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DDII or DDS body?

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Hello everyone!

I am in the process of purchasing my very first Dollfie Dream! In the past, I have purchased BJD's, and I'm interested in DD's because of their cute faces, and ability to hold poses. I have the opportunity to buy a brand new DDII body, or a brand new DDS body.

I know already that the DDII body will be much cheaper than the DDS, and from what I've heard less breakable (something about cracking in the joints of DDS?). But, of course, the DDS is more up to date and has better posability.

So, if you can, please give me your opinions on these two bodies! If you could choose, which body would be your pick? Thankyou so much!!!

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latest dds has that problem fixed. in the mark 1 dd3 time it got cracked all the time even during transit yes. the mark 2 dd3 were alot sturdier and would only break if you handled the doll too rough. respect pivoting and turning points and you would get lotsa longlasting dollie fun with them. but this is all just my experience.

making my triumphant return

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There aren't really problems with the DDIII bodies anymore, and you can buy reinforcement parts for them at Cool Cat's shop just to be safe if you're worried!

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Personally DDS is my favorite DD body. It was the first III series body that I owned, and right away I could tell that she could hold more complex poses than my DDdy (which is the same series as a DDII) due to her tighter joints. And although the DDIII has comparable stability I still like the overall proportions of the DDS the best, followed by DDII, then DDIII. Don't get me wrong, I have several DDIII girls, but they're reserved for girls who look good with such looooong legs and a skinny waist.


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I own a DD3 and DDS body. I love the posability of them and they are quite sturdy. I havent had any problems with them apart from the knees being a bit floppy XD


I love DDS the most, the proportions as mentioned are much nicer and suits many dolls.

The dd3 is, yeah loooooong legs xD .


I do not own a DD2 but i know someone who does and the dollies cannot even touch their faces. I think i would prefer to have a wide range of poses i can make to fully enjoy my girls over going for a cheaper body just for the sake of it.

Too.. many.. cute.. dollfies.. CPR for my wallet please!!


Proffesional Face up artist. Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/freyacchis.workshop/

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but i like those long supermodelly legs

making my triumphant return

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Me too







but back to topic, i would go for DDS if you had a choice between DD2 and DDS if you are interested in posing


but i like those long supermodelly legs

Too.. many.. cute.. dollfies.. CPR for my wallet please!!


Proffesional Face up artist. Follow me at https://www.facebook.com/freyacchis.workshop/

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I don't personally own a DDS body but I have played with some and I do own a new and unbroken DDIII and proportions aside I have to agree with what many people have expressed in that they both feel very fragile... I read the other day that maybe its due to the fact that there isn't an actual connection between the inner skeleton and the vinyl parts. Yes, they can touch their faces and can do some fancy sitting poses but for me it isn't worth it. In comparison the DDII body just feels sooo much sturdy, stands better and no cracking issues whatsoever (Believe me I would straight trade my DDIII for a DDII without even blinking )


Anyways, best thing would be if you could get your hands on both of them and decide for yourself and don't overthink about the price



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Thankyou to everyone for your opinions and help!! I appreciate it so much! I was planning on buying from Volks' international site, however as of today DDS bodies are out of stock but DDII bodies are still available! At least now I wont have to rush my decision.

Thankyou again!!

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I have a DDS and DDII and here's how I feel about them (pros and cons)


DDII: Taller if you want taller.

DDS: Shorter if you want a shorter character. The legs are soooo posable! I think my favorite part about the DDS is how great the legs pose...they can cross!


I've found that the waist and bust come loose in the DDS as well as the arms...they just pop out completely sometimes and I don't have that worry with the DDII.

Rise - Rise // Rise #2 - Rise // Ritsuko - 2B // Momo - M.O.M.O. // Nayuki -Mikuru // Romi - 09 // Makoto - Sailor Jupiter // Mikasa - DD07 (WIP)
Waiting on: DDH-25 for custom Akechi 🥰

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I had a lot of issues with my DDS body, so I'm not a big fan. It was built from parts when they were first released, and I had cracks/breaks for both the inner torso part and arms. It's a bit shorter than DD2/3 but the difference is subtle. DDS busts are also sculpted slightly differently, I'd say they're a bit more natural/youthful looking.


DD3 body doesn't seem to have as many issues as DDS (in my experience) so you could consider that, too.

If you want better posing, you can put DD3 arms on a DD2 body and get improved range of motion. I'm not sure the legs would work for upgrading, but for me just the arm upgrade does the trick.

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I think im a little confused right here cause my ddii girls have always been able to sit or stand legs crossed . Even before I owned my first back in 2011 I knew from photos it could be done and have never payed much attention to it afterwards, its just there... I mean the joint is there much alike the DDIII



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