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Volks USA Website Relaunch site preview May 1st 2014

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Coding in HTML, CSS, or any other language is never as straightforward as it might seem. Problems pop up when you least expect it, and everything is fine and suddenly something breaks. I can totally understand if they are redoing the entire site, especially a large one, how little issues would and could pop up everywhere. I'm having the same issue with my own site.


To quote my programming professor: "Coding: it works until it doesn't." I hate to say it, but it's really true.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Sister Kyoya, you just summed up everything I hate about web design--well, except for this: sometimes the site will work perfectly. . . except for run in one particular browser. Usually said browser is IE.


That said, those are also the reasons I thought that the May 1 date was optimistic/ambitious (barely over a month since taking down the old site), and by extension the reason why I assumed the preview would be primarily for the front end. Of course, if the back end is still glitching, then odds are it'll extend into front-end issues too. Doubly so if their new system is MVC based, since the back end is what dictates which front end pieces to use. So, yeah, not hugely surprised it didn't pan out.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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They just posted on Facebook that they're almost done fixing the problems and hope to be up by this evening.

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Tragedy Volks posted this update on Facebook:


[Due to technical difficulties the VOLKS USA, Inc. web-store reopening will be postponed until further notice.


We are incredibly sorry for the inconvenience, and working to fix this problem as soon as possible.


Thank you for understanding.]


I've been waiting all week

Home:Lucy ver. 2, Yukino, Ranko Kanzaki, Hatsune Miku and Yu Morisawa

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Tragedy Volks posted this update on Facebook:


[Due to technical difficulties the VOLKS USA, Inc. web-store reopening will be postponed until further notice.


We are incredibly sorry for the inconvenience, and working to fix this problem as soon as possible.


Thank you for understanding.]


I've been waiting all week


I know, I was eating lunch, when I decided to check the Volks site I wonder what it will look like.

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It loaded for me but it was SLOW! But I did get an account registered.

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Yeah, it was extremely slow to load up for me too but I was able to register with them. It seems the only things they have up to look at are their lottery resins. Nothing else is there. At all. Talk about bare bones.


I do hope they can get more things up to look at soon.




I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Registered! It wasn't crazy slow but it definitely wasn't normal speed.

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I made an account just a moment ago.

Edit: Nevermind the software download was for something else LOL

Edited by Guest

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I haven't registered yet but I am freaking out over the One-Off's because some of those sculpts are super rare (Suigintou!!!!!!)-- I'm conflicted about going for them or not, because my intention is to wipe them for re-painting. @w@

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I wish there was something more to look at too, but at the very bottom of the page there is a link to Wishlists!


Sister Kyoya, you just summed up everything I hate about web design--well, except for this: sometimes the site will work perfectly. . . except for run in one particular browser. Usually said browser is IE. .


Urg, tell me about it. I don't say I hate it but it really does test my patience. *drops one image in on her page and the entire layout breaks when it hasn't for two months* *spends four hours hunting down the problem* I do have a question though... is IE even worth it anymore? I don't think I've used it in the last 10-15 years! The other thing that drives me nuts is when the layout is perfect in one browser, but then is off by a few pixels in another because they interpret the info differently making the layout look shoddy in places.


That said, those are also the reasons I thought that the May 1 date was optimistic/ambitious (barely over a month since taking down the old site)


I honestly was shocked that the preview date was so soon. Looking at the site and not having much to see, it makes a lot more sense now. Looks very promising though. Since working on Naiomi's Closet, I have a much greater appreciation what it takes to be a web developer creating a new site without relying on WYSIWYGs or standard templates (like many of the Korean doll websites). I don't know if they are building it from scratch or not, but even so web design can get very complicated. NC has 10-15 nested divs all with unique styling and a handful that use z-indexes, Jquery, & SSIs on most pages. I'm sure some other stuff I'm forgetting too. My CSS is huge. And this is just for what I consider is a simple site. It really is impossible to calculate what can go wrong before hand because there are just too many things working together interlinked, sometimes in odd or non-intuitive ways, to know when it will break and then having to hunt it down and fix it when it does.


I'm curious to see when the site will be finished and open. I wouldn't be surprised if it was in Aug. knowing how many products they had before.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Maybe wallpapers or calendars? Sounds really cool!

Looks like official website relaunch is 24th.

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Downloads? How odd.


It's under "Orders", so my first instinct is that it's going to be PDF copies of order confirmations/invoices. :/ I hope I'm wrong though! Wallpapers and calendars would be neat, but I want. . .


. . . patterns. Clothes patterns! Not likely, I know, but I can dream!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I only like a few of the one offs. I don't intend to enter for any at all but is anyone else going to give it a go?

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I only like a few of the one offs. I don't intend to enter for any at all but is anyone else going to give it a go?


I was considering Johanna for a brief moment but I've never owned a resin doll before and I'm a bit afraid I won't like having limited posing possibilities compared to a DD. She does look super adorable though!

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I entered for four. Michele, Lorina, Hewitt, and Suigintou. Lorina and Michele are $1000+ for their heads alone, and Suigintou is even harder to find. I figured it was worth a try because I don't know when I'll ever get a chance for them again. :,D Hewitts are just cute, haha. I thought about entering for Alice, but I'm not super into white skin dolls. Michele is one of my grail dolls though, so fingers crossed!!!

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I only like a few of the one offs. I don't intend to enter for any at all but is anyone else going to give it a go?


I'm not a big fan of Volks resin dolls in general. Only a few that I've liked enough to consider buying. The Johanna one-off was the only one that I would've considered entering for, but don't plan to. Maybe if she'd been normal instead of white skin...

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(Don't care if image doesn't fit, still the best news ever.)



LOL I have to agree. This is both a fantastic thing and a very...dangerous...thing ...for me! I am really hoping they have some 'previews' for us at CCBJD this year but so far they are pretty quiet!

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(Don't care if image doesn't fit, still the best news ever.)



LOL I have to agree. This is both a fantastic thing and a very...dangerous...thing ...for me! I am really hoping they have some 'previews' for us at CCBJD this year but so far they are pretty quiet!


I agree as well. xD Took them a looong time to accept PayPal. I really like how their new store looks, and I like how we have accounts now... And of course, the ease of having PayPal as an option!

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I like Lieselotte and Miruku the most! If I had the money and were into the resins, I would enter for those two.

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I'd love to enter for Lieselotte and Chloe, I just don't live in the US. Ah well. I hope whoever gets them really enjoys them.

At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

Waiting for:

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Downloads? How odd.


It's under "Orders", so my first instinct is that it's going to be PDF copies of order confirmations/invoices. :/ I hope I'm wrong though! Wallpapers and calendars would be neat, but I want. . .


. . . patterns. Clothes patterns! Not likely, I know, but I can dream!


I will dream with you lol! DD patterns are dancing in my head...

http://amara77.wordpress.com blog and shop

Spoke too soon....

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