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Head Crack? :(

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I was wondering if anyone could help. I opened My Lucy Misora (from the International Lottery) today. I dressed her and took her head off to remove her eyes (and do a body swap with my Mariko) and discovered a crack in the base of her head:



Is this common? Should I contact Volks? Since she was a lottery item, and I waited until now (several weeks after she 'arrived') to open her, I don't think it happened in transit so I don't know if they will help, or if it's even worth contacting them. So I thought I'd ask here.

If Volks won't help, is there some kind of glue I can use to keep it from splitting further? Can anything be done? I've tried to search, but I don't know what to do. She was my birthday and christmas present to myself and I'm really gutted now... ;_;

Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

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Volks tends to have very friendly customer service so I would contact them first. They could probably help you out in some form, if big or small. If not, they'll at least mention how to fix it in at least a simplistic manner. If someone replies with a fix then I'd recommend that as well...if safe that is. My recommendation is to contact Volks to see what they say.


Hopefully you can find a head she uses at the very least so you can swap the eyes or something?


*They managed to deal with an idiot like me kindly

The proud master of a foxy (DD) Varakitsu, Renge, & Caster; Kon!~ Kon!

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Thank you ArcticKitsune, I've calmed down a bit now, so I sent Volks an email. I hope they can help, so we'll see what they say! I'm still open to hear of any remedies for this kinda thing though. >_<;;

Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

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its a common problom for lucies to have that neckhole crack. just send them a mail they will replace it for you

making my triumphant return

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