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Display Case for small figures?

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I know a lot of people that collect DD also collect other types of things.


I'm not an avid collector, but I have 3 of the Funko Pop! figures.


I also watch Pretty Little Liars and in the show one of the characters had a really cool way of displaying his Pop figures.




I was wondering if anyone knew where, or what I should search for, to find a similar display like his? For those who don't know what Pop! figures are, they are the small "chibi-like" figures in the square boxes that are drilled into the wall. I've tried quite a few things, but I can't seem to find anything like that.


The closest I've gotten are these: http://shop.deadzebra.com/display-case-square/ Which are nice and I will probably end up getting those if I cannot find what I'm looking for. I mostly just want a way to hang them on the wall in a case/box so that they will be free from dust but also displayed prominently.


If anyone has any help or suggestions, I'd really appreciate it.


Thank you for looking!

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Marq V

I wish I could help but I have not seen those particular holders anywhere that I have shopped. It is possible that they have been custom made. For instance, a brother of mine recently built a custom "floating' shelf for my mom where she could put her knick-knacks.


On a side note, last week I was shopping at an antique store and one of the vendors was selling several different Funko Pop figures. The ones that stuck out the most to me were (4) of the My Little Pony characters!


If I come across any of those shelves pictured above I'll let you know.


Good luck.

Edited by Guest

Galfriends at home:

DD: Yoko, Yui, & Briana Rei

Resin: Tatiana, Leda, Miyoi, Tana,... & Gena<3

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Thank you for responding. I might see if I can find a way to make my own... Or perhaps modify a pre-existing one to hang on the wall.

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I think that's a good idea, I might try that out. I have been thinking of different ways to get boxes to be on the wall... I was honestly kind of scared to drill holes in them, but I think I might give it a try eventually. Thanks for your input, I appreciate it a lot!

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