Serisu Posted February 12, 2014 (edited) Hello! I'm Serisu, and I apparently joined this website over 2 years ago and forgot about it. I only discovered it when I was attempting to sign up and I couldn't use this username! XD But anywho! I'm a 22 year old girl who is attending a local community college, aiming for my major of architecture! I've currently held a job at the local Cinemark for five years, going from ushering to concession to box to projectionist until our projectors went digital, and now I'm back as a box office cashier! I really hate my job but it'll do until I find something better. I enjoy a lot of things, such as games, anime, manga, various television shows, the movie Frozen, collecting things (I have 2 BJD, plenty of figures, some LaLaLoopsy dolls >///> , among other things), cosplay, reading, and drawing. And I have a sewing machine I keep meaning to use to try to make things, but I forget quite often. I recently built my first computer and I'm pretty proud of it, but I'm still paying it off so I don't have as much money to spend freely as I'd like! I also love cats and own two, Promise, a pretty young part-Siamese girl who turns two later this month, and Levi, a strapping young male who is the sweetest boy ever who is almost 1. They're the kitties in my current avatar. 8) I've always liked Dollfies, but I've never had the chance to see one in person, although they're typically very pretty and cute in the pictures I see. ^^ I haven't decided which one I want for my first, but I do plan on getting at least one girl to dote on, seeing as my two BJDs are both boys and I want a pretty girl to dress up in all sorts of frilly things. Edited February 12, 2014 by Guest Home;; Akira , DDH01 boy - Finn, Lelouch SMD, Cherry SMD Layaway;; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eustia Posted February 12, 2014 Hello! I'm new around here, too. Though I have lurked sporadically for the past few years. I just recently got my first doll (yesterday!) so my adoration for them is really quite fresh. Since you already have some other dolls, it may not be as quiiite as exciting for you, but I wish you luck in finding a nice girl! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serisu Posted February 12, 2014 Eustia said: Hello! I'm new around here, too. Though I have lurked sporadically for the past few years. I just recently got my first doll (yesterday!) so my adoration for them is really quite fresh. Since you already have some other dolls, it may not be as quiiite as exciting for you, but I wish you luck in finding a nice girl! Wow! Many congrats for your new girl! I'm going to stalk your posts to find pictures. I think that getting a new doll will probably always be exciting to me (I especially enjoy box openings, IDK why! XD ), so I hope to find one for a good price soon. Probably going to browse the database and Flickr to find a sculpt I love. Home;; Akira , DDH01 boy - Finn, Lelouch SMD, Cherry SMD Layaway;; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eustia Posted February 12, 2014 You should strongly consider making a custom! You can get bodies for really quite reasonable prices, then get a head you like from YJA, or even a blank one you can have an artist do however you like. I'm keeping an eye on YJA heads for one that may suit this girl better, then I will send this one off to an artist for a custom design. Whole dolls are quite a bit more expensive... and if you're just going to customise it yourself anyway, may as start early. for actual Volks (DDH) heads, for some SQ-Lab heads. They're the same size and fit on DD bodies just fine, but offer some more variation; particularly in mouths. I strongly suggest perusing some and thinking about it. I am quite tempted. Though I really shouldn't spend any more for a while! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serisu Posted February 12, 2014 You're right; a custom would probably be the best route for me! I probably wouldn't keep much default anyway. I'm definitely going to browse the auctions you linked me to. I remember looking at a few SQ-Lab heads before, but I completely forgot they existed! TY for reminding me! I'll just have to find a good faceup artist- I'm no good with a brush myself. I can barely hold one still enough to paint a straight line! XD Home;; Akira , DDH01 boy - Finn, Lelouch SMD, Cherry SMD Layaway;; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Konapi Posted February 12, 2014 Welcome! The names of your cats are so cute and they look adorable in your user pic! I have two cats as well but yours look like they really get along looking at your avatar! (Mine are BOTH Siamese mixes and have VERY different personalities. They get along, but aren't exactly close?) Haha, we BOTH have sewing machines and forget we have them. Perhaps when you get your new girl, you'll be motivated to make her frilly new outfits or accessories! Oh! Do you cosplay? That's really cool. I used to, but retired a few years ago. Who do you cosplay? I hope that you are able to find exactly what you're looking for and at the price you want. Sometimes that takes time depending on what you want, but I am wishing you the very best! @Eustia: Congrats on getting your first doll and her arriving safely! That's so exciting! Are you going to be posting pictures soon? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Serisu Posted February 12, 2014 Thank you so much. They get along most of the time- unless Promise is in the mood to smack people around for no reason. XD I'd love to see your kitties sometime ; my first kitty was a Siamese mix until he went missing one day. But I love Siamese cats! I hope so! I'd love to make cute little outfits for her or something! I'll definitely have to try. > Well, when I first decided I was going to cosplay, I was going to only be girls. That never actually happened, so I've cosplayed Mikado from Durarara!!, R2 ver. Zero from Code Geass, and Ivan from Tiger and Bunny! I guess I crossplay because my favorite characters are typically male. Who have you cosplayed as? O: Thank you so much! I'm actually considering a few different options I've seen recently and emailed one person about a head they have up. But I'll have to see how that goes! I'll probably buy a head first and then get the body later on (I'm thinking I want a DDS body, hmmm..). ^^ Home;; Akira , DDH01 boy - Finn, Lelouch SMD, Cherry SMD Layaway;; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chibiponi Posted February 12, 2014 Welcome (again)! XD I'm kind of a long time admirer of DDs coming from the BJD world too - I don't have any anymore, but what do you have? ^^ Eustia, I'm glad to hear she arrived safely! ^^ I hope you post pictures soon! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Konapi Posted February 16, 2014 Sorry for not getting back with you sooner! Work has been very chaotic, but I finally have some time off! Promise sounds a lot like my Saiya. xD Here are some pictures of them: Saiya: Bazuso: Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that your kitty went missing. I know how heartbreaking that can be. (It happened to me when I was little.) I don't know what I would do if either of my cats went missing now. Siamese cats are my favorite! I'd love to see what you come up with if you do make something! I have only crossplayed a male character once. KAITO from Vocaloid. Haha xD It's a lot of fun to crossplay though! I generally also like male characters over female. I didn't cosplay for very long before I decided to dedicate myself to lolita fashion, but I have cosplayed many different variations of Luka Megurine from Vocaloid, Cecile from Code Geass, Shizuka from HoTD, Dead Master from BRS...I'm forgetting a few. Haha! Ooh that sounds good! I hope you get it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites