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Hi From Canada!

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Hello. I am known as Edtel pretty much everywhere online. I'm currently DD-less, but looking to find the right one for me. I'm leaning towards a MDD HDD-04 at the moment - no idea if I'm using the correct terminology. I hope to learn that by coming here more often!


Even though I don't have a DD, I do own quite a few resin BJDs (15 full dolls, a bunch of floating heads) two Dollfie Plus girls, two Obitsu 55cm (a VisuaDoll Yuuto, a Henzel and a floating head Gretel), a Parabox Alice and a 11cm Coco.


I hope to learn a ton more about these dolls, and to meet some people over on this side of the hobby

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Hi Edtel!


Welcome to the forums!!

Another fellow Canadian here, whereabouts are you from?


I'm planning a MDD too but with the 01 head most likely. ^^

I collect BJDs too, which ones do you have? I have a few volks SDs and a pukifee.



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Always great to see another Canadian added to the list! ...and so our numbers increase by one!! Don't be afraid to ask anyone here anything about the terminology and stuff you don't understand because everyone is terrific with helping!! They don't even make fun of you when you don't understand the simplest of things like the different body sizes. LOL (Can you tell that it took me ages to figure them all out?) Anyway, welcome!

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Hello, I'm new to this forum, too. I'm awaiting my first DD, which is actually an MDD, but with the DDH-01 head on. Looking forward to see what will turn out to be your first DD and of course many pictures. This forum is so big and full of information, it's so great! Have fun!

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Oh! Welcome! A fellow Canadian I see . Good luck getting your DD or MDD, whichever you choose.

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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