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so it WAS Kyoya! I was wondering who the perfect character you had in mind was. I definitely see it!


Sister Kyoya and Kyoya...I'm surprised it took this long.

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I am so exceedingly OCD about Kyoya and his character that for a long time I wasn't even sure if I wanted a vinyl or 'real' version of him because he would be stepping away from his original story. Sometimes I felt like if I did that he would become someone else and not being Kyoya. This concept is also why I don't keep the characters true to the original limited DD I have (Yui, Mikuri, Kos-Mos, Ranka...) and why I've struggled a bit with Miku.


But Kyoya is Kyoya. I've known that I need a tangible version of him one way or another that at one point I was looking at resins to see if there was one that would even work for me. I just can't imagine not having him in my life, much like LOTR, Firefly, or Doctor Who fans feel like. For me it's gotten so bad that I haven't bought or read the last two manga of Ouran because of how much I didn't want it to end. It's frankly remarkable that I ever even decided on who to use for Kyoya. I was planning on having the full version of Eiji be another character entirely. If Danny hadn't posted that one pic of Eiji in the Obitsu glasses I might have. It still took me about half a day before I hit the 'wait minute...' moment and frantically went back to look at the pic. Even after I saw the possibility that existed I was very undecided because Kyoya's chin is really pointy and one of the things I've been a stickler about for a long time. Finding a combo of that chin and the eyes in one sculpt is near impossible so I've decided to take a bit more of a 'realistic anime' view of his features.


I feel so dang giddy every time I think about Kyoya finally being a reality for me. I'm planning on doing some custom eyes so he will be really right. I kinda mentally groan when I think about how much clothes he has, and how much of my skill it will take to convincingly pull off the rich kid clothing. Of course he will also have the dresses he wears in the manga and anime... and even his caterpillar suit at some point.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Congrats Sister Kyoya! it seems you will be the first one to receive him I can't wait to see Kyoya in DD form =]


I wanted to get him but didn't have enough to make the purchase. I will have to wait until the next release because I have zero savings right now :'[ I'm also hoping to see if Volks will make a DD boy.



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That makes a lot of sense to me actually, I'm the same with Kaito. I've wanted a doll of him for a long time but nothing really fit for me. I didn't want to make a custom pure neemo or even obitsu solely because I know my faceup ability is imperfect, which is fine for some characters, but Kaito needed to be perfect. I didn't want him on a modded DD body or the obitsu body I'm not 100% satisfied with. Call me obsessive but when it comes to Kaito, only perfection will do, and I'm glad Eiji's face looks the way it does.


Congrats to us both for this chance to make our most wanted characters!

Edited by Guest

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Thank you! I was just thinking that it will be fun doing a comparison photo shoot between the Dev and final versions and realized that Kyoya and Madison would pretty much end up doing a bunch of shots like this...




Two smexy, non-hybrid guy bodies in the house... I think I'm doomed. It may fry my brain.


The one thing I have been totally trying to deny to myself is the fact that Kyoya has a similar trait to our Miku... once the foot is in the door there is a bevy of friends waiting to follow. I really hope the buff body will work for Mori... and if Volks does make a male body... I'm afraid that I might end up with three sets of twins... Hunny would be the same body as either Tama or a 45cm boy, and Haruhi would be a boy (it's my world so I'll build it how I want!) Madison already seems to be filling the Tamaki role but more of a dark version. Tamaki's 'idiot king' persona is already firmly attached to the Kaito I want to make eventually.


I know the wait for Eiji won't be as long as it is for Volk's preorder girls, but the anticipation is going to be suffocating!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I pre-ordered mine today! I'm so excited to have both my Ivory Futaba and Eiji!

At home:

DDH-05: Kimiko

DD Snow Miku: Miss Yum Yum

Smart Doll Ivory: Yuki

Smart Doll Chitose

Smart Doll Eiji: Hotohori

DD Saber Extra

DDH-07/SmD Hybrid: Maki

Smart Doll Harmony

Smart Doll Twilight

DDH-10 MDD: Anzu Futaba

Smart Doll Crimson Kai: Takeshi

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YAY! Congrats! I can't wait to hear what others have to say about the Smart Doll boys once they can finally manhandle him get their hands on him!


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Update on my tweet.


Danny said it will be at least a YEAR before buff is available. I asked again if he is gunna be a full doll or a option "bust". but i guess he may not be sure yet.



Grats SK for the order! I do hope the price reduction for the dev's has gone threw so you can nab extra things for him at the store. He fits the cargo pants in there right..? XD I might nab one if I can at the magical time I can got one lol. Probably will be able when the buff version is out lol... I'm so poor...

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Update on my tweet.


Danny said it will be at least a YEAR before buff is available. I asked again if he is gunna be a full doll or a option "bust". but i guess he may not be sure yet.



Thanks for checking!

Tsuneko (Alisa) - Asuka (DDH06) - Haruka (DDH06) - Momoko (DDH04) - Lux (White Xmas Alna) - Alia (DDH-07) - Kizuna (smartdoll) - Azami (Alice Kuonji) - Melty - Kos-Mos - Kirika - Sheryl Nome - Ranka Lee - Mariko Sensei - Airi (Momo)

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I really do hope he does a new body for the buff version. Having a buff upper half on the current thighs would just look weird. They need to be buff as well. I wish we could convince Danny to make him a smidge taller than Eiji for my own self-centered reasons that I want Mori taller than Kyoya. (It's my ship and I'll sail it if I want to!) If not I can always do it with shoes if the head sculpt is right. In the manga a few times Kyoya doesn't have his glasses on and he looks like Mori with slightly different hair. I'm expecting to have less difficulty sculpt wise for Mori because I'm more flexible with his character.


Than you! I was so excited to get Eiji that I didn't think about getting anything else after I found out his extra hands aren't available yet. I think I've gotten so used to not ordering clothes that it didn't even cross my mind. So with the extra I saved I finally ordered the last two Ouran mangas. Still so many mixed emotions about it that I have no idea if I will read them right away when they get here or if I will lock them up for the next six months and not even look at them.


Even if all of that is up in the air, I at least have a solid intro for Kyoya in our household. I wrote him into the photo story I've been trying to do for the last two months (SmDB stuff has completely dominated my time) just in case Eiji turned into Kyoya. If I decided he wouldn't work, that part of the story would just be some unknown character. It has been unbelievably hard trying to figure out for myself how Kyoya would/could semi-realistically come from 'his' world into our DD storyline without a lot of weirdness or him not being Kyoya. I'm not going to say what it is just because of spoilers, but I'm definitely working on the story and photos when I can manage the time without being completely stressed.


Part of me still doesn't know if I should laugh or be mortified that before I really could see if Eiji would work for Kyoya, he would have been another character who's weirder than Ralph. Of course that means they would be fast friends. LOL! I could still use that character for one of the SmDB in a darker skintone. Is Harmony going to be the darkest? Oh man... I can't wait to see that skin tone in the buff body...


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I'm glad to hear he is making a buff version even tho it means waiting a little longer :3


I think it will be a full version if he says it might be another year. Also if it was option parts it will super wired with the rest of his body lol.

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Hello! I'm a bit of a lurker but I caved in an ordered him when he first went up yesterday! I'm really happy to see other people bought him too (dolls are not in my social circle unfortunately). I hope Danny makes those other eyes as options in the future though, grey isn't what I'm looking for.

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Hello! I'm a bit of a lurker but I caved in an ordered him when he first went up yesterday! I'm really happy to see other people bought him too (dolls are not in my social circle unfortunately). I hope Danny makes those other eyes as options in the future though, grey isn't what I'm looking for.

Hiya Sato. same as you i will need a blue pair and then i need to make a custom eye for his other. so i hope maybe when i can order he will have them out.

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It's so exciting that preorders are finally open. I'm eagerly anticipating everyone's pictures! I won't be getting Eiji because I'm still holding out for a shorter but still mature male to be released, but who knows.. If buff ends up looking great and is available in tan(oh noooo *///^///*) I may very well cave lol

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Especially, especially since there is a 95% chance that I will make him into Kyoya Ootori.


~Sister Kyoya


My face right now:


I cannot wait for those pictures! Congrats on your new boy!


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I'm looking forward to seeing what eyes will work and what ones will be available from Danny as well as others. I currently have the supplies to test out my own resin eyes, but just like with everything at the moment, I haven't found the time. I'm hoping it will work well, but I'd rather wait until Eiji gets here to check what size works and all that. Custom eyes is something I've thought about a lot and I need at least three pairs at the moment that I know of, and I may redo Madison's and Lucas' Parabox ones because I like the style it's just the quality that sucks. I can print higher quality images on my home printer. (What do they use, a dot matrix printer??) So I won't promise anything since I haven't even tested it yet but I will say that at the moment I'm hopeful. My biggest pet peeve about animetic eyes is the lack of ranges in the colors. At one point I'd spend hours making eyes for Sims 2 and each type probably had at least twelve color variations if I liked them. In the original Illustrator file for Dolly's eyes, there are 14 different colors. Things like this is why I really hope more people find that designing eyes and making them is fun because as individual producers who do short run or small batch eyes, not only would there be more variety on the market, more color variations are possible because unlike the large corporations the small businesses don't have to focus on just the top five or six biggest selling colors.


I think that's one thing that I really love about this hobby as a whole is because it really allows for an artist's market. I personally don't worry too much about who I may be competing with because I figure that people buy what they like, if it's mine or somonelse's. For some the hobby may be about collecting 'brand name' stuff but for many it is a means to an end to make something important to them come to life in one form or another. This is also why I'm generally pretty open about sharing info on how something is done so the whole community can benefit. I love seeing creativity spark new ideas and that triggers another bloom of creativity in someone else... it's just so fun and exciting to see. I am entirely enamored with the possibilities that every idea holds.


Especially, especially since there is a 95% chance that I will make him into Kyoya Ootori.


~Sister Kyoya


My face right now:


I cannot wait for those pictures! Congrats on your new boy!


I've been resisting posting the pics of me playing with the glasses frames I bought in Photoshop just to get an idea what Eiji would look like with them. I try hard not to do that because the sizing is always off, but I'm just getting too impatient. Sufficed to say, one of the pics that Danny posted today on Twitter looks similar enough (with the fake glasses) to one of pieces of artwork from the manga that I catch my breath when I look at them side-by-side. So this is what I'm hoping for:




Recoloring Eiji's eyes really isn't the same but it's closer than the grey defaults. Now if his glasses don't fit like this, then I'll have to make them...


~Sister Kyoya (Whose heart is beating a bit faster at these photos than they really should be...)


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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First off I have to mention the glasses... I am totally FLOORED that they look better in person than the kinda lame Photoshop rendition. The height of the eye/lens holes is narrower than what the pic looked like, making it exactly what I wanted for Kyoya. Once Eiji gets here all I need for Kyoya to be finished is custom eyes and his clothes, one piece I've already been prototyping. The only problem is I'm starting to like Madison a lot better WITH the glasses! That's saying a lot since his character starts out as a douchebag.


The pants are still a prototype and need some things fixed since the waist size somehow got goofed when I made the pockets and I had to pin it in the back to hold them up. The fabric also just happened to be what I grabbed, they aren't supposed to look like polyester pants from the 70s... There are some details that his shirt is covering up that I'll show some of in later shots once I get to them. (My sleep is screwy again and I'm running on energy fumes after taking a sleeping pill and not being able to sleep...)


Now, the part I'm really excited about is the shirt! This is the long sleeve slim fit version. It's a bit challenging to put on because the arms and hands have to come off, and I'm still trying to figure out the best way to get the shoulder joints back together. It is near impossible to see where the two pieces go together because the shirt has to be on before they reconnect. This has to do with the narrow waist, it will not fit on over the shoulders when they are connected to his body. The loose fit shirts are much easier to put on.


This is the first of 11 designs I've done with 2 more below and the rest should be finished sometime next week. I know stripes are not the most exciting but I'm uber thrilled that they match up on the seams! From a design standpoint things like that can get really tricky. Just like the other t-shirts I've done, the inside is entirely white. Even after so long I still get really excited about that because then we can have colorful clothes without having to worry about the color transferring on hidden areas. Spoonflower has changed the saturation level of the black so it actually looks black (YAY!) instead of charcoal gray but I haven't had a chance to stain test it or find out how much it does or doesn't change once washed.


I actually had a lot of fun doing the designs, some of them still crack me up when I think about them. All the others have either graphics and/or text so this is really the only one so far that just a pattern fill. At first it surprised me how difficult it was to decide on what I should do for high school aged boys since I've really only been used to younger boy designs (aka Tama) because even Ralph has the tendency to wear things with cartoons on them, basically stuff that Madison and Kyoya wouldn't be caught dead in. So there are designs to suit my 3 older boys, Ralph, Lucas, and Madison and their drastically different personalities, an unintentional Doctor Who reference, one that Tama has mixed emotions over because it's cute but rude, and of course a couple for yaoi fans. There are other designs I'm looking forward to working on like 'Athletic Dept.' shirts but it has been challenging trying to research guy's t-shirt designs that aren't just sales fodder for major sports manufacturers or things like Star Wars.




It's Super R.A.D.! (his full name is Ralph Alfie Day) This design started as a Tama shirt but I thought it would be fun to do it in all the letters of the alphabet and do a version in very girly pinks and purples once I get around to the DD tee pattern redesign.




This design was suggested by Poofiemus and I just thought it was too funny not to do it. Granted it is a bit morbid, but with as many floating heads as we have around here it is also ironic. This is the loose fit version tee.




Strangely enough it has been odd to me having to remember that I can do designs on the back as well since these don't have the Velcro in the back. Since this is the first print of these designs, some of them may be rescaled if they ended up bigger than I intended. (Sorry for the long ramble, I'm tired and my brain wouldn't shut up.)


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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I'm glad to finally see Naomi's Closet stuff! (On the SmDB body, that is.) Maybe there should be a thread for it so it doesn't get lost in discussion?

I'm really interested to see the rest but I'm definitely impressed with your improvement from what you've shown so far.


(Also, if Madison has claimed those glasses, the obvious solution is to get glasses for -everyone-.)

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@Sister Kyoya: those shirts I love all of them!! great designs and nice fit, I also love the designs on the back. Can't wait to see the one for the yaoi fans hehe will you be selling them here or on etsy? *saves pennies* and the eyeglasses look awesome too, so glad everything is working out for you =]



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Wow, Madison looks so good with his faceup; I actually forgot for a second he was a dev head. The glasses are awesome, too--brainy specs! =P


I think it's a given which shirt is my fave. Say, are these shirts only going to be SmDB size, or would they ever come in other sizes like DD or MDD? (Because the "lose my head" shirt SCREAMS "Homura".)

In this household, sanity is considered a tresspasser.

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Those shirts are amazing! I really love the "lose my head" one.


Miku, Aria, Celia, Melody, Aveline, Rin T, Ted, Chi, Yumi, Melanie, Rin K, Len, Ea, Alter, Illya, Rachel, Aelia, Matt, Jace, & E.N.O.


Rose, Tara


Hannah, Lucy, Sonya.

Neemos: Yuki & Mimi

Resins: Mizuumi & Aiko

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I'm glad to finally see Naomi's Closet stuff!

YAY! There has been SO much I've been doing the last few months and almost none of it has even been photographed, and there is some of it I'm pretty excited about. Those darn pants have been the hardest to work out, but at least I'm starting to understand how to make the patterns work and that's loads better than when I started.


Maybe there should be a thread for it so it doesn't get lost in discussion?

Yeah, I wasn't going to flood this thread with my personal stuff but I thought I'd at least give you guys a heads up. I understand that this is a DD forum, but part of me gets more than a tad frustrated that there isn't room to grow for similar vinyl dolls (aka any of the Smart Dolls) so I can't post Madison pics in a forum member shop, as an example. I might be able to do it if I use Ralph's head since the forum rules state that a DD is defined by the head sculpt and not the body, but I don't want to do two sets of pics when I only need one... If I make a "Boys Club" thread in the Smart Doll section and have Lucas (who will be wearing the SmDB clothes) and Ralph in there as well as Madison and Kyoya, is that off limits too? So in this gray area I'm feeling a bit lost and very, very confused.


I'm really interested to see the rest but I'm definitely impressed with your improvement from what you've shown so far.


(Also, if Madison has claimed those glasses, the obvious solution is to get glasses for -everyone-.)

I'm actually pretty relieved that I've managed to impress you. I look at this stuff day in and day out so after a while I can't even tell what someone might think seeing it for the first time. I'm still debating on if the patterns need some minor alterations or not since they printed out just a tad smaller than the patterns I've been using. Part of me is being totally OCD and demanding that I fix it immediately as well as 3-4 other alterations while another part says it's totally fine as it is and just to leave it so I can move on to something else. I'm starting to think Madison may have glasses in the future, but I will NOT let him take Kyoya's. I wouldn't be surprised if at some point in time all of our kiddos had glasses, even just for the novelty of getting a picture. I just wish the right ones weren't so hard to find.


@Sister Kyoya: those shirts I love all of them!! great designs and nice fit, I also love the designs on the back. Can't wait to see the one for the yaoi fans hehe will you be selling them here or on etsy?

Thank you very much! There are a few others with designs on the back, and one with a wrap around design that I'm keeping my fingers crossed that the image will match up properly. It's really the last one I'm nervous about.


All of my stuff will be sold on my website, Naiomi's Closet (link in my sig.) and hopefully should be posted there soon. I'm redesigning the site today (ugh! AGAIN??) to make it 'mobile friendly' since it currently is definitely not. There are also some other features I've been waiting to add for a while, and to fix some stuff to get it all working properly before Eiji's release. Kinda hard when I don't know exactly what date that will be.


One of the things I really hope to emphasize is how much everything can be customized. Take the striped shirt for example. Want black and white stripes instead of the colored? Easy-peasy. I can do a different color pallet entirely, because some boys like to wear pink, or maybe lemon yellow. Long sleeve, short sleeve, fitted or loose, we can do that. Better yet, I've got plans for sleeveless tank tops, hoodies, and v-neck options have been requested so almost any of the current designs should be available on the styles I haven't gotten to just yet. There is also another knit fabric that Spoonflower has that I want to try that is much thinner and I'm curious about how it would drape, the only concern that Raven had was that the thinner fabric would look cheap so we went with the kind I knew what to expect. Since I do my own fabric prints, these can be used on any other piece of clothing in Naiomi's Closet and isn't like most stores where 'what you see is what you get.' There is that option for those that want it, but knowing that everyone wants something special for their kiddos I can't help to get excited about all the possibilities. I could even do Ringo's Princess design on a SmDB shirt if someone wanted me to. Too bad I don't have a guy at the moment who would want that because I'd totally do it. LMAO! It almost might be worth it just because I know that Lucas would somehow get Tama to wear it. "But I'm not a Princess... I'm a boy."


So that's just some of the stuff I'm really looking forward to working on once people understand that Naiomi's Closet isn't just a standard clothing store. It can be used that way, but there is so much more that I'm able to offer because of how I do things. Heck, years ago I mentioned that I thought it would be fun to do my own one-offs of full DD just for the challenge of it if anyone would be interested. So much of the time I just want to say "Let me help you make the DD you want and I'll do the work!" And now with the SmDB releasing soon I feel like I have the chance to do something different and show what the possibilities could be. How wide are the possibilities? Between the Anime and the Manga, Kyoya wears three dresses and they all pretty much are ballgowns. I even have a dress planned for Ralph once I get to it when I start working on the DD Nutcracker (he'd be Mother Ginger.) One of the few limitations I have is probably armor. Its something I'd love to do but I have 0% experience with it. I'd love to know if someone out there does and will make SmB versions because Kyoya and Mori both have suits of armor.


Ack! Sorry, I really don't mean to ramble on... I blame caffeine.


Wow, Madison looks so good with his faceup; I actually forgot for a second he was a dev head. The glasses are awesome, too--brainy specs! =P

It has really taken me quite some time to get used to his hair. My sister was here when it arrived and she heard me complain that it was just wrong, and looked at me weird when I proceeded to crunch it and completely mess it up. It was just way too flat and made his head look like a ball. I'm aware that his faceup is pretty severe, especially the eyes, and part of me is mildly tempted to see if I can get another one of that sculpt and do a proper job of it. Plus he still doesn't have the right style of clothes yet (the striped shirt IS his however) to show off his personality correctly. Woops! nearly spilled the beans there...


I think it's a given which shirt is my fave. Say, are these shirts only going to be SmDB size, or would they ever come in other sizes like DD or MDD? (Because the "lose my head" shirt SCREAMS "Homura".)

Somehow I missed seeing your post before I started responding, so you already know that my answer is "Yes, I can do that!" The only caveat being that I need to do the sewing pattern redesign for those sizes without the velcro in the back. I'm not expecting it to be very hard since I already have working patterns, I'm just more than a little stumped on how to do a fit version of the tee for the L bust girls and be able to get it over their boobs without the back opening. (What size Obitsu is Homura again?)


Those shirts are amazing! I really love the "lose my head" one.

Poofie gets the credit on the idea of that one. I was panicking trying to figure out how to think of 11 designs to get done asap and she suggested looking at the 'Sh*t Dollfie Dream Owners Say' thread for funny ideas, and before I had a chance to she suggested I do that shirt. I just thought it was funny to put the skull on the back. I had already wanted to do the red to white gradient just to test it out but originally it was going to be red on the bottom and white on the top.


So the moral is, if you can get me to laugh, I just might do your bidding by my own free will. LOL! It's also how Ralph gets away with being such a weirdo. Sometimes I wonder if he says such random things just to get people to giggle. Other times he just doesn't make any sense, like when I was in the kitchen one day and I heard him say "Beware of the walking leeks" without any explanation. LOL! (Most of the time I hear Ralph talk, he sounds like Keanu Reeves in Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure. )


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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Those shirts are amazing. I'd ask if you can do a Kaylus' sized one but he'd have to go there for a fitting and I don't think Lucas would like that much. Darn, I wish we lived close by.



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I'm sure Lucas would absolutely hate it... but Tama would be so excited to see his Big Bro Kaylus that I have no idea what level his excitement would reach. That alone would make Lucas at least attempt to keep his mouth shut as long as he had something to punch when Tama wasn't looking. The air would be positively cobalt blue. I'm sure Lucas would be a bit baffled that even Dolly would be thrilled to finally challenge Kalus to a wrestling match. Could you even call that a match? Either way his macho level would be enough to run Yuriko out of the house. Madison's arrogance has been slowly climbing once he started to realize that he's been getting more camera time since Ralph is too laid back to be a model. So having another guy in the house, even for a short while who would be threatening that position and taking attention away from him would cause a few ruffled feathers. (That alone makes me want to cheer for a Kaylus visit! LMAO!)


It slightly weirded me out with the thought of Kaylus being here because I just woke up from a dream that I had just got a resin boy added to our family. That truly is a first! It's been a couple of years now at least that I've wanted my own Iplehouse guy for Ellie and Eddie's big brother so it kinda made the dream even weirder especially since I have 7-8 DD to finish first (including Eddie.) Earlier last week I did begin to wonder how the SmDB patterns would fit the resins out there without alterations. Once I get more of the shirts done I'll definitely be trying them out on our DD as well, like Dakota in the blue shirt. I was thrilled that it fit over her chest! I'd be really happy to know if some of Eiji's clothes fit any of the larger BJD. I could add the info on the site in the FAQ if anyone finds out what resins will and won't work.


~Sister Kyoya


Forum Blog: Badger Pocket Tales (Family story from the beginning) | { Old Family story reboot: Start Here! }

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...I cant believe me and SK both had a dream about getting a resin guy

In my case it was Crobidoll Zion - http://crobidolls.com/shop/step1.php?number=1898 I can't stop looking at him, he's SO CUTE (he kind of looks like he could be a long lost relative of Tamayuki with that adorable face) but I was surprised to learn he was SD sized as his baby-face suggests otherwise. I'd really like to know how he looks standing next to Eiji - I cant get over them being almost the same height - and whether they'd look too weird together or not.

Also because Crobi has some nice clothes that I'd really like to try on an Eiji! Too bad a lot of them are dark, though... It's so frustrating seeing really nice SD clothes that would look great on an Eiji but not knowing whether they'd fit, so the irrational side of me is saying I obviously need Zion to let Eiji try on his clothes.

Edited by Guest

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