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Danny Choo Smart Doll Boy [NSFW]

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The POST that went with the pic (Posted on Twitter) has this to say:


But I've got good news folks who are not too keen on whatever the final product turns out to be - I'm also starting a program where folks can design their own heads too! Its simple - just learn 3D (like I did) from Google Sensei using free 3D software (like blender) and make a head. Then get an online 3D printing service to print the head (like Shapeways).


I will then help take your 3D print and make it into wax and then electromold the wax to make a mold which can be used for soft vinyl casting. The cost is what my vendors charge me which will be 1,100,000 yen that you can raise through Kickstarter. Once the mold is ready I will arrange for soft vinyl test casts to be done and put you in contact with folks who do the casting so you can liaise with them directly.


This may or may not be directly related to me asking him about future 3D head artists and gave this more through breakdown in the email I just got from him:


Costs are as follows. You can see how this all flows together under the “making of smart doll” section on the smart doll site.


3D print to wax (300,000 yen)


wax electro moulding (700,000 yen) <- this can fail sometimes which then costs another 700,000 yen. This is due to nature taking its role in electromolding.


Test casting (100,000 yen)


Total (1,100,000 yen)


If you get 50 people to chip in 22000 yen each then you would reach the production cost.


I am willing to donate my time to work on testing out some sculpt ideas for a more manly sculpt if anyone else is seriously interested in this idea. (I'm currently waiting to download Mudbox & making sure it will install.) I'm blown away from the sheer possibility of this! To be honest, if this does well, there are MANY anime style guy sculpts I'd like to do and would be thrilled for limited runs of this sort. It really does seem the best way to get the sculpts we want. (I'm so excited that I can't even type.)


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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indeed it is really good he's offering that part to us to make are own. I don't think I will need it but it will help others so if I had money would help. ( I don't have money I never do XD. still got the Smdoll guy body to get along with a ob65cm.



May I ask here if the height of the Smdoll guy body has been said at all. I have a look at the main page but its only got photos and I could not see it my self.

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That's awesome he's willing to let people create their own stuff through the 3D program, but daaaamn...dat cost. I'll just wait thanks.

I know I agreed with others that this doll doesn't even look like the anime character depicted, but then again neither does Kazumi. She has cat shaped eyes in the art, but the actual doll just looks like Mirai with a blond wig. So my gripes with Eiji are much ado about nothing since Danny's track record with making dolls look exactly like the art just isn't there.

Nerdy schoolboy-look isn't my cup of tea anyway so it was wishful/wasteful thinking Danny would go a different direction. I said before that the Solid Snake idea was a bit of an odd choice, but I think that's exactly the head sculpt (and body sculpt) I'm looking for.

My last 2 cents: Here's hoping enough people will buy Eiji so Danny can get the funds to make Solid. Best wishes to Danny's success with this male bjd. Takes balls of steel to tackle a project like this.

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DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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Am i the only one that finds it weird that the headcap is on the very top of the head? xD


Anyways, the fact that he's offering to cast custom heads is amazing but getting up the cost is (as usual) the hardest part i think.



I am willing to donate my time to work on testing out some sculpt ideas for a more manly sculpt if anyone else is seriously interested in this idea. (I'm currently waiting to download Mudbox & making sure it will install.) I'm blown away from the sheer possibility of this! To be honest, if this does well, there are MANY anime style guy sculpts I'd like to do and would be thrilled for limited runs of this sort. It really does seem the best way to get the sculpts we want. (I'm so excited that I can't even type.)


~Sister Kyoya


I'd totally fund a more masculine head that better suited my fancy, i just hope danny works on the macho body soon x3

Wilhemina (WS 03 DDdy)

Jezebelle (DD Alice Kuonji custom DDdy)

Mariette (DD Mariko custom DDdy)

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I'd totally fund a more masculine head that better suited my fancy, i just hope danny works on the macho body soon x3

same I think for my own character I can get away with the normal body atm but a buff body will REALLY help my oc =D

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I just, the nose and the mouth. I don't like the length of the face still... A different angle does make him appear more Eiji, but I guess it just isn't the way I'd have translated him (shorter face, and not so bishie that looks like a chick). I love the nerdy male types (That's the type I wanted to use too), but still looks more like a cool girl (I bet even more-so with glasses) and I want him to look definitely male, like the design of Eiji.



My last 2 cents: Here's hoping enough people will buy Eiji so Danny can get the funds to make Solid.




Unless he butchers that, and then, well, I'mma try to be optimistic even if this project has left me very much not so.

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I think the head isn't well scaled. Really. It totally breaks Eiji's shoulder span and height. -_- I think if it was more well scaled, it will be better looking.

At home: Ashura (DD Ruri) - Nova (DDS Alice Kuonji)

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The possibility. . . but the priiiiice. I'm tempted to compromise: 3D print a head on Shapeways in White-Strong-Flexible and dye it to match. ^^; That would allow me to do more than just one, really.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Hmm I do like him a bit better without the faceup. Now I'd like to see what other faceup/eye/wig combinations he'll try.


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The possibility. . . but the priiiiice. I'm tempted to compromise: 3D print a head on Shapeways in White-Strong-Flexible and dye it to match. ^^; That would allow me to do more than just one, really.


That's actually pretty smart imo. For me, I instantly thought "Could pay less for DiM or Nobility to make what I want." Resin isn't something I'm opposed to. Do a GO and get even cheaper!

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The possibility. . . but the priiiiice. I'm tempted to compromise: 3D print a head on Shapeways in White-Strong-Flexible and dye it to match. ^^; That would allow me to do more than just one, really.


That's actually pretty smart imo. For me, I instantly thought "Could pay less for DiM or Nobility to make what I want." Resin isn't something I'm opposed to. Do a GO and get even cheaper!


Though with the Shapeways route, if there IS enough interest, I can then use the one I have as a prototype for the Danny way. . . more options, I get to do it myself, and either way I get my head.

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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The possibility. . . but the priiiiice. I'm tempted to compromise: 3D print a head on Shapeways in White-Strong-Flexible and dye it to match. ^^; That would allow me to do more than just one, really.


I like this idea xD except the dying part.... i mean i could also have it blushed to match by a faceup artist, would still be cheaper xD

Wilhemina (WS 03 DDdy)

Jezebelle (DD Alice Kuonji custom DDdy)

Mariette (DD Mariko custom DDdy)

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I've thought about the strictly Shapeways route for a long time. I have a test print of some glasses frames that are in the SWF and they are rough/grainy to the touch. It's called 'flexible' but they are not bendable and would snap easily. I've given myself headaches multiple times trying to think through how to color match well enough so it wouldn't be noticeable in photos. I'm not saying that DD/Smart Doll heads can't be done that way, I'm just trying to point out that it isn't a perfect solution. If it was I would have started designing custom heads well over two years ago.


And with dying, if you go that route you'd have to do research into how dye works differently in cold water than hot, because the head would melt if it is higher than the recommended temp range for the SWF.


As much as there are a handful of resins that I truly adore, compared to vinyl kids, they are very breakable and an aspect I personally don't want to deal with. I'd rather continue to drool over owner pics than dealing with the heartbreak of snapped or chipped parts. So for me that's why I've never found the purely Shapeways or resin route to be the option for me personally.


Who knows if the 'Danny route' is doomed to fail because of the high initial cost, but for me it is totally worth it to try.


And as for the blank Eiji sculpt, I like the eyes better without the faceup. Eiji needs to step away from the eyeliner.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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And as for the blank Eiji sculpt, I like the eyes better without the faceup. Eiji needs to step away from the eyeliner.


I wonder who did the faceup for him this time. My bet is an experienced DD faceup artist who is only used to doing girls. That could influence the manscara look that is making him look more feminine.


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I edited the Eiji pic to see if I could improve his looks, because the original looks a little weird somehow. What do people think?




I just made simple changes: I raised his nose and mouth higher on his face, made his mouth wider, broadened his jaw line a little, and made his nose stick out a little farther (I'd have it stick out a little more, but it's hard to edit that). I also changed his face-up a bit in the eye lines and eyebrows. Personally, I think this makes him look more masculine (without being over the top) and more the Eiji the character.


Here's the original again for comparison (wow it got compressed, oops):


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they are very breakable


Totally off-topic rant.

This is something I don't get--Do people treat their dolls like you did as a child? (Imagine the kid dragging around their favorite toy.) I may have changed to vinyl for the aesthetic, but I just don't get this at all.


Seriously, what are they doing? Throwing them? I've owned over 50 resin dolls and never had a break. Even with crummy packaging in a shoe box from the UK via Airmail I got my doll in tact!


I think the chances of breaking if you treat them with the respect would be incredibly low. I handle mine with care. Do people think they are casted at the same thickness of DD and made of porcelain?


If anything DD are more fragile! XD DD internal frames break more often from basic wear, and I've had multiple come to me damaged either via poor shipping choices (Such as being too tight on the bubble wrap) or just the frame was a flop. Add on the possibility of staining (and not being to a treatable level) and it makes the hard to break, hard to stain surface of resin look amazing. And I'm saying that as a primarily DD collector lol.


The only thing I can say I would worry about is that the face-ups are more fragile, but you should always try to take care of any face-up anyways.



Back on topic, Yukamina, the Edit is SUPER nice, I think something is still a bit off ( I think I just don't like his facial shape which is hard to fix) but I LOVE the eyes, and the mouth is a lot better not being a small smile.

Edited by Guest

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Yukamina I LOVE the edit you have done. maybe send this to danny and let him see it may help.

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And as for the blank Eiji sculpt, I like the eyes better without the faceup. Eiji needs to step away from the eyeliner.


I wonder who did the faceup for him this time. My bet is an experienced DD faceup artist who is only used to doing girls. That could influence the manscara look that is making him look more feminine.

Yes! It's designed by RONRONSHUKA.

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Good job on the edit Yukamina! I quite like him in your look, much better than the current original. I would be really tempted to buy if her looked more like that!


I think the newer pic Danny posted looks a bit better, the angle is much nicer but I still don't like him as he is currently.


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I love love love your edit Yukamina!!!

He would be so perfect for me like this!

Home : Hitomi, Kaori, Lily, Natsuki, Kotori, Yui, Kagami, , Maya, Hana

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Yukamina, send that edit as a suggestion of changes to Danny stat! That is WORLDS better!

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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I would totally buy a girl version of the current Eiji head/face-up...


Yukamina's edit makes me think of DD Mari, in terms of overall shape. I'm not saying that as a bad thing, you certainly made him look more boyish, as well.

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Nicely done Yukamina! I didn't think it was possible to improve that head, but you've done it! If only Danny could see it.

At Home:

DD Snow Miku, DD Luka, DDS Makoto, DD Airy, DDS KizunaAI

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Thanks guys! I'm not really sure how to contact Danny about this

I think you can post it on Twitter, maybe as a response to the posts with Eiji. Or just send him an email at support at smartdoll.jp



- Kizuna [smart Doll] - Isabelle [saber Extra + Obitsu60] - Maya [DDS DDH-06] - Angelica [DD Sakuya] - Kitty [MDD Mariko] - Moonlight [smart Doll] - Emily [DD Miku] -


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