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Wig Question - Volks Usa Aoi

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If you e-mail Volks with the photo, they will tell you what wig it is. I have asked them questions like that before and they responded. However, I don't think that color you linked is right. It looks darker than that one. It looks like Choco Purple or Natural to me... Possibly Charcoal Brown. However at a first glance I thought of Choco Purple.


What confuses me is that I don't see that wig style in those colors? I think your best bet is probably to e-mail them and ask. They will probably verify the color and style as well as letting you know whether the wig is still available or not.


Hope this helps!

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I did some looking on the Volks INC website and just like I thought this must be one of their discontinued wigs.




The style and dark color seem to match, or at least to me it does. ^_^


*Nothing but a wrong answer here.*



You'll have to do like Arienette suggested and email them to find out for sure.

Edited by Guest

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Hmmm, I don't think that's right. W-92D was Volks' super-long wig -- it went all the way down to the ankles!


In the photos of Aoi, you can see this is a shorter wig, ending around her hips:



I'm pretty sure it's a non-standard wig. Normally when Volks uses a standard wig to model an outfit, they state the wig type and color on the Japanese page. The Japanese page for this outfit doesn't mention the wig at all.

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Oh I didn't notice how long it was. Then nevermind, goes to show I don't know much at all and can't see.

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Thank you arienette defectiveangel and cauldroness!


If i cant find the one aoi is wearing or if it is a non standard wig, the one defectiveangel suggested may work with a trim ^-^



Ill email volks about it though thanks!

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I think it's that shaggy style one Oni-chan linked but in the discontinued "Natural" or "Choco Purple." But it's discontinued, so it might be hard to find.

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I think Oni-chan & mitsuki are totally right about the style being W-142. The weird thing is, according to Volks' own website, W-142 was never offered in "Natural" or "Choco Purple." According to their chart, they're not discontinued colors for W-142 -- they're colors that W-142 has simply never been offered in:




On the Volks blog, when they introduced W-142 for DD, they state: "Rich Brown is the darkest color that we offer in this wig in this size..."




So maybe it's a one-of-a-kind wig, or maybe it was offered as a special wig at some kind of event? Seems like it might be terribly rare, unfortunately.


I'm really curious to see what Volks says!

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