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DD based on game characters?

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So I was tinkering about on WoW the other day and I though to myself, "A night elf would make a pretty good DD..." but obviously they're (mostly) purple so it'd be difficult trying to completely dye a DD body. But then that started up a whole chain of possibilities like making one of my more human characters into a DD. Then that spiralled out of control and I found myself wondering if anyone has tried (and succeeded) in making a game character that isn't necessarily anime styled into a DD.


I'm currently thinking about Jaina Proudmoore from WoW jaina_proudmoore_by_daeshagoddess-d3h6xnx.jpg


Or maybe A White Mage from FFXIV: A Realm Reborn


At home; DDH-07 'Medea',

Saving for; A body and Saber Lily ^_^

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Guest Aurea

I couldn't find the pics I used to have but some did a really pretty BJD night elf. I did however remember these:

Swift Frostsaber Poseable Doll


WoW Bear Creature Art Doll


Goo dluck with your project

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Some Nelfs are pretty pale, so I think you could actually get away without dying her--get a SW or WS girl, and use a bunch of purple blushing to give her that bit of purple-y-ness. It's even more do-able if you go with one of the warmer purples. You'd have to use custom-sculpted ears instead of the Parabox ones in this case, since the Obitsu white isn't anywhere near as pale as DD white, but then you could get closer to the massiveness of Nelf ears anyway.


Suiseiseki4life, those art dolls are awesome!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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