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Price Check: Airy Head

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I have an Airy head coming to me from a trade, but I'm afraid I might not be able to keep her. ;3;

I didn't know I'd have to go to a career related conference across the country until recently, so I may need to put her up for sale to help pay for those expenses. If I can, I would prefer to keep her.


Good condition, no stains. She's coming with eyes, but I'm not sure if they're her originals.


The most recent price I've found her at was $350, but that was over a year ago according to the post, so does anyone know her current value? Thank you~

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One just popped up on ebay for $470, but that seems a bit overpriced?

Or is it? @__@


I'm still very new to DD's.

I really hope I don't have to sell her, hard when she could pay for the plane ticket alone. ;3;

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That seems high for Airy- she was selling for close to retail for a long time, not very popular when she was released.

There's an Airy selling on Mandarake for 80,000 yen, and since she's been there for a while let's assume that price is too high. So I'd say she's worth closer to $700 for a full set. When you figure the going rate for a limited wig, DD2 body, and so forth, her head should be in the $250-300 range. That's just guess work mind you, it's always better to stalk yahoo japan auctions and see what real sale prices look like.

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That seems high for Airy- she was selling for close to retail for a long time, not very popular when she was released.

There's an Airy selling on Mandarake for 80,000 yen, and since she's been there for a while let's assume that price is too high. So I'd say she's worth closer to $700 for a full set. When you figure the going rate for a limited wig, DD2 body, and so forth, her head should be in the $250-300 range. That's just guess work mind you, it's always better to stalk yahoo japan auctions and see what real sale prices look like.


Thank you so much for clearing that up!

I'll try watching the auctions, no idea why I didn't think of that earlier.

She arrived and she's so cute, still trying to evaluate my trip funds to see if I can keep her. ;3;


Thanks again!

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