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Singer Yuna

Aug 8th ~ Risette's Marukyu Channel ~ Yuna's diary

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Singer Yuna

After seeing Coffee and Nekopon own random post diaries, I decided that maybe I should start my own thread for my random photos, since I don't want to clutter up the photo-randoms thread and maybe to put some two images' stories.


Risette's Marukyu Channel features:

- Rise cosplaying

- Rise's new adquisitions

- Posing 101 (where Yuna's trying to be original and stop posing Rise the same way she always does)

- The "I dare Risette to..." stage, where registered users here can suggest me poses to photography Rise doing them.

- Yuna's dilema: when Yuna finds she hasn't opened X and Y outfits and she is doubting if selling them or outfits should stay in Rise's wardrobe (and she asks community help for saying byebye to them)

- Rise's purikuras (random instagramish photos)

- Rise with cats



Here in DDforum I have quite some post of "Rise's wardrobe", but there are also some random photos of Risette and they're not really worth making a new thread for each time, so, there is Risette's Marukyu Channel for that! lol!

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.1 Saber alter ver.2 outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.2 Freia outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.3 Blue and white dress

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.4 Madame Butterfly outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.5 MoriTime outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.6 Outfit made by me

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.7 Dandelion Outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.8 Volks' Outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.9 Volks' Outfit Mille-Feuille Dress

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.10 Volks' Cocoa Bouquet Outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.11 Volks' M.O.M.O. Outfit

Rise’s wardrobe Vol.12 Aoi Outfit


In addition to those 10 volumes (in my blog it reached the +30 because several entries are in spanish) there are in DDforum too the Lady Rise the wizard, Kuroyukihime, Risette on Stage, Endless Rise, Lady Chocolate, Carousel post and a long list more of +10 pictures threads ^^


Also, if you like the content of this thread, you can support it buying me a coffee on Ko-fi.


Jan 20 ~ Risette's Marukyu Channel


Rise: Hii!!!!! This is my first diary entry yaaaay! I'm wearing a cat related top of one of my favorite brands, Angell Studio ^^ It fits well with granate (dark red in spanish) skirts like this one from the Red signal steampunk Volks outfit ^^

I also only own three DD belts, this one, the lady wizard belt and one TTYA in white.

(mental post-it for Yuna: to improve "Hi" poses)

Edited by Singer Yuna
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Singer Yuna

Jan 21 ~ Risette MaruQ Channel



Rise: I was bored and I played PsVita. I can't wait to Persona 4 Dancing all night videogame!! even plot may be insubstantial, i can't wait to see new dancing characters and new outfits!!

In the meanwhile I'm replaying golden ^^

Edited by Guest


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Singer Yuna

Jan 22 ~ Risette MaruQ Channel Posing 101


Rise now has a favorite outfit, it's handmade by my favorite seamstress and done from cloths of my favorite color.

For the photoshoot Into the Blue


I tried new poses but it ended being different angles and Rise touching her hair, so, still a little basic skills.

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Singer Yuna

Jan 6~ Risette MaruQ Channel


Here is Rise cosplaying my favorite character on Xenosaga, KOS-MOS. She got the outfit as three wise men's present so I changed the date of the diary ^^

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Rise now has a favorite outfit, it's handmade by my favorite seamstress and done from cloths of my favorite color.


I tried new poses but it ended being different angles and Rise touching her hair, so, still a little basic skills.


Thats a very neat looking corset top, and the pumpkin shorts are a fun addition.


Just as a minor suggestion, if you havent got them yet, the gripping hands can add a little bit extra and variation to these kinds of photo sets, for instance having her play with a strand of hair with the longer wigs. - but this is just my obsession of having my ladies keep their hands busy to a extreme.. heh.


But even different angles can affect poses, so all good practice.

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Singer Yuna

Rise now has a favorite outfit, it's handmade by my favorite seamstress and done from cloths of my favorite color.


I tried new poses but it ended being different angles and Rise touching her hair, so, still a little basic skills.


Thats a very neat looking corset top, and the pumpkin shorts are a fun addition.


Just as a minor suggestion, if you havent got them yet, the gripping hands can add a little bit extra and variation to these kinds of photo sets, for instance having her play with a strand of hair with the longer wigs. - but this is just my obsession of having my ladies keep their hands busy to a extreme.. heh.


But even different angles can affect poses, so all good practice.

Thank you for sharing your knowledge Finnleo the sage ^^ I don't own more hands than these pair and one pointing hand... And off the record, I lost one of the default hand and she is borrowing one from a friend. So I need to save for quite a bunch of hands, the 08 are in my plans too ^^


@bellatrix!! The great seamstress is european ^^ she usually put photos of the sets in flickr before selling them in etsy, so you can start the hunt then after her flickr announce and its european time ^^ the bad news is she sews a lot for msd and weird sized bjd than SDs, but she is an artist (she also makes her own bjd line called Mystic Dolls) I adore her ^^


Jan 24 (yesterday) Rise got ready for a meet with iomi, yosora and suki...photos coming soon (when iomi uploads them) and Rise had so so much fuun!! I love DD meets! And she loves making more DD friends!!


By the way, Iomi has awesome posing skills, I should learn from her ^^ Yukiho is posing superkawaii, she is so lovely!


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Singer Yuna

Jan 25 ~ Rise meets new friends ^^

This is one of the photos of the last meet I had.


DD meet in Madrid

These are Yosora's DD Asuna, Suki's MDD Maria, Iomi's Custom by Ronronshuka DDS Yukiho and my Risecchi ^^


Yukiho is posing superkawaii, she is so lovely! I loved interchanging bodies with Iomi ^^


PD: Now I want a MDD... a Maria MDD fullset u.u


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Singer Yuna

Feb 2~ Risette MaruQ Channel


Unboxing time!!


I joined a Spanish GO for the sales that dollzone did last year and my outfit arrived last week!

Let me introduce it to you... I fell in love with the Stramonium outfit since I saw this photo


日暮里撮影会④ by 薔薇男児


And I let it go... until dollzone announced it would be discontinued and put it at discount bin. They managed so poorly the "stock" (it was a preorder but they ran out of stock of some of the cloths) that in the GO where I was taking part... they were also ordered 2 outfits more and one Stramonium doll fullset with the outfit too... so we had an unlucky participant that got her bjd with her ankle broken and also ordered the stramonium set... so when the box arrived from dollzone we found there were one stramonium outfit missing (the unlucky girl ordered it the last so she was refunded). But here is Risette wearing the stramonium corset ^^



I still have to put the full outfit in her but it didn't come with instructions and its a very complete outfit...lucky me I saved the official pics for comparing my doll xD

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Singer Yuna

Feb 7~ Risette MaruQ Channel


Here is Risette wearing a skirt as a dress ^^ the belt helped to look good ^^



Rise por Singer Yuna.


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Singer Yuna

Feb 12~ Risette MaruQ Channel


Rise lives in a house with three cats and an army of nendoroids. Normally the cats only pay attention to her when photoshoots, for getting the camera attention, but after the arrival of Shiro-chan, the last cat, a male... I've discovered a nasty habit of him: (he hits nendos) shiro-chan squishes wigs. DAMN BAD LUCK! two girl cats leaving my hobbies items alone and this newcomer loves to hit nendos and squish wigs xD

Here is Risette wearing KOS-MOS extra eyes bought from Jezrha (thankyouthankyou ) and wearing a messed up wig



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Singer Yuna

Feb 24~ Risette MaruQ Channel


Rise went this weekend to a DD meet. She was accompanied by the 1/6 Azone Alisa, who was jealous of the attention whore of Rise.



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Awww...they make such a pretty picture sitting all together like that!

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Singer Yuna
Awww...they make such a pretty picture sitting all together like that!
Thank you! we all had fun! This photo was one of the last because sun went down after it ^^


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Singer Yuna

Mar 16~ Risette MaruQ Channel



This is one of my outfit holy grails. It's an Alice-look-alike from Dollpa 23, Mille-Feuille Dress I bought from Celestial (thankyouthankyouthankyou!!) and I found that my old formydoll wig was a perfect match with the dress color. Rise is wearing KOS-MOS extra eyes I bought from Jezrah ^^


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Singer Yuna

Rise's new adquisitions:



She only had time for trying on the fuwafuwa cat jumper but she is so lovely <3



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Singer Yuna

Jun 8~ Risette MaruQ Channel

This is Risette! I arrived at Yuna's home the summer of 2012 for the first time ^^


I achieved the "Incomplete Hardcore Risette fan" title, I found my step-sisters, I kidnapped nendos, I met great DD friends (national and international), I fell in love with Uriko's Yuki Moritaka, I had many friends of different species... but in the end I felt lonely, because step sisters aren't 24h/7 with me and I only see them once a month.


(Yuna's strange doll family (pukifee and 1/6 azone missing in the photo)


But hey! at the end of this month I'm going to have a sister shipped directly from Volks! She is not Yuki, my holy grail, but has quite the same mouth (plus the akira lips in certain angle) and I can't wait to her to be shipped!! (and kidnapped by customs)


Her name is going to be Shiburin Yuki and I can't be more happier!


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ahh congrats on getting Rin! For sure Risette wouldn't be so lonely anymore , although the wait would be a killer


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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Singer Yuna
ahh congrats on getting Rin! For sure Risette wouldn't be so lonely anymore , although the wait would be a killer

Indeed it is!! And customs would make it worse! Brbrrbr Shiburiiiiiiin!!!!


Risette's Marukyu Channel features:

- Rise with cats



New entry of MaruQ channel!!

Kitty cat smells Rise's summer uniform!!!


His name is Shiro-chan and he's the youngest of the three, even he's bigger than my orange one.


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She is so beautiful!, I love her face so much, she looks so peaceful and precious!!


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Singer Yuna
She is so beautiful!, I love her face so much, she looks so peaceful and precious!!

Thank you my love ^^ your DD team as I've said to you so many times is lovely too!


Risette's MaruQ channel


Rise x Flowers


Also, a quick note on Rise's diary:





Dear sister ^^


I got an email from Volks and it said you are in your way to me.

I can't wait to sing a duet with you Shiburin my dear imouto ^^


See you real soon ^^


Pd. Until Shiburin arrives, there will be a daily photo of Rise cosplaying ^^ it starts monday!


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Singer Yuna

Risette Marukyu channel: Cosplay edition!


Here is Rise cosplaying Saber Alter 10th anniversary version. The laces from the neck gave Rise her second stain. Wig and boots not the proper ones tough xD


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Singer Yuna

Risette Marukyu channel: Cosplay edition!



Here is Rise cosplaying Hitagi Senjougahara in her casual clothing. Wig was lent by Uriko and lately this year I bought some similar on licht (if it doesn't look like this one I'm going to sell it until I find the proper dark purple). I love this outfit, thanks Gunter for selling it to me!!


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Singer Yuna

Risette Marukyu channel: Cosplay edition!


Here is Rise cosplaying Sena Kashiwazaki from Hanagai. I need some hair butterflies in my life.


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