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My Another Blood has living!

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Hello hello!

Do you remember my project about creating a custom DD, Another Blood?

Well, the moment in which my doll can see the light IS NEAR!

This beauty is Another Blood, from Demonbane.


I ordered a face-up from Hikaru132, and a cutom dress from Murasaki.me.

The dress isn't still ready to be worn, sadly, since the artist still haven't started on sewing it.

I still haven'y bought a body for my doll, but I'll provide as soon as possible

And now... let's see together the passages in which the head passed before becoming what she is :-3

I sent to Hikaru the blank HEAD no.3 and a S-BUST for DD from VolksUSA.

First, he realized Another Blood's tattoo, than he tried to do the face-up.

FIRST ATTEMPT for the face-up. I didn't like the eyebrows, doll's right eye was a bit too little (the left was bigger) and I requested pinker lips.

SECOND ATTEMPT for the face-up. I liked so much, but I thought that the doll wasn't really looking as Another Blood. So we made a PhotoShop image with different eyebrows. This was okay, but still not perfect.

Finally, we agreed on a big change for the eyebrows, to get...

The THIRD ATTEMPT (and last!) for my doll. She is gorgeous!

Here you can see another image with bust and wig (the wig is blond instead of pink but oh well).

Hikaru casually has also these red eyes, that fits perfectly with Another Blood! I was hard looking for similar! These eyes are limited Volks original from the Konomi DD, and he accepted to swap them with my Neris'. (And I am so happy! These eyes fits perfectly with my Blood, and I really don't love 26mm eyes like Neris'! So I did a great swap, in my opinion!).

Let me know what do you think about *_____*

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