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The Future ( Mirai ) is NOW! Box opening pics!

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Yep, I did it..... I adopted my FINAL girl, number 30 and she JUST arrived a few hours ago! Funny story that....


I had ordered her from Danny the weekend before last and she was scheduled to be delivered today while I was at work. But thru some act of God or twist of Fate, it poured rain around lunchtime and I got off work early! So I drove like a madman home in hopes I could get there before my mailman did. Unfortunately I didn't make it. >_<


But I'm not one to give up and wait so I took my slip and drove to the post office where I'm good buddies with a few of the workers there. I asked if they could call my delivery person and see where they were so I could meet up with them. They did and gave me the location, about 2 miles away! I sped over there to an apartment complex and stalked the mailbox area like a hawk until the postal driver showed up a few minutes later! Yeah I know, I'm nuts but I wanted Mirai bad! So I signed for her and headed home to open her up!


Now here's the box opening pics you've been waiting to see!


Look, a box!


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I used a tiny Swiss Army knife to open up the box....


14491346485_e0281383a1_c.jpgDSC_2098 by balldylox, on Flickr


And I shouldn't have because right on top of everything was this awesome Moekana card! See the indent line going across it diagonally? That's from the knife.... >_<


14491341875_1bed1b4356_c.jpgDSC_2099 by balldylox, on Flickr


Ah well, let's rescue Mirai! Here's her extra L-bust I ordered on the left. And it seems her feet got a bit twisted during her flight over....


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Oh my..... either she just got back from an all night rave or she's very shy.


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From the back. Her hair is just all over the place! Gotta go grab a brush...


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In order to get her out of her box, you just grab this tab and slide her out along with the tray she's attached to.


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Of course as soon as I slid Mirai out of her box, my little Princess showed up.


"OOoooooo! A pretty new toy for me?!!??!"


14304716629_d7ca01c79d_c.jpgDSC_2105 by balldylox, on Flickr


Pretty yes, your toy, no.


After brushing her hair and putting her hat back on, I now present my 30th and final daughter Mirai!


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She's just so beautiful! Pictures don't do this girl justice at all....


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"Hello everyone!"


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I love her hat and hairpin.


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AND THOSE JEANS! Just amazing.....


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The shoes are pretty cool too.


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Posing her arms and hands is very similar to posing with a DD girl.


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Her eyes are also gorgeous.... so crisp and bright!


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14491280325_f8f4a7ea19_c.jpgDSC_2116 by balldylox, on Flickr


Now let's see what else she came with! First up is her tripod stand. This thing is such a cool idea! Easy to carry and use too.


14304673049_36d7b86d8b_c.jpgDSC_2117 by balldylox, on Flickr


On her lower back is the port you use to attach the stand.


14304669089_a5ae4781eb_z.jpgDSC_2118 by balldylox, on Flickr


Here's the stand attached. It's easy to push in and it has ridges along the sides to keep it from spinning or turning in place.... a really nice touch that shows the thought put into this piece.


14304665839_c2d709304e_c.jpgDSC_2119 by balldylox, on Flickr


Here it is attached and being used.


"Don't look at my rear!"


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Now this is the same pose as the last pic, just turned so you can't see the stand. It hides easily behind her leg!


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Up, up and away! Another pose using the stand.


14491256455_fa8d4c60e3_c.jpgDSC_2122 by balldylox, on Flickr


And here's how she looks from the side. She's leaned WAY back but the tripod stand holds her up nicely.


14304647539_7f57bede0c_c.jpgDSC_2123 by balldylox, on Flickr


And here she is doing a cute little dance move with one foot barely touching the tabletop. And you still cant see the stand back there!


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But even without the extra stand she can do some nice posing and balance well all on her own.


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"I don't need that stand! I've got great balance!"


14468133976_455516599a_z.jpgDSC_2126 by balldylox, on Flickr


She's right too, see how far off center she is by leaning forward? Not bad at all. I'm not saying a DD can't do this as I've done it with mine a few times.... it's just nice to see that she can do it too.


14491235965_16e5985d47_c.jpgDSC_2127 by balldylox, on Flickr


Oh, I almost forgot to put her hairpin back on! So cute!!


14511352433_152682fd6f_c.jpgDSC_2128 by balldylox, on Flickr


This is held in place with a magnet inside her HEAD, not under the wig. It doesn't have the strongest hold thru all the vinyl and hair so be careful with it, mine fell off once when I was moving her hair a little.


14304633338_655db4dc4b_z.jpgDSC_2129 by balldylox, on Flickr


Now that we've seen Mirai herself and her stand, let's check out her paperwork. It all comes in this nice little envelope!


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I thought this owners card was such a cool detail!


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So cool!!!


14511339383_619c86633f_z.jpgDSC_2132 by balldylox, on Flickr


Her "care and feeding" instruction sheet! Way too cute! This is in Japanese on the other side.


14304610199_a20cd25e23_z.jpgDSC_2133 by balldylox, on Flickr


And her character card. I just love this drawing of her! She looks so cute and perky!


14487840441_a4f6d338c7_c.jpgDSC_2134 by balldylox, on Flickr


On the reverse is this note from Danny Choo. A wonderful little personal touch that really means a lot to me.


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So there we have it! Mirai, are you hungry or thirsty? I know you had a long trip so you must be tired at least.


"Actually a glass of tea would be nice...."


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Mirai - "AHHHH!"


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Mirai - "You scared me half to death! That wasn't very nice!"


Manami - "Awww, it'll be okay dear, no worries. So where'd you come from you little hottie?"


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"Hey mister? Who's this girl and why is she staring at me like that?"


Sorry Mirai, I'll have to have a little chat with her. She's mostly harmless tho so don't worry.


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Here's my first girl along with my last!


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Mirai - "Bye for now!"


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Hee hee..... I'm still in awe of her and I can't believe I finally have her home! A huge thanks goes out to Danny for putting up with me and my constant barrages of questions and harassment online.


Now to get Mirai introduced to the rest of the family!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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I had fun imagine you driving like a mad man in order to get this gorgeous girl.



CONGRATS on your last daughter!!!!! She is AMAZING. I really think the stand is so cool and wow she can do some awesome poses.


I love Manami and Mirai together. Manami seem a to eager to play with her younger sister



CONGRATS!!!! Again and thanks for all the cool pictures. You are making me want a Mirai so much. But I need to calm myself and remember I'm unemployed and broke

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Guest Aurea




The messed hair reminded me more of sadako_by_happyhaha-d3k1b0r.jpg


Congrats on another cool girl! Oh your wallet will now end up as a thing of the past


She says all your doll stuffz are mine UuUuUuUuUuUuu

Edited by Aurea

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ahh congrats on your new (and last?!) girl!! Honestly when Mirai first came out I was put off by her, but seeing all these pretty owner pictures come in and now I think I might have to consider adding her to my family as well


Really liking that stand as well, it actually does its job well :o


Haruna (Alter V2 remakeup ver) ☆ Nyx (Rise remakeup ver) ☆ Senka (Rise ) ☆ Aila (DDH-01) ☆ Nero (Saber Extra) ☆ Sora (Miku) ☆ Anemone (Sasara V2) ☆ Beauvoir (Sheryl Nome Remakep ver) ☆ Nymnir Nyven (Yuriko & Liliru) ☆ Jeanne D' Arc ☆ Y'shtola ☆ Leucothea (2b Remakeup ver) 


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"Last" you say. . . why do I not believe you?


Congratulations though! She is quite pretty. I haven't felt any desire for Mirai myself, but seeing her in the hands of someone who knows how to put some personality and verve in a pose makes a huge difference. Look out, because I may not want *a* Mirai, but I think I could easily want *your* Mirai.


The warning card is funny. Who's to stop her from using the stand as a javelin if she wants to, huh?

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Congrats for your new girl, Billy. She is really beautiful and I can't wait to see her interact with your family.

But I can't really believe she will be your final girl XD. perhaps final for now only XD

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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Congratulations! This is fantastic! I wonder what DD will be Billy's last. Mirai is not a DD, so he still has one slot open for a last DD. haha

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:lol: I had fun imagine you driving like a mad man in order to get this gorgeous girl.


CONGRATS on your last daughter!!!!! She is AMAZING. I really think the stand is so cool and wow she can do some awesome poses. I love Manami and Mirai together. Manami seem a to eager to play with her younger sister CONGRATS!!!! Again and thanks for all the cool pictures. You are making me want a Mirai so much. But I need to calm myself and remember I'm unemployed and broke


Ha ha! I was kind of speeding a bit in order to get home, I prolly shouldn't have done that tho. Thanks so much! I'm way more impressed with the stand than I was now that I could mess with it and see how it works. So simple but so useful! And Manami is *always* ready to "greet" new sisters! LOL I'm glad you liked the pics!



The messed hair reminded me more of Sadoko. Congrats on another cool girl! Oh your wallet will now end up as a thing of the past She says all your doll stuffz are mine UuUuUuUuUuUuu


Ha ha ha! I didn't know Sadoko's name but I also thought the same thing when I saw poor Mirai's hair like that! That pic was too funny. Thank you about Mirai! I'm sure she will get spoiled a bit but no more than the rest of my girls.



ahh congrats on your new (and last?!) girl!! Honestly when Mirai first came out I was put off by her, but seeing all these pretty owner pictures come in and now I think I might have to consider adding her to my family as well Really liking that stand as well, it actually does its job well :o


Thank you very much! I think I've always liked Mirai but recently she's really grabbed my attention. And now that I own one of my own, I'm certain that I did the right thing by adopting her. And you're right about the stand, that thing is just way cool! It's so simple but it makes things so much easier for posing. An excellent idea made good!



"Last" you say. . . why do I not believe you?


Congratulations though! She is quite pretty. I haven't felt any desire for Mirai myself, but seeing her in the hands of someone who knows how to put some personality and verve in a pose makes a huge difference. Look out, because I may not want *a* Mirai, but I think I could easily want *your* Mirai.


The warning card is funny. Who's to stop her from using the stand as a javelin if she wants to, huh?


Hee hee, you know me too well! But really, I do not plan on adding any more girls to my family now. I sat down and really thought about this and I don't need to have more than 30. I need to focus on the wonderful girls I own now and spoil them a bit more with clothes and shoes instead of just giving them more sisters to play with.


Thank you! She really is pretty, way nicer in person than in pics. And I'm flattered you said that about how my Mirai has personality in her posing! That's so nice of you! I do try and work hard when I pose my girls for pics so I'm really glad people pick up on that. It means a lot to me! But you cannot haz mine! NOOOOOOO! Bad Poofie! About that javelin.... I need to stash that stand just in case she decides to use it for protection against some of my more "grabby" girls.....



Congrats for your new girl, Billy. She is really beautiful and I can't wait to see her interact with your family. But I can't really believe she will be your final girl XD. perhaps final for now only XD


Thank you! I plan to make an intro thread for her when she meets my girls but it may be a while before I can. My next few weekends are tied up so it might be 2 weeks or so before I can set aside the time. But I'll definitely do one! And I know I've said I would stop getting girls before but this time I really mean it! I'm out of space and need to give the girls I have more attention. Really!



Congratulations! This is fantastic! I wonder what DD will be Billy's last. Mirai is not a DD, so he still has one slot open for a last DD. haha


Thanks so much! But you best stop saying that I have one more slot left! I don't! I need to stop adopting!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Oh my gosh, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd see you get your LAST girl! I love all your posts and girls, so that took me by surprise! But she is more than perfect for the role of your final one, because she is absolutely gorgeous - even moreso than I expected. You have officially convinced me, now I want one too!!! Congratulations!!!

The sculpts in my family:

Beatrice, Rise, Komaki, Lucy, Etheldreda, Konomi, Maria, Nia, Erica, Melty, Rin T., Millhiore, Sheryl, Yoko, DDH-01, DDH-04, DDH-05, DDH-10

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Oh my gosh, I never thought I'd see the day where I'd see you get your LAST girl! I love all your posts and girls, so that took me by surprise!


Hee hee! I know most of my friends are giving me grief about this but I really do plan on Mirai being my last girl. I ran out of space for them and really need to pay more attention to them so capping the collection at 30 makes sense for me now. But don't worry! I'll still do plenty of pics and stories! I'm happy you enjoy them!


But she is more than perfect for the role of your final one, because she is absolutely gorgeous - even moreso than I expected. You have officially convinced me, now I want one too!!! Congratulations!!!


Thank you very much! I totally agree with you about her looks. I liked her before I got her home but now that I see her in person, she's just way more beautiful than I figured on. I'm super happy with her! And that's great that you want one! I hope you get one soon!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Grats! Know that you've been waiting impatiently for her. Can't wait to see more of her from you.

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Aaa, Mirai is so cute~ Congratulations on her safe arrival home --- How safe she is now that she's actually home seems to be another story... that I can't wait to see.

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Grats! Know that you've been waiting impatiently for her. Can't wait to see more of her from you.


Thanks! It's been a long time coming but I'm glad the wait is now over! Don't worry, you'll see plenty of her soon enuff.



@onion24@ Aaa, Mirai is so cute~ Congratulations on her safe arrival home --- How safe she is now that she's actually home seems to be another story... that I can't wait to see.


Thank you! I agree, she's so pretty! Heh, that's funny about her being safe or not. I'm sure that my more mature girls will make sure she's kept away from my more silly and grabby girls.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Shouldn't this be posted in the off topic section?


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She really is just sooooo cute!!! As for her being your last, I'm just going to say "Famous last words..." As usual, though, her personality already shines in just these few pictures because of your talent in posing her! I can't wait to see more of her as she starts to interact with the rest of your family!

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I just want to say I believe Mirai is your LAST girl. I have faith in you Baldy

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Wow!!!!! huge congratulations!!!!!!, she is amazing!, I am in love!, I would like to have one too! but I am not sure how to get one, maybe it is no longer available..


I just love how she can stand and I was surprised to see her lower back for attaching the stand O__O, very smart idea!.


Her cute character card is just too cute!. I feel happy for you to have her now!, please enjoy her and of course do not forget to update your signature, now you have 30 beauties!!! )


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Wow. Grats. Quick questions. Who was your 29th again? Can DD hands fit on the Smart Doll and can the Smart Doll hands fit DDs?

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Shouldn't this be posted in the off topic section?


I guess *officially* it should be but since my DD girl Manami is in this post, that makes it ok. If any of the real moderators decide this needs to be moved then they'll move it to where they think it needs to be.


She really is just sooooo cute!!! As for her being your last, I'm just going to say "Famous last words..." As usual, though, her personality already shines in just these few pictures because of your talent in posing her! I can't wait to see more of her as she starts to interact with the rest of your family!


Thank you very much! Yeah yeah, famous last words, I know. But I really don't need any more girls! And I'm flattered that you can see her personality already! I haven't nailed it all the way down yet but I'm getting close. Thank you SO much for the compliments on my photos! And don't worry, you'll see her with my girls soon!


I just want to say I believe Mirai is your LAST girl. I have faith in you Baldy


Ha ha ha! Thank you for the vote of confidence! I'm trying my best!


Wow!!!!! huge congratulations!!!!!!, she is amazing!, I am in love!, I would like to have one too! but I am not sure how to get one, maybe it is no longer available..


I just love how she can stand and I was surprised to see her lower back for attaching the stand O__O, very smart idea!.


Her cute character card is just too cute!. I feel happy for you to have her now!, please enjoy her and of course do not forget to update your signature, now you have 30 beauties!!! )


Thank you! Don't worry, Mirai is made to be available to everyone, she's not limited. Maybe she won't be available at all times but if you miss a production run don't worry, she'll be available again soon. That's one of the best things about what Danny is doing with her..... by making her available to everyone!


I'm with you on the stand, it's really quite awesome. The hole for it may be a lot different from the normal DD setup but I think it'll be just fine.


And thanks again about her and my family! I'll change my sig soon.


Wow. Grats. Quick questions. Who was your 29th again? Can DD hands fit on the Smart Doll and can the Smart Doll hands fit DDs?


Thanks! My 29th girl was a custom DDdy girl with an 06 head with a faceup by Subaru. Her name is Torako:


14378627006_a0e627e111_c.jpgDSC_1970 by balldylox, on Flickr


As for hands, you can actually use a few of the DD hands with smaller openings on them like the "V" sign and flat "paper" hands. The regular posed hands and the newer fists are VERY loose and don't work on her tho. I'm going to do her bust swap soon and when I do that I'll be sure to take pics of the hands so people can see.





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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Oooh she's gorgeous and #29 is a cutie too! x3


Guess this means Kiyo and Tama-chan are safe then


Seriously though she's beatiful and I can't wait to see what mischief she gets into with all her sisters! Wanted to also say my favorite pictures are of Manami looking through the plastic and also the one where Mirai's leaning over.


I want to see you play with her posability more that's got me incredibly intrigued. Congratulations on bringing her home! Start with an M and end with one too. I like it!

At Home: Kiyo, Hikaru , Nikko, Komaki, Miho, Kana-chan, Tamakits, Illya, Misa, Deku, Nao, Zana, Ciri, Aki, Alisa, Kana, Yuka, Kiki, Komaki (Oni Mode), Ai, Chili, NagisaDDh03Erica, Miyabi, Jun,  Haruka, Sasha, and Laila

Saving for: Accessories! Clothes! Shoes! The Works!

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I just found out about the Smart Dolls! She looks so cute! I can't wait to see her in person. Congrats Dude!

Cocoa (Custom Tan Yukino) is currently taking over my house, and soon...THE WORLD! Now Mocha's here...And Latte too...this escalated quickly didn't it...Wait...is that...is that SABER EXTRA?! and now there's a Yukari


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Congrats! She IS gorgeous! After seeing your pics I must own Mirai! x_x Can't wait to see pictures of the hands as well. Will you be taking pictures of her in different wigs by any chance? Also, is the body slender than a regular DD or the same or chunkier?


P.S. time to update your signature to 30 girls ^_^ hee hee

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Congrats on getting Mirai. It sounds like it was a fun adventure picking her up from the mailman.

She is a beauty and the cards are so adorable. Please take lots of pics of her.

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Oooh she's gorgeous and #29 is a cutie too! x3


Guess this means Kiyo and Tama-chan are safe then


Seriously though she's beatiful and I can't wait to see what mischief she gets into with all her sisters! Wanted to also say my favorite pictures are of Manami looking through the plastic and also the one where Mirai's leaning over.


I want to see you play with her posability more that's got me incredibly intrigued. Congratulations on bringing her home! Start with an M and end with one too. I like it!



Thank you! I thought you saw Torako at the last meet or two? Maybe you missed her, I dunno. You can check her out at the next meet tho... along with Mirai. Tama and Kiyo are NEVER safe! BWAAHAHAHA! Thanks again about Mirai, I think you'll really like her even more when you see her in person. I'm sure she'll have loads of fun with her new family... as well as some odd adventures along the way. I didn't even think about the beginning and ending with an "M" named girl! That's pretty cool!



Mirai is gorgeous! Congrats and thanks for all the great pictures!



Thank you very much! I'm really glad you like the photos!



I just found out about the Smart Dolls! She looks so cute! I can't wait to see her in person. Congrats Dude!



Thanks! I'm amazed you hadn't seen her before now, she's been everywhere online! You'll see her at the next meet in July for sure so look forward to it!



Congrats! She IS gorgeous! After seeing your pics I must own Mirai! x_x Can't wait to see pictures of the hands as well. Will you be taking pictures of her in different wigs by any chance? Also, is the body slender than a regular DD or the same or chunkier?


P.S. time to update your signature to 30 girls ^_^ hee hee



Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked my pics and that you now want a Mirai of your own! And you've got a few questions huh? I probably won't do any wig pics just yet but I may in the future. I've got so much on my plate right now, it's hard to even do the bust swap post I want to do. Gonna have to wait til Sun or Mon to do that one now. But it WILL get done! And I haven't had her clothes off yet to check on her body lines but I *can* say her arms are MUCH more slender than a DD arm. And they may be a bit longer too. I think overall she looks a bit more slender and has a much more defined arch in her back than the DD's do. And yeah yeah, I'll change the signature soon dammit!



Congrats on getting Mirai. It sounds like it was a fun adventure picking her up from the mailman. She is a beauty and the cards are so adorable. Please take lots of pics of her.



Thanks a lot! It was QUITE the adventure hunting her down but it was so much fun! My heart was racing the whole time! Don't you worry, I'll take lots of photos of her to share!





I gave up counting the girls I own, they keep multiplying and won't stop.

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