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Don't know where to start this forum, help?

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I don't know where to post this forum. Can someone tell me where? I don't know where it should be. But here's what I wanted to say anyway. I apologize for this not being in the right forum. I had no clue as to where it should go.

I'm wanting to try to organize a split for this doll that I've been dreaming of having. Big dream actually since she is pretty hard to come by, hence why I do not want to say which sculpt she is unless people are interested in being part of the split then I will tell those people what sculpt the doll is.

But anyway, I'm only wanting this doll's head but I need to organize a split since the owner cannot. She's on a dd3 mark 2 body with cool cat reinforcement rings and no stains visible or yellowing is visible. The wig and outfit might already be called for though so I will not post it as of right now.

If someone is interested in the body, please send me a pm or if you can't pm yet, you can ask me for my e-mail address. We can then talk prices. 🙂

And please let me know where this forum should be and I'll just try to make this forum there!

Thank you! :3

Edited by Pickle

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Erm, the forum you're looking for is here: viewforum.php?f=36


But if you're not even willing to post the details about the sale I don't think it belongs on this forum at all.

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waha said:
Erm, the forum you're looking for is here: viewforum.php?f=36


But if you're not even willing to post the details about the sale I don't think it belongs on this forum at all.

I'm sorry that you feel that way.

But thank you!

Edited by Pickle

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I agree, I feel you need to post details if there is a hope of the split completing

I have a gorgeous family of DD girls

See my profile for a list of my beauties!!

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I'm sorry that you feel that way.


But thank you!

Let me rephrase: It would break the marketplace rules if you don't post complete details.

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bethykins said:
I agree, I feel you need to post details if there is a hope of the split completing

I ended up putting the details~

waha said:
Pickle said:
I'm sorry that you feel that way.


But thank you!

Let me rephrase: It would break the marketplace rules if you don't post complete details.

Okay. I already posted the details anyway. I just didn't say the sculpt on this forum but I changed it to say it on the real one.

So yup.

Edited by Pickle

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