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Adventure Time!

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M - "So you packed everything like I asked right?"


U - "Yup! I got all the stuff we'll need!"


M - "Where'd you put it all?"


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U - "I put it all in my backpack, see?"


M - "Oh nice! Good color choice too."


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Oh hi girls. What are you up to?


M - "We heard you tell Rei you were going out to do some yardwork and WE wanna go outside too! The weather is finally nice enuff so let us come out with you and play!"


U - "Can we pleeeeaaaassseee?"


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Well, I'm going to be in the back yard and that's all fenced in so yall can't get lost or go too far soooooo... I guess that's fine.


U - "Yay! Thank you Papa!"


M - "Good call Papa! Gimmmie some knuckles!"


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U - "It's so bright out! And warm too!"


M - "Papa, did you bring out the thing I asked for?"


Yes I did. Let me grab it for you and then we'll talk about some safety stuff for it.


M - "Safety, pfffttt. It's ME here! Safety is my middle name!"


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M - "Whooo! It's Big Red!"


U - "So shiny....."


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M - "Get outta the way Papa! We're ready to go!"


Now look here. You need to be wary of all the bumps and stuff in the yard! I still need to pick up fallen tree branches and rake up leaves so there's lots of stuff you could get hurt on.


M - "We'll be fine! I've driven this a few times so trust me!"


Famous last words....


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Alright, just be careful and call me if you need anything okay?


M - "Off we go!"


U - "Take it easy ok Minako?"


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U - "That's a big drop!"


M - "It's nothing!"


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U - "What's that over there?"


M - "Let's go check it out!"


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M - "Ooooo! A rare flower!"


U - "So pretty!"


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M - "Look Umi! An ancient road! I bet it leads to an old ruined city!"


U - "Should we follow it?"


M - "Of course!"


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U - "Oh no! There's some huge old trees across the road!"


M - "Hmm...."


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M - "We'll just go around!"


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U - "Look! You were right, an ancient city!"


M - "I knew it! Let's go explore it!"


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U - "It's got to be pretty old, look how all the plants have grown over it."


M - "I agree, it's pretty old...."


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M - "From what Mamimi has taught me about ancient ruins and construction, I'd say this one is between 15 to 20..... years old."


U - "Wow.... that IS ancient!"


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M - "Check out these old stairs! I'm going up."


U - "Be careful! Remember what Papa said!"


M - "It's fine, I'm an excellent climber!"


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M - "And across the gap!"


U - "Watch out! That's a big gap!"


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M - "It's okay, it's not that wide really."


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M - "Come on up! It's not that hard to get up here."


U - "Well, ok. But that's kinda high."


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"Focus, focus...."


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"Almost there..."


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"Now I see why the ancient people who built this made it so high."


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"There's an excellent view up here."


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"Quite nice."


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M - "Ahh, you made it up! You gonna come across now?"


U - "Nah, I'm fine. I think I'll go check out some of the lower areas like the catacombs. I like lower places."


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"Ah, here's some places to check out."


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"Hellooooooo in there! Anyone home?"


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"As I thought, nobody in there."


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"Ohh! But there IS still life here!"


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"So pretty!"


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"Finally done! Now once Umi gets back we can eat!"


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"I'm back! Ohh, you made a table! Cool!"


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M - "So let's chow down, all this adventuring is making me hungry."


U - "I got it, gimmie a sec."


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M - "Good job Umi! Let's toast to our conquest of the ancient city!"


U - "Yeah!"


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"I forgot I packed this! I'm gonna go get some pics of that flower..."


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"Where to next? Maybe over that way..."


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M - "Let's go!"


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U - "Watch out for the tree!"


M - "I got it."


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U - "You hit that one!"


M - "It's okay! Big Red can handle it!"


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M - "I think we're getting close to home now."


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U - "There's some houses! We're back to civilization!"


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M - "It's home! We made it!"


U - "Yay! It feels like days since we've been here!"


M - "Let's get Papa to make us some pizza to celebrate our return!"


U - "Yeah!"


13829784925_4f3d5eaaa3_z.jpgDSC_1017 by balldylox, on Flickr








I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Pizza! ^-^ nice story Billy I love the pics of the girls on the bike

I have more dollfies than my age in years *×*

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That is adorable XD makes me want to get my herd of MDD's now so I can have cute adventures with them.

At home: Too many....

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very nice story, haha, love that bike with the girls on it. very cute!

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awwww your girls are sooo cute and love the pictures. It's nice to see the obitsu's body's in action.

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Guest Aurea

Came for the story(good story btw) but stayin for the pizza

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They're adorable! I'm glad they had fun on their adventure.

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  Oni-Chan said:
Pizza! ^-^ nice story Billy I love the pics of the girls on the bike


Everyone loves pizza! Thank you very much!



  EblKtty said:
That is adorable XD makes me want to get my herd of MDD's now so I can have cute adventures with them.


Thanks so much! And YES! You do need to get MOAR MDD goodness! Their cute cannot be denied!



  super_nova said:
very nice story, haha, love that bike with the girls on it. very cute!


Thank you very much! I found that at a local Goodwill store for 3 bucks! Well worth it I think.



  Janeway said:
:) awwww your girls are sooo cute and love the pictures. It's nice to see the obitsu's body's in action.


Thank you very much! It was fun showing how well the Obitsu bodies can pose and move. They had a great time out there!



  Suiseiseki4life said:
Came for the story(good story btw) but stayin for the pizza


Ha ha! Who wouldn't want pizza? Thank you!



  bitterfishies said:
They're adorable! I'm glad they had fun on their adventure.


Thank you! They did have a great time out there.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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You really captured that feel of youthful imagination! Seriously, got a major nostalgia blast of remembering pretending I was a mermaid in my grandparents' swimming pool when they got to the "ruins", the way a bit of creativity can make everything so much grander.


Though, how did Minako get Fate's binoculars away from her? Can't be easy to steal OR borrow things from someone with invisibility powers.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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  Poofiemus said:
You really captured that feel of youthful imagination! Seriously, got a major nostalgia blast of remembering pretending I was a mermaid in my grandparents' swimming pool when they got to the "ruins", the way a bit of creativity can make everything so much grander.


Thank you so much! I was going for that feeling of being young and full of wonder on everything you see. I used to have a vivid imagination as a kid so I did the same things when I was out and about in the woods near my parents. I'm happy to hear that came thru in the pics and story!


Though, how did Minako get Fate's binoculars away from her? Can't be easy to steal OR borrow things from someone with invisibility powers.


Ha ha! How else do you think? Umi *is* Fate's best friend so since Umi packed the backpack, she got them from Fate herself for them to use on their adventure. Easy!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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speaking of which...Where are my pictures XD and that of Bud. huh...huh!!! I cut you!!!!!!!!

At home: Too many....

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Those pictures were amazing ! I felt like I was part of the adventure in your backyard . Your girls are so spoiled , a 4 wheels . I hope they are going to be careful

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  EblKtty said:
speaking of which...Where are my pictures XD and that of Bud. huh...huh!!! I cut you!!!!!!!!



Was I supposed to get you up close pics of her faceup? If so I totally forgot! I can take them this weekend if you need them, I'll have time. And I think I'll also have time for those other pics of Mishka and Manami too.



  salica said:
Those pictures were amazing ! I felt like I was part of the adventure in your backyard . Your girls are so spoiled , a 4 wheels . I hope they are going to be careful


Thank you very much! I'm so glad to hear you enjoyed the story and pics! And my girls aren't THAT spoiled... the 4 wheeler was used and only cost $3.00





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Well yeah those. But mostly I was talking bout Manami and Mishka. and the cute Bud too. She needs pictures.!!!

At home: Too many....

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  EblKtty said:
Well yeah those. But mostly I was talking bout Manami and Mishka. and the cute Bud too. She needs pictures.!!!



Ahh ok. I'll get those close ups for you for sure. And I should have time to do the Manami/Mishka shots too. You'll see those at the meet. And don't worry, I took Bud and Kiririn with me to Charlotte last weekend so they got to have fun at a local park.... lots of flowers and such!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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All I can say is:


That was awesome. Those girls really did fit on the 4 wheeler perfectly, I've said it before but you find the coolest stuff! I loved how the brick pile really did look like ancient ruins too! I guess in MDD years, 15+ years IS ancient. Minako looks amazing, I'll have to fight the overwhelming urge to get an MDD myself now. haha. Great job!

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  Silverwing said:
All I can say is:


That was awesome. Those girls really did fit on the 4 wheeler perfectly, I've said it before but you find the coolest stuff! I loved how the brick pile really did look like ancient ruins too! I guess in MDD years, 15+ years IS ancient. Minako looks amazing, I'll have to fight the overwhelming urge to get an MDD myself now. haha. Great job!



Thank you so much! I got lucky when I found that 4 wheeler, I had no clue if it would fit any of the girls or not but for $3, I took the chance.


I was a bit upset that my girls think 15-20 years means something is ancient. If they find out how old *I* am, they're going to flip out. LOL


And thank you about Minako! You should just go ahead and give in now and get an MDD or two. You know if you don't it'll just eat at you inside. You NEED the adorableness that are MDD girls!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Ah, youth...


Loving how the kiddos have a very healthy imagination!

(But, also wondering how fast Minako went to keep Umi's hair from tangling in the rear wheels of Big Red)



  baldylox said:
I was a bit upset that my girls think 15-20 years means something is ancient. If they find out how old *I* am, they're going to flip out. LOL
Tell them how old I am, you'll have nothing to worry about!


  Silverwing said:
I'll have to fight the overwhelming urge to get an MDD myself now. haha. Great job!


You Can(not) Resist! *I'll explain soon*


Pizza RULEZ!! (I was told by Tana and Maiko I had to add that!

"Madness takes it's toll, Please have exact change!"

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Great story! The girls look like they really enjoyed their adventure in the wilds, and good thing they had some snacks to keep their strength up. I really like how you contrasted Umi's gentle personality with Minako's daring spirit.


Really nice use of props too! Can't beat $3.00 for a used vehicle!

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  battrastard said:
Ah, youth... Loving how the kiddos have a very healthy imagination!

(But, also wondering how fast Minako went to keep Umi's hair from tangling in the rear wheels of Big Red)


Thanks! I just loved how they took everyday things out there and had a blast with them. And I was kind of worried about Umi's hair too but she seemed to do a good job keeping it away from the tires.


Heh, tell them how old I am, you'll have nothing to worry about!


Ha ha! I fear their little heads may explode if I do that! LOL


Pizza RULEZ!! (I was told by Tana and Maiko I had to add that!


Ha! Well, I'm glad they see things like my girls do! Pizza is always a welcome food here at my place.




  kastalia said:
Great story! The girls look like they really enjoyed their adventure in the wilds, and good thing they had some snacks to keep their strength up. I really like how you contrasted Umi's gentle personality with Minako's daring spirit. Really nice use of props too! Can't beat $3.00 for a used vehicle!


Thank you very much! If nothing else, my girls make sure to ALWAYS pack snacks no matter where they go! They did have a good time out there, I'm amazed they found so much to do in my boring backyard. And nope, three bucks was so worth it to see those two have such a good time!




  Rumiko said:
Adorable girls, and great pictures


Thanks so much!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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This is soooo cute! ;3; I love finding old structures and bricks and rocks that are all covered in plants like that. <3 I'll have to try taking my girl outside now that it's warm, too! >v

☆ If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask. ☆

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  flowerhoney said:
This is soooo cute! ;3; I love finding old structures and bricks and rocks that are all covered in plants like that. I'll have to try taking my girl outside now that it's warm, too! >v<


Thank you! I'm the same way, old broken down structures fascinate me for some reason. And yes, you DO need to take your girl outside for pics! DD girls love being outdoors!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I'll have to brave the bees and neighbor children, but it'll be worth it! xD

☆ If you have to ask, you'll never know. If you know, you need only ask. ☆

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  flowerhoney said:
I'll have to brave the bees and neighbor children, but it'll be worth it! xD


Yep, it will totally be worth braving those!




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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