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Eye size variations

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My apologies if the is already a thread on here such as this since I'm a newb to this forum.


I'm wondering if there were obvious eye size variations. Obviously not all doll eyes have the same shape or eye well but are we talking 18 to 22mm? I made eyes for my dream doll in 18s but I'm afraid they will be too small for a Volks MSD.

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For MSD (o maybe you meant MDD?) i don't know, however in matter of DD and MDD i think in general the size preferred goes roughly from 20mm (if i don't remember wrong are the smallest seen sually, on Kosmos) to 24 mm which are the biggest, and best on 04 and 06 heads because are the 2 molds with biggest eyeholes.


in this post Mitsuki shows some dolls with different eyes (20-22mm) it's a bit old http://www.dollfiedreams.com/viewtopic.php?f=21&t=231#p2435


Also at this link there are some comparison (but only on a DDH 01 head) from 24 to 18 mm eyes http://site.volksusa.com/sumikatimes/2009/06/08/quick-change-a-new-impression-using-different-eye-sizes/


I think much depends on tastes of the owner however , you can see different dolls in matter of face up and eyes in the thread dedicated to each standard and limited head in the forum here http://www.dollfiedreams.com/viewforum.php?f=42&start=0, one thread for mold


P.s. MSD as SD usually wear smallest eye sizes for what i know (i don't own a resin doll actually) , but discussion on resin dolls etc goes in a different section (the off topic dolls' one http://www.dollfiedreams.com/viewforum.php?f=41 )

****** My Custom DD outfits shop ******My Custom Faceups shop ******


Girls at home:


Lilac - DD2 WS + DDH-06 /Primrose - White Christmas Alna head /Iris - DDS NS + DDH-05 modded /Amaryllis - MDD NS + DDH-06 modded

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Thank you. I guess I'm assuming that MSD and add are two different doll types. What's the difference? Sorry off topic...

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MSD/Mini Super Dollfie and Super Dollfie/SD are resin dolls with (generally) more realistic sculpts. Dollfie Dream/DD, Dollfie Dream Dynamite/DDdy, Dollfie Dream Sister/DDS, and Mini Dollfie Dream/MDD are all vinyl dolls with anime features.

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Thank you. I guess I'm assuming that MSD and add are two different doll types. What's the difference? Sorry off topic...



MSD/Mini Super Dollfie and Super Dollfie/SD are resin dolls with (generally) more realistic sculpts. Dollfie Dream/DD, Dollfie Dream Dynamite/DDdy, Dollfie Dream Sister/DDS, and Mini Dollfie Dream/MDD are all vinyl dolls with anime features.


Yes, as said by Suzuna there's a lot of difference, also Dollfie Dreams have a internal skeleton while Super Dollfie have elastic inside to permit movements , this forum is mainly about MDD and DD/DDy which are the vynil dolls by Volks, all photos and dolls shared are of this precise line , that's why i said that MSD/SD topics should go in the off topic dolls forum section, you can see the different look even just from the image on volksusa website




on the left Dollfie Dream on the right Super Dollfie

****** My Custom DD outfits shop ******My Custom Faceups shop ******


Girls at home:


Lilac - DD2 WS + DDH-06 /Primrose - White Christmas Alna head /Iris - DDS NS + DDH-05 modded /Amaryllis - MDD NS + DDH-06 modded

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