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Where to find DDS outfits pretty please?

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So, as you may know, I have a DDS Nanami on layaway here on the forum. I cannot afford Volks outfits at the moment, so any hint on where I can find cheaper outfits? What size should she wear, aside hers?


Thank you

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DDS girls can wear pretty much anything made for regular DDs as the size difference is minimal. Places like Alice's Collections et cetera can be a good starting point.

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DDS girls can wear pretty much anything made for regular DDs as the size difference is minimal. Places like Alice's Collections et cetera can be a good starting point.

Thank you *__*

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coolcat and SD dollmore clothes.

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:) coolcat and SD dollmore clothes.



Coolcat *__*



Thank you!!!

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I'm seconding CoolCat, I adore their clothes. I also really like Dollheart, and my Melty gets a combination of DDM and regular SD sizes in their outfits, when I can afford them. And then I buy some SD pants and things from Mint on Card and Alice's Collections, because Rika can pretty much fit her butt in every pair of pants I've gotten her so far. I haven't yet come across an SD girl article of clothing that doesn't look good on my girl. I've been considering trying out TTYA things when I get enough money for the size of order I'm planning, but they have some very cute things.


Welcome to the world of "OMG, my doll needs everything". I hope you have more restraint than I have.

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Welcome to the world of "OMG, my doll needs everything". I hope you have more restraint than I have.

Ahahahahah, I've already been there XD I used to have more than 40 bjds and many, too many, Blythe dolls


I already placed a small order on Coolcat's shop

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