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DD Mouth Sanding?

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Hello. So i have just ordered my first girls and they just hit transit. They are just body and heads. Not fully assembled. And i am going to be sending one of the heads to a custom Face-up artist. That one is going to be my MDD. (sadly my DDS is going to have to wait awhile till she gets hers done , its just that the MDD face-up is more costly so i want to do her first.) I am getting her mouth sanded to be open. Like a wide smiling mouth, kinda like Yui from angel beats always has if you search on google. I was just wondering how that process works. It has amazed me ever since i first found DD's so Yeah.






Update: Thanks everyone for your comments and helpful links! I sadly cannot reply to all your comments without deleting the links so I decided to post my thanks here instead! Your guy's links were extremely helpful in all aspects. I learned a lot about DD mouth sanding because of it! thanks again guys! bai!

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Sanding vinyl dolls is A HUGE PAIN IN THE BUTT. I did it for my DDH-01 and it took so long @__@ I've done modding on resin dolls before, and that goes so much faster, I felt like I was getting nowhere with vinyl! I got it done eventually, but it took sandpaper and various files to get it down to where I wanted it @__@


Anyways, this was the final product after I painted her xD


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I think it's easier to sand the mouth off and paint one on the flat surface than to try and sculpt a new mouth. It's a lot of cutting, filing, and sanding if you do it with manual tools. Electric tools are faster but you run the risk of melting the plastic, or over-sanding.

Anyway, if you're interested in the mouth removal process, I've dobleepented one here:


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Sanding vinyl dolls is A HUGE PAIN IN THE BUTT. I did it for my DDH-01 and it took so long @__@ I've done modding on resin dolls before, and that goes so much faster, I felt like I was getting nowhere with vinyl! I got it done eventually, but it took sandpaper and various files to get it down to where I wanted it @__@


Anyways, this was the final product after I painted her xD




SHE'S SO CUTE!!!!! Reminds me of Baldylocks girls.

I didn't know sanding was hard. For some reason, because I saw so many people with a sanded/modded DD face I thought it was a breeze. Now I know the real horror of it. Wow... But the end result came out cute though, so would I day its worth it? YES>!

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I actually find sanding vinyl easier than resin!


Modding dolls is really rewarding and fun. Whenever I sand, I usually end up with red hands and smoooooth fingers, lol. It's truly hard work for me, but that's because I don't have a dremel to get things started. I'd say that if you're curious in trying, it's totally worth doing for the experience even if it ends up being a pain in the neck. :p If anything, it'll give you some experience in maintaining your doll-- as sometimes you have to sand to get rid of a stain or if a part doesn't fit very well because it's got extra material on it and so on and on and on. :>

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I didn't know sanding was hard. For some reason, because I saw so many people with a sanded/modded DD face I thought it was a breeze. Now I know the real horror of it. Wow... But the end result came out cute though, so would I day its worth it? YES>!


It can be hard and time consuming, but yes, it is 100% worth it!


My new domain and blog is now based on tumblr, you can find me at http://www.aquilla429.com


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