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Lots of Questions~

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Hello there one and all. I have lots of questions that I need answered. Thanks for all the help that you might be able to give. I hope these aren't too difficult for you guys to answer. I apologize in advance. But anyway, onto the questions~

1) Can you put a Dollfie Dream head and/or body onto a wooden or polished wooden (like a chest, drawer, or vanity type of polished wood) surface and it not get stained by the wood eventually? Or will it stick to the wood causing the doll had to scratch, etc? Or any danger at all with wood (except for the wood being sharp, or un-sanded, that is not the case here).

2) Can the light from a lamp or overhead light fixture (that uses lightbulbs) cause yellowing of your doll just like the sun does over time?

3) What do you think is the best eye size for a White Christmas Alna? 20mm, 22mm, or 24mm? I have some eyes that just look too big but I have no clue what size they are. O_o (I've heard the normal size is 22mm for most Dollfie Dreams)

4) Is it really best to cut pieces out of a hard head cap to make it easier to take it on and off of the Dollfie Dream that wears it? And I've seen an article about it somewhere, if someone knows that link, can you send it my way?

Those are all the main questions that I have right now that I can really think of. Thank you guys so much for reading and I'm so curious as to the answers.

I really need the answers for 1 and 2 though since I want to display my new White Christmas Alna's head and look at her every morning but I'm afraid of what the lights might do to her or what my polished wooden vanity might do~ I'm just trying to be careful. So, right now she is back in her box, in her bag, and the bag's covered in bubble wrap. x3

Edited by Pickle

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1) I cannot answer this, but until someone can, you can always use a pretty cloth to put between the doll and the surface. Maybe a light colored scarf or something like that. Even if people say that wood/polished wood didn't stain their dolls, there are a lot of variables to consider... I think it'd be safer either way to put something under the doll to where she wouldn't be touching it. But that's just my opinion.


2) I do not have my dolls directly under any sort of light, but they are exposed to light from my room's light bulbs daily... I've had my dolls for a long time, and I have not noticed any color changes. However, it is not a direct light source like right above them or something. It's just from my ceiling fan's light.


3) I think that Alna looks best in 20mm or 22mm eyes, but that's just my opinion. I think the best answer is what you like for your Alna.


4) If you plan on changing the eyes a lot, then perhaps cutting the head cap would be beneficial. I personally don't change their eyes once I've chosen a pair, so I don't need to have their head cap cut. Here is a link with a photo of a cut head cap: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=1976

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1) Yes, some wood can stain your girl's parts. For example, Saber had a couple stains from a Volks wooden chair. Best to put something between them and the wood for long periods.

2) It would probably take a long time to see any effects.

3) It depends on your taste (and the eye design). Her defaults are 20 mm and I think she looks better in slightly smaller eyes than the other DDs.

For example, here's a pair of Ersa Flora 20 mm eyes:


4) If you plan to swap out eyes, it can really help.

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1.) I second putting something under her, if you're going to sit her on a wooden surface. My Obitsu's legs got stained from sitting on a wooden desk, and she doesn't stain as easily as a DD does. (She's made of harder vinyl, she doesn't seem to stain as easily!)


2.) I also agree that it's unlikely, but any additional heat may still cause slight "mellowing". Again using my Obitsu as an example, her vinyl seems to have slightly mellowed over the year and a half I've had her, and I live in a hot climate and don't own an air conditioner, so it gets pretty hot, though she isn't exposed to direct sunlight! So the heat has something to do with it.


I can't answer the other two because I don't have an Alna, nor have I ever cut the headcap notch! In newer DDs you wont have to, because of the newer, soft vinyl they used from Neris and Airy on. Though, I think White Christmas Alna does predate them. If you don't want to cut the notch you can use a hair dryer to soften the vinyl enough to squeeze off, though!


If it were me, I wouldn't display her until I had a body for her though.

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Thank you all for the helpful information!

1) I cannot answer this, but until someone can, you can always use a pretty cloth to put between the doll and the surface. Maybe a light colored scarf or something like that. Even if people say that wood/polished wood didn't stain their dolls, there are a lot of variables to consider... I think it'd be safer either way to put something under the doll to where she wouldn't be touching it. But that's just my opinion.


2) I do not have my dolls directly under any sort of light, but they are exposed to light from my room's light bulbs daily... I've had my dolls for a long time, and I have not noticed any color changes. However, it is not a direct light source like right above them or something. It's just from my ceiling fan's light.

The light I have is a lamp that's across the room from where her head would be and the other light is just a ceiling fan above me with a lamp part attached to it; so hopefully that won't do much to her.

I hope that maybe a white towel or something along those lines might work for me putting her against the wood.

It depends on your taste (and the eye design). Her defaults are 20 mm and I think she looks better in slightly smaller eyes than the other DDs.

For example, here's a pair of Ersa Flora 20 mm eyes:

Oh wow~ Those 20mm look gorgeous! 🙂

That's a really awesome Alna you have there. :3

If it were me, I wouldn't display her until I had a body for her though.

Her smile makes me feel better really and I won't have a body for her for awhile. I thought it would be nice to have her out instead of inside a box for more than a few months. I spent so much on her, might as well look at her. 😧 Plus, she's only going to be in my room, not like in a display case or whatnot. And barely anyone comes into my room except for my dad (who I live with but he barely comes into my room except for maybe a couple steps to tell me something or to get something for me when I'm out) or my boyfriend and he seemed to not mind the head. Soooo yeah~

Edited by Pickle

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I have a DD L that I've owned for about a year, who stands on a small table by my computer desk. Next to the table is a tall lamp. The light bulbs from the lamp are not directly pointed at the doll, but they are within 3 to 4 feet of her. It's a lamp by my desk so it's on many hours a day. I don't really notice any changes on the girl. I bought a MDD recently and I can't really tell the difference between both girl's face colors after comparison, so some exposure to indoor light is probably safe. Just my experience.

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I don't think the lights you described will do anything to her that is noticeable. Over time things change, naturally, but from my dolls being in my room's light for several years I have not noticed any difference... Although, they probably have changed subtly, it isn't much. Like... if I buy them new hands or whatever, there is no difference between the skin colors to me. So I think you'll be just fine with what you said. ^__^


Whenever I had my first doll, I didn't have anywhere to put her like a cabinet... I just had her on my dresser for several months, and I put a towel under her. Nothing ever happened, so a towel will work just fine. I just suggested a scarf to have it be more decorative. ^__^ I actually use towels all of the time, whenever I am going to do anything with them like change their clothes or whatever, I always put them on a white towel.


If she makes you feel better and happy, I think you should display her even though she's just a head for now. Just make sure she's somewhere where she won't fall down onto the floor. Their faceups are delicate. ^__^

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Arienette said:
I don't think the lights you described will do anything to her that is noticeable. Over time things change, naturally, but from my dolls being in my room's light for several years I have not noticed any difference... Although, they probably have changed subtly, it isn't much. Like... if I buy them new hands or whatever, there is no difference between the skin colors to me. So I think you'll be just fine with what you said. ^__^


Whenever I had my first doll, I didn't have anywhere to put her like a cabinet... I just had her on my dresser for several months, and I put a towel under her. Nothing ever happened, so a towel will work just fine. I just suggested a scarf to have it be more decorative. ^__^ I actually use towels all of the time, whenever I am going to do anything with them like change their clothes or whatever, I always put them on a white towel.


If she makes you feel better and happy, I think you should display her even though she's just a head for now. Just make sure she's somewhere where she won't fall down onto the floor. Their faceups are delicate. ^__^


Now to just to find a white towel and one that my dad doesn't mind me using for awhile. XD Once I get a body I plan to get her a thigh stand from Cool Cat. I like the way they look and the bottom of the stands are small and circular. Perfect for the space I want her in.

She's going to be on my vanity and it doesn't really get shaken too much, if ever, so I don't think she would fall. But I will be careful. Oh yes, I will. x3

And she does make me feel better. Only thing that makes it a little weird is that I don't have any good eyes to put in her yet since the ones that the person sent her with seem too big and they aren't to my liking at all. XD So, she will be without eyes as well. Poor Marjory (Alna).

I plan on buying her in pieces though. Hopefully that'll save money. ^^

Fenris said:
I have a DD L that I've owned for about a year, who stands on a small table by my computer desk. Next to the table is a tall lamp. The light bulbs from the lamp are not directly pointed at the doll, but they are within 3 to 4 feet of her. It's a lamp by my desk so it's on many hours a day. I don't really notice any changes on the girl. I bought a MDD recently and I can't really tell the difference between both girl's face colors after comparison, so some exposure to indoor light is probably safe. Just my experience.

Thanks for your experience/input! It really helps to see how everyone else has experienced it! 🙂

Edited by Pickle

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