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Purchasing from taobao

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I would like to know please how I can buy things from Taobao.

My actual deputy doesn't offer this service unfortunately. Is it possible to buy without a deputy? Do you have any recommendations for deputy if needed please?

Thank you in advance

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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Do you mean an agent?

Some Taobao shops will take orders from international buyers, but most don't and you need to use an agent for. I'd recommend that anyways because they check to make sure the order is correct before sending to you and they'll work with the shop if anything is not correct.


TaobaoTrends is who I use. You make an account on their website and they have a neat cart system. However, you won't know the shipping cost from them to you until they get all the items, repackage, and weight the whole order.

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Please note that some Taobao shops ban known agents from buying from them. I know Sunny's Wonderful World does, and I think the Nine9 Style taobao shop also does?

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Do you mean an agent?

Some Taobao shops will take orders from international buyers, but most don't and you need to use an agent for. I'd recommend that anyways because they check to make sure the order is correct before sending to you and they'll work with the shop if anything is not correct.


TaobaoTrends is who I use. You make an account on their website and they have a neat cart system. However, you won't know the shipping cost from them to you until they get all the items, repackage, and weight the whole order.


I'd recommend Taobao Trends as well, I've had nothing but good experiences with them. I've found its easier (and usually cheaper) to get things through them than use international stores that carry Taobao clothes, or try to deal with the stores directly.

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