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Entering in DD Lottery?

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In the future, when Alisa GE2 DD comes out, I am planning on entering in the lottery for her (MUST HAVE). However, I am not sure how this works and how they are usually set up. I swear I've read it somewhere before but even if I did, it did not explain well enough how it usually runs. I live in the U.S., so does that also makes a difference whether or not I can enter? And are the days to enter the lottery only on one day or on multiple? O: Answers are very much appreciated! :3

I apologize if there was another forum exactly like this one.

Edited by Pickle

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Thank you ever so much! This helps a lot.

I hope Alisa comes out soon~ I absolutely love her so far from what I've seen. ^^

Actually that page needs to be updated. Volks USA doesn't do lotteries anymore, so you have to go through Volks JP. Basically, for the purpose of the lottery, pretend that Volks USA doesn't exist.

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foo said:
Pickle said:
Chise said:

Thank you ever so much! This helps a lot.

I hope Alisa comes out soon~ I absolutely love her so far from what I've seen. ^^

Actually that page needs to be updated. Volks USA doesn't do lotteries anymore, so you have to go through Volks JP. Basically, for the purpose of the lottery, pretend that Volks USA doesn't exist.

Aw crap. D8 That really stinks. >.< At least they have it in English though~ :3

Thanks for letting me know! : D

Edited by Pickle

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Oh, when you use Volks JP click the link near the top for English. All the product descriptions & shopping for DDs is available in English.

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foo said:
Oh, when you use Volks JP click the link near the top for English. All the product descriptions & shopping for DDs is available in English.

Yeah, I just edited my post because I was trying to work with the page. And then I found the button.


My bad~ heh.

Jezrah said:
Use the English version. https://www.volks.co.jp/page_ex.jsp?CON ... version=en


If for some reason it reloads in Japanese the English button is in the top right corner next to the gray buttons.

I just hit the english version on the original site ('cause I'm an idiot and didn't see the darn button). 🙂

But thanks for the link though! :3

Edited by Pickle

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Actually that page needs to be updated. Volks USA doesn't do lotteries anymore, so you have to go through Volks JP. Basically, for the purpose of the lottery, pretend that Volks USA doesn't exist.

Good point! I forgot that our FAQ could use some updating as a result of the recent business changes. I've edited all three FAQ posts to reflect the new reality of VolksUSA in regards to lotteries.


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