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Newbie~ Hi everyone!

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Hi there, my name is -----. I bought a head from a second hand owner last week. It might be until next week or so until I receive it though since EMS shipping is odd like that.

However, the head is of a Dollfie Dream White Christmas Alna~! : D I plan on naming her Marjory and will be saving up to get her a body as of later. 🙂


In the far future I plan on being able to get a Dollfie Dream Xenosaga Episode III Kos Mos Ver.4 and a Dollfie Dream Manaka. Manaka, I plan on naming her Clairice but have no idea what to name Kos Mos just yet. But all will come in time!


So how is everyone today? And are there any tips or things you wish to let me know about? 🙂

Edited by Pickle

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Hi and welcome to the community!

First of congratulations! Alna is such a wonderful sculpt!

Second, are you familiar with staining? If not then I advice you not to make your doll wear dark clothing while she is not being played. Staining is a pain in the arse.


You could remove staining by buying a zit cream remover (there's a special brand to that) and also Mr Super Clean magic eraser.


Aside from those... If you wish to find DD clothing, Dollmore, Coolcat, Alice Collections have cute stuff! If you need more links I could try and find more for you ><;; haha.


Oh and my day is lovely! Currently waiting for my doll to arrive....




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Hi~ I'm Amber. Welcome to the forums~


Alna is a great doll, she's very pretty. I always liked Alna because she has a very prominent nose and it makes her look different from the other DD girls. ^__^ Marjory is a nice name, and very unusual... I'm curious as to what inspired you to pick it!


KOS-MOS is another unique DD, her face is always very recognizable. I have a Manaka, she was always one of my favorites, and I finally got one less than a year ago.


Since your Alna is a white skin, be careful with staining. As espiere said, you can get stains out with pimple cream and Magic Erasers, but many people have said that it's not the same with white skin girls. With normal skin dolls, from experience, I can tell you that the stains go away and they look perfectly fine. However I read on these forums, as well as on figure.fm, that with white skin dolls... The coloring did not end up the same as it was before.


I think one of the most important things to buy is a wig cap, a cloth one. The silicone ones do not prevent staining, but they do help if the wig is a little too big. Dark colored wigs that have dark colored elastic wig caps can stain the DD around her skull and the tips of her ears. If you like dark clothing, it would be advisable to buy a DD body stocking. Volks sells them as well as Cool Cat. I believe that Cool Cat also sells wig caps, but I am not 100% sure.


Here is a link for Cool Cat: http://us.sk-coolcat.com/front/bin/home.phtml


I think browsing the forums will probably help you a lot, but those are the tips I have for now... I'm very sleepy and cannot think of anything else. xD Staining has always been a major concern of mine when it comes to my dolls. Other than that I just try my best to have fun with them and enjoy them.


I am excited to see your Alna, and I hope you get a body for her soon.

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Hi and welcome to the forum!


I believe we're all eager to see your doll completed.


Just remember to search for a white skin body recently some white DD2 appeared on the market here, maybe you will be able to "steal" one from a member here!



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Hi and welcome to the community!

First of congratulations! Alna is such a wonderful sculpt!

Second, are you familiar with staining? If not then I advice you not to make your doll wear dark clothing while she is not being played. Staining is a pain in the arse.


You could remove staining by buying a zit cream remover (there's a special brand to that) and also Mr Super Clean magic eraser.


Aside from those... If you wish to find DD clothing, Dollmore, Coolcat, Alice Collections have cute stuff! If you need more links I could try and find more for you ><;; haha.


Oh and my day is lovely! Currently waiting for my doll to arrive....





Thank you for the congrats and welcome~ : D Yeah I've read about staining and the like. I plan on getting a body stocking and wear a white cloth wig cap or maybe two wig caps if I decide to have her wear a dark wig~ I will look more into it though with time. And I would believe that it is a pain in the arse. Especially since you pay so much for them. x3

I've heard and seen Dollmore (even though that's super expensive), and Coolcat but not Alice Collections. I'll have to look that up sometime~ Have you looked up DollfieWorld before? I don't know if the site is reliable but it is there and people have talked about it before online if I've seen correctly. 🙂

I hope you get your doll soon! I'm anxiously going to be awaiting my Alna. I'm not good with patience. XD

Hi~ I'm Amber. Welcome to the forums~


Alna is a great doll, she's very pretty. I always liked Alna because she has a very prominent nose and it makes her look different from the other DD girls. ^__^ Marjory is a nice name, and very unusual... I'm curious as to what inspired you to pick it!


KOS-MOS is another unique DD, her face is always very recognizable. I have a Manaka, she was always one of my favorites, and I finally got one less than a year ago.


Since your Alna is a white skin, be careful with staining. As espiere said, you can get stains out with pimple cream and Magic Erasers, but many people have said that it's not the same with white skin girls. With normal skin dolls, from experience, I can tell you that the stains go away and they look perfectly fine. However I read on these forums, as well as on figure.fm, that with white skin dolls... The coloring did not end up the same as it was before.


I think one of the most important things to buy is a wig cap, a cloth one. The silicone ones do not prevent staining, but they do help if the wig is a little too big. Dark colored wigs that have dark colored elastic wig caps can stain the DD around her skull and the tips of her ears. If you like dark clothing, it would be advisable to buy a DD body stocking. Volks sells them as well as Cool Cat. I believe that Cool Cat also sells wig caps, but I am not 100% sure.


Here is a link for Cool Cat: (cannot post link since my account doesn't have the privilege yet)


I think browsing the forums will probably help you a lot, but those are the tips I have for now... I'm very sleepy and cannot think of anything else. xD Staining has always been a major concern of mine when it comes to my dolls. Other than that I just try my best to have fun with them and enjoy them.


I am excited to see your Alna, and I hope you get a body for her soon.


Hello there Amber~ thanks for welcome!

I love Alna because she seems very mature to me, yet very sweet. Kind of consoling to me. Feels like I doll that I could actually tell secrets too, kind of bring out my inner child. 🙂 And I came up with the name Marjory randomly really. I'm part of a pet website (it's called subeta if you want to go check it out) and I was just looking up if certain names were available on there and Marjory came to mind and then I looked at the seller's photos of Alna and it kind of just…clicked. 🙂 Marjory just seems like an older yet sweet name. In my personal opinion, I think it fits her very well. : D

KOS-MOS just melted my heart when I saw her face. Photos don't do her justice. I've seen a person do an unboxing of her and there was a close-up of her face right at the end and I just fell in love. She's so beautiful and yet mature (don't know why I like the maturity but I do), and just agh. Just something about her just makes me love her. 🙂 If I ever get the chance to have her, I want to put her on a Dollfie Dream Dynamite 3 Body, if possible. I've seen someone have a natural bust on a Dollfie Dream Dynamite Body but I have no idea if Volks still sells those or not. I love how the natural bust is. I don't like the busts being over circle-y in shape. XD (I'm an idiot, please excuse me. I just realized that KOS-MOS is on a semi-white body which would not go well with the normal skinned dynamite body. Growl. I guess I will have to just have to change her Shapely Bust out for a Large Bust part. XP Guess that saves money though so I guess that's okay. )

I plan on being very careful with the staining issue! I feel like I'm going to be super hesitant when I finally get her all put together! Ahaha. I know I'm going to want to pose her like crazy though and take lots of pictures. I hope that there's an umbrella prop out there for Dollfie Dreams because I'd love for her to have one and go outside without the fear of possible yellowing! XD

I've been to Coolcat before. I kind of check things out a lot before I plunge into things, at least, most of the time. XD I have no idea if they sell the wig caps though. I planned on using the white cloth wig cap anyway though. 🙂 I thought about putting two on her head if I decided that her wig would be of a darker color. I've looked at Coolcat's body stockings but none are to the style I'd want. But I guess I can cross that bridge when I come to it. :3

I can't wait to see her either! I've never seen a Dollfie Dream before in real life, let alone their head. XD I want to have her wear Lilac or Lavender colored eyes though~ I hope to get a body soon as well but it all depends on my job really. I also have a $5,500 dollar loan to pay off. Eh heh. =w=

Hi and welcome to the forum!


I believe we're all eager to see your doll completed.


Just remember to search for a white skin body recently some white DD2 appeared on the market here, maybe you will be able to "steal" one from a member here!


Hey~ Thanks for the welcome!

Oh, I know to search for a white skinned body. No worries there.

To be frank though, I actually want a Dollfie Dream 3 body for her, so there would be no point in buying the Dollfie Dream 2 body.

My apologies. But, thanks for the heads up! : D

Hope you're having a nice day!

Edited by Pickle

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