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Hi I have the supply's for a faceup except finishing spray. Do I only have to use mr super clear or zm finishing spray can I use any brand?

Home:Lucy ver. 2, Yukino, Ranko Kanzaki, Hatsune Miku and Yu Morisawa

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You don't have to use Mr. Super clear or ZM Finishing spray... But you shouldn't just pick up any matte finishing spray since some aren't suitable for face ups & might even be harmful for your doll.


Off the top of my head I know that Testors Dullcote is one of the many alternatives out there. After a quick google search I've found a few more:

- Games Workship Spray Varnish Matte

- Liquitex Soluvar Matte Sealant


I personally haven't tried any of these aside from MSC so I can't say how well they'll work on a dollfie though;;;


^^ I think that the sealants tag on fyeahbjdmods has more information about sealants there--- plus a lot more of interesting information ~

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I believe the reason people use MSC/ZM Finishing Spray is that they are guaranteed to work. I've heard of people using sprays they've used on resins before with less than stellar success for vinyl heads.


Never seen a Japanese DD faceup artist use anything but those two either so I guess that says something as well.

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Yeah, Waha has the gist of it--MSC and ZM spray are pretty much guaranteed safe for vinyl. Do note however that MSC at least does its best in warm weather with low humidity, and if it's too cold or too humid it can turn white in places. (Only when it's actually sprayed, it's fine once it's on and dry.)


That "frosting" risk is still considered preferable to what Testor's Dull Cote can do to vinyl in the wrong conditions: it sort of turns sticky and never properly dries/cures in this instance. My mom used it once on a G1 MLP custom (with vinyl texture similar to a DD, only less matte), and it only stopped being sticky because it got covered in dust and dog hair. >.<


I have heard that some people have had success with the Testor's, but it seems pretty variable as to what cirbleepstances lead to things getting afflicted with sticky-itis, and as far as I know it hasn't been pinned down as to what the causing variables are. Temperature? Humidity? Different batch?


There are also other clear fixatives/sealers, which may or may not do well with vinyl. In those cases, I'd say test on a relatively unimportant piece, like the head's *cap* or a spare hand, so you're not loosing any work if it turns into a sticky mess and you have to strip it. (And I'd say the head cap would probably only make sense if you have a standard head. :/ Limited ones tend to vary quite a bit in size and proportion, and aren't easily replaced if stripping the sealer doesn't get rid of the stickiness.)


If you do feel brave enough to do some testing, please let us know! It'd be nice to be able to use a sealer that didn't have to be ordered online every time. ^^;

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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You also need the spray to coat the head prior to painting.

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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Thanks everyone!!!!!!!!!

Home:Lucy ver. 2, Yukino, Ranko Kanzaki, Hatsune Miku and Yu Morisawa

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You can also do the first layer in MSC, then the other layers in ZM/PS/DC/airbrush. From personal experience, PS goes on sticky if it's the first layer-- however, it's fine if it's on other layers. Since I enjoy the texture of PS for painting, for my own dolls I'll do the first layer in tried-and-true MSC. That way you can also try to save on a can of MSC, since it's pretty pricey compared to PS.

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You can also do the first layer in MSC, then the other layers in ZM/PS/DC/airbrush. From personal experience, PS goes on sticky if it's the first layer-- however, it's fine if it's on other layers. Since I enjoy the texture of PS for painting, for my own dolls I'll do the first layer in tried-and-true MSC. That way you can also try to save on a can of MSC, since it's pretty pricey compared to PS.


Oh, that's a good idea! As I recall, the other sealers get sticky because their inherent solvents react with the vinyl; with a layer or two of MSC, the other sealer would then hit that instead of reacting with the vinyl directly.


Though since you mentioned it, now I have to ask: I haven't used Purity Seal myself yet, so in what ways would you say the texture differs from MSC?

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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