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Are DD owners cat or dog people?

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I am defiantly a cat person. I have 4 cats. Three are indoor and one is outdoor. The outdoor one, Buddy Boy, belonged to my grandfather before he passed, and since I now own my grandfather's house, Buddy Boy came with it. He won't come inside for more than one night at a time, no matter how hard I try.


Buddy Boy is a 15 years old Norwegian Forest cat (big kitty). Kiki is almost 2 (in June) she is a black Bombay mix, and my kittens Fae (buff yellow color) and Mr. Bigglesworth (buff gray color) will be a year old in July, they were both strays at 9 weeks old.

I also work in a Cat only Veterinary Clinic.


Don't get me wrong, I've owned 5 dogs in my life of all shapes and sizes.

A Husky/Chow mix named Jessie, a Brindle Boxer named Taz who was 18 at her passing in 2009, a Black Lab named Bear (now lives with my father because he preferred my dad to me haha), and two Shih Tzu's Chevy and Harley (both girls).

I'm just not as fond of dogs as I am cat. Although I know more about dog breeds than I do cat breeds.


My husband prefers dogs, but I think it's because he's allergic to most cats, just not our three indoor kitties (he is allergic to Buddy Boy though)

We might be getting a dog soon, but only if they are a rescue. I refuse to buy when so many animals need homes.



I think the only one of my girls that would have animal like features is Mayuki, she always seems to have animals on her shirts, wears hoodies with animal ears, and tends to sometimes pose in animal like ways.


I see my girls as more of an extension of myself. I don't actually see them like I do my 5 year old daughter, even if I do refer to them as my daughters sometimes haha and I defiantly don't see them as pets.

At home:

Miniko ~ DDdy Miko

Mayuki ~ DDS Mayu

Mizuki ~ SQ Lab/MDD hybrid

Waiting on: None

LOOKING FOR:​ MDD Ratwuni/Latune (Purple hair and dress)

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Guest Aurea

I am a bunny owner. I have most of the same ones for the past near 7-8 years now. They help keep me entertained.

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Over the course of my life I've had Dogs & Cats. Cat "ownership" could be a separate topic in itself! I'd like to get a standard poodle or large poodle mix (smart dogs!)...but we have several birds in a room where they're un-caged at all times and fully flight capable. It's up to them whether they wish to interact & engage us when we're in their environment. Both Cats & Dogs are bird predators. Sooner or later, their natural instincts would win out over their training, and the consequences for the birds would be dire.


As for the DDs themselves, I don't view them as having cat, dog, or other pet characteristics. They have names and characteristics due to how they're dressed (changeable). Those are choices I (we) make, so I view the results as my life experience has influenced my perceptions. Personally, I want them to portray competence while retaining the natural attractiveness of feminine self-confidence....all while being anime cute!

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Personally, I vastly prefer dogs to cats, and dogs over other pets in general. They're always there and ready to play or be pet or whatever you may want to do! Cats...not so much, lol.


On the other hand, I think it's just easier to dress a doll up as a cat and have it be 'cute'. Cat ears are kind of a short cut to cute when it comes to anime and manga, so it makes sense that it crosses boundaries into the world of dolls as well. Dog cosplay in anime/manga tends to be short hand for cute in a rough and tumble sort of way. Generally if someone's dressed up as a dog or has dog-like attributes, you're not going to see them wearing lace and pretty dresses, which is something that is oh-so-popular in the doll hobby (particularly the DD section, lets be honest), but something a bit more boyish. That's what I've observed anyways!

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I've had a few bad experiences with dogs so I'm not a huge fan of them. Especially big breeds. I'm not scared of them, I just don't want one. So I've got 2 cats.

I've been debating on making my MDD a neko outfit. But I think that maybe too much for my significant other...

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I'm a cat person, but I still love dogs. As a small animal vet student, I'm not picky so long as it has more or less legs than a human.


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Guest Aurea
I'm a cat person, but I still love dogs. As a small animal vet student, I'm not picky so long as it has more or less legs than a human.


Hopefully no creepy spiders read this post.... I still have issues after l woke up with one brown recluse on my chest and another next to my face when I was in my teens. I still get goose bumps

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Dog person here, though I am a fan of cats as well. My dog oddly enough loves my dolls, Fumiko in particular. I think it's because she's squishier than the others.

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Cat person! I have a ragdoll named Cosmo. C: (I will also probably get cute cat ears and a tail for my girl some time in the future. Kitty ears are just too cute ;u; )


I guess I would see them closer to being at tiny people end of the spectrum. Though compared to BJDs, they are definitely different. They're much more playful and cute, but still kind of people-like. Almost kind of like... fairies? Is that a good comparison? xD Playful, cute, tiny people. Haha

☆ If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask. ☆

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I'm a dog person!! Its always heart-warming when they welcome me home after work at night. No matter how late the time is, they will always be energetic and in high spirits! And even when I'm not playing with them, they will always be in the same room keeping me company.

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I'm a dog person, I have two German shorthair pointers at home and I love them a lot ♥ I don't mind cats, I just don't have any experience with them lol -- one of my life goals is to go to a cat cafe haha~

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I own 2 dogs and 3 cats..

I love both, but I guess I'm more obsessed than cats, though dog's love totally much better than my cats. Still, they're the cute little devils. *becomes a mere servant*

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I love my dog, Kumi but I do have to say I am a little more of a cat person. I am just terribly allergic to them and can not be in the same room with one. But i still love dogs, maybe just small ones that you can cuddle with.

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I'm more of a dog person! But only I like little dogs that you can pick up and cuddle! XD I also love guinea pigs and alpacas!


I grew up with pet cats throughout all my childhood and I desperately wanted a little doggy of my own! I was a pretty rough kid and our cats never liked paying with me when I was little... I even left newspaper articles of dogs needing new homes all over the house in hope that my parents might take the hint!


Now I'm all grown up, I got myself a dog. :3 And I don't mind cats so much now either!


Mariko likes doggies too!


Living with: MDD H01, DDSB Yayoi Takatsuki, DDP Akira, DDS Nia Teppelin

My Instagram ★

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I don't have any dollfie dreams (yet) but I have a wonderful 8-year old chocolate lab (we adopted him a few weeks ago) named Bodi.

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I'm more of a dog person! But only I like little dogs that you can pick up and cuddle! XD I also love guinea pigs and alpacas!


I grew up with pet cats throughout all my childhood and I desperately wanted a little doggy of my own! I was a pretty rough kid and our cats never liked paying with me when I was little... I even left newspaper articles of dogs needing new homes all over the house in hope that my parents might take the hint!


Now I'm all grown up, I got myself a dog. :3 And I don't mind cats so much now either!


Mariko likes doggies too!



Mariko's puppy eyes are even cuter than your dogs puppy eyes ! Adorable picture! I'm amazed your dog sat still like that . My moms dog sure can't!

~ Currently putting DD collecting on hold ~

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I'm more of a dog person! But only I like little dogs that you can pick up and cuddle! XD I also love guinea pigs and alpacas!


I grew up with pet cats throughout all my childhood and I desperately wanted a little doggy of my own! I was a pretty rough kid and our cats never liked paying with me when I was little... I even left newspaper articles of dogs needing new homes all over the house in hope that my parents might take the hint!


Now I'm all grown up, I got myself a dog. :3 And I don't mind cats so much now either!


Mariko likes doggies too!




Awwwwwwww this is the sweetest photo ever!

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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Out of the two I'm definitely a dog person, but my hubby is a cat person so I don't think we'd ever be able to agree about owning a dog. Despite loving it when I go to my parents and see their dog I don't think I'd actually want to have one of my own thinking about how jumpy my parents one can be and then having to worry about possible doll dog attacks (I've seen what happens to a resin after one so I can only imagine the damage to a DD with it's squishy vinyl) so the fact I don't have to keep thinking about that or dog hair getting into anything is a plus.

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I'm a dog person, but my dolls sometimes can't get a long with the doggies, I have 2 big dogs, a siberian husky and a samoyed, they are full with energy, so when I'm trying to taking a picture of my dollfies with them, and set up a great pose for the them, the dogs always knocks the dolls, but I still love my dogs XD

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I am totally a cat person, though I do like some dogs very much.


The funniest thing happened the other day, I had taken the fist hands off my new DD girl and left them on my sewing table. I didn't think anything else of it until I heard a quiet thump (which was a fist hitting the carpet), and then the cat was next to me carrying it around in her mouth! I just couldn't be mad at her, it was so funny! I rescued the hand, and picked up my kitty to pet her. I laughed so hard, it was hilarious. She does like to carry her toys around, and I guess she just thought Shiemi's fist hand was another one for her!


Linda S.


DDH03 girl DDH07 x2 boys DDH06 girl DDH-05 x2 boys

DDH01 mod girl Saber Alter SqLab Tsubaki boy DDH-02 girl

Mio Honda Youmu Konpaku x2 boy twins

Also: DDS Lagla, Sheryl Nome, SmD Melody, SmD Eiji x2

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I do like both cats and dogs very much, but I currently have just one cat living with me. He's got some very dog-like personality traits though, like running to greet me at the door when I get home from work


He's very good around the dolls and doesn't seem to show much interest in them either way. Sometimes if I leave a doll sitting on the couch or bed beside me he will cuddle with her. So adorable!

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Yeah, cats and strange personality traits tend to go hand-in-hand. Mine will be waiting for me in the driveway when I get home from work every day. I have to shoo her away because she's too dumb to move out of the way of my car...

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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I'm mostly a dog person. I like cats, I just find dogs more friendly.

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Had this happen during my morning pre-work routine. Couldn't help but take a photo to share with you guys.




Please ignore my dirty table, as you can see it and everything I own is perpetually covered in a thin veil of cat hair. There are four of the buggers living in my house and two of them are long-haired shedballs. The only things not covered in hair are my dolls which I keep in an air-tight display cabinet when not being played with.

Kagura (Obitsu 50) | Nadeshiko (Parabox 47) | Ohime (Azone 48) | Mei & Makoto (Parabox 40 F/M)

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