind of implies a limit to how amazing a person can be or something like that.....

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I'd love to have Jonathan or Gyro or Dio or even better, all 8 Jojos from JJBA, unfortunately their body type doesn't exist in the current market.

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Own- Melina - DD Rise Kujikawa, Luke Triton - MDD hybrid, Clive Dove - DD hybrid, Arianna - DD Yui Hirasawa

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Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop and an anime David Tennant Doctor Who for me. And I wouldn't resist a Captain Harlock, nor an Astro Boy MDD. edit : oh, and Cloud from FF.

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An anime David Tennant Doctor Who for me.


So I'm not the only one who wants this!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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An anime David Tennant Doctor Who for me.


So I'm not the only one who wants this!



Oh my, sorry, I read too quickly and didn't see this part of your post (I kinda not read the paragraph after "Vocaloid Kaito", thinking it was a descritption of this one and I don't know the character)(I did read about Jack Harkness though ) ! Wow, yeah, let's spread vinyl David Tennant love ! .



edit : Out of curiosity as I would want him completely vinyl to go with my girls, could you share the resin head you've found ?

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So, here's some of the ones I have been pondering for quite some time and have made it onto my infamous DD wish list (in no real order):


Kenji (Katawa Shoujo)

Hideaki (Katawa Shoujo)


~Sister Kyoya


dear goodness! wouldnt have pegged anybody else round these parts as knowing about katawa Shoujo. not to seem obtuse, but i wouldnt have figured you a fan of that Sister Kyoya. i have never gotten to play it myself yet, but im a huge fan of all the art work!!


I keep reading this and it just makes me laugh. It's probably my dirty little secret that I totally love these types of games. It took me a long time to get around to this one because I wasn't that thrilled with my husband's summary that it was about handicapped girls. Finally the bug bit me and I really, really love this game! I think I have two more story lines to finish (Lilly & Emi) but Rin wins by a landslide as my favorite character. I really identify with her 100% and quite a few of her quotes made me cry because they hit so close to home.


Hideaki is just way super adorable!! I think he and my MDD boy Tamayuki would be great friends. Hideaki keeps getting mistaken for a girl. Tama has been on the forums long enough that he usually isn't mistaken for a girl anymore, but it's still bound to happen from time to time.


And Kenji... even though there is SO many great characters in the game, Kenji is really my all-time favorite. What can I say about him other than he has the personality of a absolutely crazy 90 year old man, and constantly makes me laugh.


Ravendruid and I have plans on making all the main characters into DD eventually, so that should illustrate on how much I really love that game. I'd really encourage you to play it as soon as you can.


all that aside, i think we know if Volks "ever" opens a department for produceing male DD models, who should try and get a postion... i have the feeling you would be running that show in no time.


I think that would be very bad... because I'd be enslaved to them for the rest of my life. Try as I may I can't stop thinking up new DD I want to make. One of the bigger reasons I'm working on opening Naiomi's Closet is to give me something to do so I can earn extra money to afford the DD I want. Sometimes I am a very simple person.


An anime David Tennant Doctor Who for me.


So I'm not the only one who wants this!


I really like David Tennant a lot, but Christopher Eccleston is still my favorite doctor. For me personally I don't know what I'd do with DD versions of them because just sitting on a shelf is about the last thing that mine and Raven's DD's do. If I had any idea what to do with them I'm sure that they would be quickly added to my list. Despite that, I still think it would be loads of fun to make the exterior of the TARDIS out of cardboard as a prop. Raven and I have been talking about his Miku and realized already that if she's a closet otaku, Doctor Who is going to be at the top of her nerd list.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

Follow me on Twitter, Flickr & Instagram

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An anime David Tennant Doctor Who for me.


So I'm not the only one who wants this!


I really like David Tennant a lot, but Christopher Eccleston is still my favorite doctor. For me personally I don't know what I'd do with DD versions of them because just sitting on a shelf is about the last thing that mine and Raven's DD's do. If I had any idea what to do with them I'm sure that they would be quickly added to my list. Despite that, I still think it would be loads of fun to make the exterior of the TARDIS out of cardboard as a prop. Raven and I have been talking about his Miku and realized already that if she's a closet otaku, Doctor Who is going to be at the top of her nerd list.


~Sister Kyoya


A doll of Nine would be awesome! I really like Nine, but with Agatha and Homura being so snarky in and of themselves, I need one of the more gregarious Doctors to keep from creating some kind of sarcasm singularity. You've got a lot more perky and/or kindly personas in your home, so Nine might even bring a nice bit of balance. His outfit is also one of the more straghtforward ones, so other than maybe the jacket it wouldn't be hard to make and/or find finished pieces for. The real pain on him would be his hair; the best buzzcut wig I've seen was on DoA, where a woman was experimenting with electrostatic flocking.


Funny that you mention Miku in context of DW--my Miku is definitely going to be an android from a couple hundred years in the future, so if I make good on my ideas for a resin Ten, she could be hitching a ride from him.


And yes, a Tardis is a must-have. I'm kind of crazy and want one made of wood. Can't work on that until I finish the Mondo Fury, though. Must finish at least one major project before starting a new one!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Mina - DDS Millhi, Lucy - DDS Melty, Sammy - DDII Sakuno, Ellie - MDD DDH-01, Niki - MDD Mayu, Sasha - DDIII Miku

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Totally 100% agree with you on those two Pahsmina!


For me first off would be Phoenix and Edgeworth (from the Ace Attorney Games)



And then there's Howl.



And I'd be so very tempted to make Zidane & Kuja from FFIX



Ooh! And I'd like to have a Vash from Trigun too, but I don't think I could ever make his coat! @_@

Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

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Totally 100% agree with you on those two Pahsmina!


For me first off would be Phoenix and Edgeworth (from the Ace Attorney Games)



And then there's Howl.



And I'd be so very tempted to make Zidane & Kuja from FFIX



Ooh! And I'd like to have a Vash from Trigun too, but I don't think I could ever make his coat! @_@


I would so want Edgey-Poo!

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I would definitely HAVE to have Astroboy I just adore him,

and Seiji from Midori days because he is so cute

Kazuki Shikimori from Maburaho because he is a cutie too ^_^

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I would definitely HAVE to have Astroboy I just adore him,

and Seiji from Midori days because he is so cute

Kazuki Shikimori from Maburaho because he is a cutie too ^_^


Tezuka characters ftw! I would love to create Black Jack!

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