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Multi-Colored Wigs - Strand Staining

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Does anyone know what brands of multi-colored wigs have strands that do not stain? I read in another thread that some wigs have dyed portions to make it multi-colored and can stain (hair strands).


Just bought a black Luts wig with purple strands in it. Any idea if that would cause strand staining?


thx in advance.

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Does anyone know what brands of multi-colored wigs have strands that do not stain? I read in another thread that some wigs have dyed portions to make it multi-colored and can stain (hair strands).


Just bought a black Luts wig with purple strands in it. Any idea if that would cause strand staining?


thx in advance.


I have had a few wigs from from leeke and one luts that DO stain by hair strands! I dont really know about the wig you just got but I would suggest just putting it on your girl and checking for the next few weeks if nothing has shown up in 2 weeks or so I doubt you will have problems, you can also try washing the wig to try and get rid of access dye but if its styled specially I wouldnt want to wash away the style. I hope this kind of helps with your issue =)

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Leeke 'art' wigs are tinted with pastels, and that color will come off on your doll and stain. Same is true for some mohair wigs and a few synthetic ones as well. Usually the wigs made from 'heat resistant fiber' or 'Kanekalon' are safe for DD. If your Luts wig is made from a mix of black and purple plastic fibers, and not purple fibers dyed or tinted black on the ends, it is probably safe. However, you should be careful of the fabric wig caps, dark colored ones often leave stains.

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Thanks, after thinking about it, its probably impossible to dye black hair into purple. Therefore it must be purple color plastic strands. Plus the wig is heat resistant, and paint would start smoking under the iron.

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