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Politely Nefarious









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Thinking of selling

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As I've not decided if I want to sell or not I wasn't sure where to put this thread.


I've got a DD 04 head that I got custom painted, the person did an ok job but she hadn't done vinyl face ups before, the problem is I don't think it was sealed properly as the face has gone all shiny and is sticky.


I don't want to pay out for someone else to redo the face up so was just thinking of selling the head as a whole.


I'm new to the hobby so I've not sold anything doll related before. Will it be sellible?

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This needs to be posted in the marketplace OR the question and answer section!

Edited by Guest

I have a gorgeous family of DD girls

See my profile for a list of my beauties!!

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I'd say it might be best to try and remove the face up, even if you do end up selling the head after that. Depending on what was used to seal it, it might just be coming off or it might be damaging the vinyl itself. If you don't know if there is damage, it would be hard to put a fair price on it, given someone might have trouble with it once it arrives. Plus if it's sticky, shipping it would probably just make a big mess.


Did you pay for the faceup? If so you should ask for some money back from the artist, given that the faceup is having issues. :/

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Ok I'll just delete this post and do another ill also upload some photos

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I've got nothing to take it off with at the moment. It was sealed with citidal sealent. I didn't pay alot as the girl is new to doll face ups, but at the time I didn't know some sealants dont do well on vinyl.

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