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Deux Silences

[Fate series] Gilgamesh

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Deux Silences

So, I decided to tackle the project of making Gilgamesh of the Fate anime series into a DD.







DDH-07 w/face-up (semi-white)



Obitsu 65cm Male Body (white)



Nyma eyes






Weapon (Ea)

Wooden Dowels (blade and hilt)




Luts DW-219 Natural Blond





This ought to be fun.










Gil and my other guy hanging out xD



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nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Oooohhh I can't wait to see how he looks. The influx of Fate DDs on here is really interesting. It's a shame we can't all have a meet up and photo session. ^_^'

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

Waiting for:

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Oooohhh! Nice. Can't wait to see how he turns out.



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Deux Silences

Thank you for your support, and please stay tuned! I'll be working very hard for Gil. > w <

We should definitely do a whole meet-up someday~ I really want to take photos with other Fate Dollfies! someone organize it plz \(o u o


UPDATE: While waiting for parts to come in, I've begun work on Ea/Enuma Elish/Gil's drill-sword-thing with dad. :D It's going to made entirely of wood, so we'll be doing a lot of whittling and painting to get the details right. Photos going up soon.



nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Arturia volunteers to take photos with Gil when he's done!

...er... as long as he doesn't try to claim her as his property or get under her skirt or do... most of thing Gil does....

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Deux Silences

Hopefully the worst he'll do is insist Saber marry him or something. xD I guess if he pulls anything weird I will be forced to take his weapons away from him. = wwww = Then it'll be safe to take pictures (probably)! ;D


We're still working on Ea! Basically just tapering the drill/blade part with a cheese grater plane at this point. Painting is going to be fun.


...Gil, when is ur head getting here???

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nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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With the new F/SN anime coming out and all, I really look forward to see how he'll turn out.

And good luck with Ea!

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Deux Silences

Aww yis new anime~ Along with that, I'm hoping that Fate Extra CCC gets localized in North America some time soon. I want to play with Gil as my Servant and use Enuma Elish to crush enemies.


Here's the wig I'm planning to use... dunno if it needs more styling or even a trim?



Special thanks to Blair for being my guinea pig model.

nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Deux Silences



The Obitsu 65cm body came in, and I had so much fun dressing it. = w =

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nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Wow, incredible progress!!! I can tell that this is going to be quite the success *A*!!!

I can't believe that you found a wig completely identical to Gil's hair o_o And the clothes too!!! I'm looking forward to seeing how you paint the head, congrats on it finally arriving!


Also I can already tell that the sword is going to be freaking awesome :'D It's nice that it's a project for both father and son ^^

The sculpts in my family:

Beatrice, Rise, Komaki, Lucy, Etheldreda, Konomi, Maria, Nia, Erica, Melty, Rin T., Millhiore, Sheryl, Yoko, DDH-01, DDH-04, DDH-05, DDH-10

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Deux Silences


Small update on Gil's bling. xD


Face-up and mods still ongoing~

nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Interesting.....camping here for more updates

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Deux Silences

Wow, time to brush off some dust from this project! ^^;


I've yet to finish up the neck mods on my Obitsu 65cm body, but here's the face-upped head that I'm banking on for Gil:




I don't know if it will look too feminine or not, but the eyebrows looked perfect and I can't do Dollfie Dream face-ups for my life. xD


Work on Ea came to a standstill after a slight Sculpey mishap. OTL Now that it's summer, I hope to pick that up again.


Gil is not quite dead yet; he's getting there. Slowly.

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nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Making a post so I can follow progress




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:o Looks fantastic so far! That necklace is killer too. Can't wait to see it all come together!

Kyaru Cadenza~ (DDS/DDH-04) ♥ My only daughter~

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Deux Silences

Thank you everyone for your continuing support! I really wouldn't be able to finish with you. ^^

Without further ado, this is Gil (in his casual clothing):








He is the DDH-07 sculpt hybridized on a modded Obitsu 65cm body.

Face-up and eyes by Nyma (Maria). All clothing articles bought from eBay except the necklace, which was hand-made.


Thanks again for looking! Hope you like him. :3

nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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The faceup still; looks a bit to feminine (eyeshadow feels a bit too thick and the blush marks don't help) but looks like a good start.


One thing to keep in mind is that Gil has different "signature" hair styles depending on his clothing.



The hairstyle in your picture is upward pointing and, if stylized some more, would work for his golden armour outfit. But for his casual, in-mansion, laid-back outfit, you'll want his hair down, which would probably mean a different wig.


Also, he needs a wine glass/goblet. I'll take a picture of the one I use for Arcueid once I'm home.




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Deux Silences

Thanks Keripo for the tips and feedback! I'm definitely still perfecting the look since it's a long process. There's a DD-size wine glass lying around here I got from Tata's Paradise a while back, plus a bottle of Pinot Grigio. I think Gil prefers red wines though lol.

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nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Thanks Keripo for the tips and feedback! I'm definitely still perfecting the look since it's a long process. There's a DD-size wine glass lying around here I got from Tata's Paradise a while back, plus a bottle of Pinot Grigio. I think Gil prefers red wines though lol.

Something like LeekeWorld's W120_E wig would work perfectly, but they're out of Goldenrod.



I have the Tata's Paradise wine glass set but I feel they're all too narrow for the goblet-style that Gil uses. The one I'd recommend is http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=16778876658 which feels more fitting:





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Deux Silences

Thank you so much for the help! Will stalk Leekeworld until they restock (restalk?!) the color.

Something like this, then? Sorry for the crappy photo, I was kinda in a rush...




dat cranberry juice tho lol

nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Thank you so much for the help! Will stalk Leekeworld until they restock (restalk?!) the color.

Something like this, then? Sorry for the crappy photo, I was kinda in a rush...




dat cranberry juice tho lol

Actually, what you have is almost perfect (just a bit of trimming and wig spray here and there) xD


The only minor points left are the cheek blush and the eyes. For the cheeks, you'll have to ask a face-up artist to see if it's possible to remove without redoing the entire face-up. For the eyes, they look a bit too big for the DDH-07 eye sockets - maybe try 22mm ones instead? Also the design doesn't stand out well in my opinion (kinda just looks like empty red eyes), but that might just be your camera.


Overall, looking good!




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Deux Silences

Awah~ > w < Yep, just keep tweaking~

If it is possible, I will use Winsor and Newton to remove the blush. Probably the safest thing out there for removal.


Those eyes came from the face-up artist (and my cellphone camera is a butt)--I have had these ones in 22mms from SQ-Labs lined up for the longest time:


Gil is usually depicted with the cat-like pupils, so I thought it might look good. :3


Thanks again for all your input; you are very knowledgeable. I love your custom Arcueid Brunestud so much!

nope not today _(:3 」∠)_

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Awah~ > w < Yep, just keep tweaking~

If it is possible, I will use Winsor and Newton to remove the blush. Probably the safest thing out there for removal.


Those eyes came from the face-up artist (and my cellphone camera is a butt)--I have had these ones in 22mms from SQ-Labs lined up for the longest time:


Gil is usually depicted with the cat-like pupils, so I thought it might look good. :3


Thanks again for all your input; you are very knowledgeable. I love your custom Arcueid Brunestud so much!

Yup, it's an endless tweaking game. V0, V1, V2, etc. xD

Those eyes might work for Gil, I was actually considering getting them for Arc but the shade was off.



Arcueid is mai waifu, but I'm a pretty big Gilgamesh fanboy as well




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oh oh oh, I have the best wine glass to contribute!

if you can bring him to a meet, he can has it for a bit ... it has 'wine' sloshing around inside and everything!


hopefully can see that 'in action' here


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Goblet fits Arc well, but I think Chise's wine glass fits Gil better.

Next step is to get Gil a throne to sit in (I picked up a cheap $10 chair at a local BJD con).

Or a sofa to laze around on while sipping wine


^ I cheated a bit in this pic - didn't have any red liquids of any sort so I just Photoshop'd it in >_>



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