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If the DD's skin tone is paler, is it easier to stain?

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Just curious, since I only have a normal skin, and she isn't really staining too much, only a few minor spots.


Because paler means the stain can get more visible, are they also more prone to stains?


Sorry if this sounds stupid. <_<;

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My experience is: yes.


My WS girl seems to be stains from items that have been safe on NS girls. Not sure how SWS is though.

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I have a Saber Alter v2 and she actually got some nice stains from her default clothing rather quickly (within a few days) so I took her out of it and never put it on again. Her underwear left a nice black mark on the side of her hip and her dress left her lower back a nice light purple color!


I'm still researching stain removal for WS dolls (although I may just buy a new body anyways since she has a cracked arm joint as well). I do not have any body stockings (though I do plan on getting some various ones from coolcat) but I would definitely recommend them or lining darker clothes with white fabric.

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Well, yes, but Saber Alter v2's dress is a ridiculous stain monster. When mine came, it was so over saturated with dye that it came off on my fingers. I washed it multiple times but I never trusted it on Alter without a stocking so she never got stained. But I tried it on a NS doll once and just the act of putting it on and taking it right back off left a deep purple stain on her leg. And this was after I had washed it even. So it could've just been the outfit.


I can't say whether Alter stains more easily than the others though because I am more protective of her since she's harder to clean. We'll soon see how SWS goes, since Kos Mos is on her way.


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Yes, my WS Mariko has stained from outfits that other dolls didn't.

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