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DD Faceups: Easier Than Resin?

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Well, I'm more of a resin person so pardon me if I come across as a n00b. I'm wondering about doing faceups on DDs. I don't trust myself doing faceups on resins as I have shaky hands due to Cerebral Palsy. I was thinking it might be easier for me on a DD due to the less detailed, more anime like features. Is that correct? To those who have resins, are DD faceups easier? Would I use the same materials as on a resin? Thanks!

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I find blushing for DD face-ups simpler, but the eye lines are more difficult/complex. You can use the same materials, but pastels can stain vinyl, so be careful where you apply them (ex. you might not want to use pastels on the eyebrows if you want to change the face-up in the future)

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After doing many resin faceups I'm ready to start my first DD. Look here on the forum on the painting and customizing thread and also on the Volks site itself because they have quite a few tutorials. It seems as if both are very similar. To answer your question, it might be easier because of the lack of very fine lines for eyebrows and eyelashes but I cannot say for sure until I do my first DD faceup.

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In my very limited experience of both styles of faceup, it all depends on the tools used. If you do the fine lines of the resin style faceups with pencils, then they are quite easy. If you do them with paint then they are more challenging. The same goes for DD faceups. Some do the entire thing only in paint, some do the fine details with pencils. The paint takes a much more steady hand and a very fine brush. There may not be as many eyelashes in anime style, but there are still some, as well as other fine details like the mouth line and the eyelid fold line. And the eyebrows are generally much thinner than a resin's.


I would agree that the only thing that is really any easier is the blushing, since DDs generally don't have as much shading, just the pink cheeks.


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I believe that you can do it!!! Regardless of whether or not it's easier, I believe you can do it. As with anything, you have to practice like crazy before you even start to feel that it's "good enough" depending on whatever standards you have (my standards were hiiiiiigh so I was naive when I first painted-- thus resulting in me being completely devastated when it didn't come out as nice as I hoped it would have).


You can try using watercolor pencils for the lines, and tap a little bit of dry pastel onto the center of the lips with a q-tip. Then blend with a clean q-tip, and you'll be mostly done! To keep it simple but interesting, do the sketch in a lighter brown, do the actual shape of the eyelashes in dark brown, and then darken the innermost parts of the eye makeup with a dark brown that is almost black. It will make it look like the color lightens as it goes outward. If you still have the energy left (because dang, crouching over on a doll head and meticulously painting hurts my baaaack!) you can tap some dry pastel that is a warm tan color onto the upper portions of the eye makeup to blend it all in. These techniques only require you to know how to use a pencil (a skill most people have been honing since they were kiddos), and blend with a q-tip!


Seal what you like so it won't get messed up, work slowly, and take lots of breaks! An objective eye helps you do better work, so it helps to stop for an hour to clear your mind. Then you can come back to the head and be like, "Oh! I think I like this color better than that one-- lemme gently wipe off the lip color with a paper towel then."


In the end, it doesn't really matter if it's easier or harder than a resin face-up-- you can do it, you can do it, you can do it! :>>>>

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What a great pep talk, you should be able to do anything after reading that hehe.

Thank you for the tips, I too am hesitant to try a DD faceup.

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I believe that you can do it!!! Regardless of whether or not it's easier, I believe you can do it. As with anything, you have to practice like crazy before you even start to feel that it's "good enough" depending on whatever standards you have (my standards were hiiiiiigh so I was naive when I first painted-- thus resulting in me being completely devastated when it didn't come out as nice as I hoped it would have).


You can try using watercolor pencils for the lines, and tap a little bit of dry pastel onto the center of the lips with a q-tip. Then blend with a clean q-tip, and you'll be mostly done! To keep it simple but interesting, do the sketch in a lighter brown, do the actual shape of the eyelashes in dark brown, and then darken the innermost parts of the eye makeup with a dark brown that is almost black. It will make it look like the color lightens as it goes outward. If you still have the energy left (because dang, crouching over on a doll head and meticulously painting hurts my baaaack!) you can tap some dry pastel that is a warm tan color onto the upper portions of the eye makeup to blend it all in. These techniques only require you to know how to use a pencil (a skill most people have been honing since they were kiddos), and blend with a q-tip!


Seal what you like so it won't get messed up, work slowly, and take lots of breaks! An objective eye helps you do better work, so it helps to stop for an hour to clear your mind. Then you can come back to the head and be like, "Oh! I think I like this color better than that one-- lemme gently wipe off the lip color with a paper towel then."


In the end, it doesn't really matter if it's easier or harder than a resin face-up-- you can do it, you can do it, you can do it! :>>>>

Nothing else to say but "THIS!"!!

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